It needs to be green at the start of the photoperiod and stay green.The drop checker turned green by the end of photo period.
It needs to be green at the start of the photoperiod and stay green.The drop checker turned green by the end of photo period.
Agree. Since you don't have any livestock in the tank you can be aggressive with the CO2 injection and aim for green/yellow in the drop checker. You won't hurt your plants to have high levels of CO2 (quite the opposite).It needs to be green at the start of the photoperiod and stay green.
Can you suggest me an alternative. It’s dwarf version isn’t available and the guy from who I buy plants said that it looks like Indian weed which is banned in most of the statesThose are not enough use the below plant!
Hygrophila polysperma - Dwarf Hygrophila
Hygrophila polysperma is a robust and highly adaptable plant originating from India and Bhutan. There is also brown variety native to Sri Lanka, which has been brought into trade by the aquatic plant nursery Tropica and is sold under the
I think a lot of people end up here. I look on <"slow growth as an asset">, mainly because it gives you some <"wriggle room"> when life intrudes - <"High tech with low maintenance- looking for inspiration">.Personally I prefer low tech with no co2 injection because it slows the rate that everything happens.
I'd always recommend people start off with "Easy" plants <"plant details - Tropica Aquarium Plants"> that want to grow in the conditions you can offer, and some of these plants with the <"aerial advantage">. I say this because <"healthy plant growth"> is the "golden ticket" that makes tank management (and fish-keeping generally) simpler and more enjoyable.It a great way to learn because you have more time to see problems and prevent them becoming a issue.
I think we've all advised @maverick786us that patience is a virtue ......I think one of the issues is that if you promote ,<"simple techniques"> for successful tank management people don't stagger from one disaster to the next and the whole need for pH buffers, water test kits, anion exchange resins, activated carbon, medications, <"special filtration media">, <"special aquarium lamps">, HMA filters, RO units etc just disappears.
If I tell people (on other forums) that:
I will receive a lot of disbelieving comments, but all of these statements can be verified by a quick look at the scientific literature.
- rain, or UK tap, water are safe to use in your tank (with certain provisos),
- that plants are the most important factor in biological filtration (because "plant/microbe" filtration is much more effective than "microbe only" filtration),
- that oxygen is more important than ammonia in biological filtration,
- that nitrification is mainly carried out by Archaea in aquariums or
- that floating (or emergent) plants are a more sensitive measure of nutrient levels than any test kits,
That one.It might not create an amazing aquascape in a few months but it let's you learn on the job and build the knowledge base to move forward.
Yes, this is a federally listed noxious weed in the US. It's not impossible to find from other hobbyists, but no reputable business will sell it.Can you suggest me an alternative. It’s dwarf version isn’t available and the guy from who I buy plants said that it looks like Indian weed which is banned in most of the states
Use that then!I have water wisteria in my other tanks.
Take a cutting above a leaf node!And what is the right way to uproot these thick stem plants without damaging the substrate and other plants around it?
That is odd as it usually multiplies very quickly in a very wide range of water conditions.In floating plants I have duck weeds that you see in picture. It is in very small quantity and taking ages to multiply
Duckweed leaves are more round..."Don't look like the good old-fashioned pain the butt Duckweed?"
If it has more then one root per frond? It is Spirodela polyrhiza <"">. The fronds will be red underneath, and its a plant that likes harder water.Check roots out
This is the combination of fertilizer, micro nutrients and macro nutrients I am using. I rarely use liquid carbon supplement unless I have to surpass algae. and bacterial suspension I have stopped using. But looks like this Chinese product that I got from local dealer is less than 50% effective. Next month when I get my paycheck, I will switch to Aquarium co-op or APT Products.@maverick786us The algae and poor plant health in all your tanks suggests an underlying fundamental issue to me. So my first question would be what plant fertiliser are you adding to your tanks?