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All the fishes in my tank died

I’ve no idea what those products are, do you have links?

I am trying to look for it. But cannot find any website of this product or vendor. Or maybe its website is filtered here (it’s a Chinese product). I was skeptical about it but then I saw some customers buying it, and I asked them, they gave me a positive review.


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That would explain why my plants health isn't best. I will switch to Aqua - Corp or APT.

Probably a good idea - go with APT e (EI version) and stick with their dosing suggestions (until you feel confident enough to try mixing your own dry ferts). That will then at least rule out nutrient deficiency.

Also turn your lights down, or add more floating plants to reduce light, as soon as you can as suggested above.

Add more shrimp if you can, keep up with the frequent water changes (remember to dose ferts to compensate).
I can try turning off the light, create a blackout for 48 hours and that will cause an extension level event for algae. But what about the photo cycle. It's 8 hours of photo cycle which is automated. Within this photo cycle Co2 starts 1 hour before the light and turns off 1 hour before the lights goes off. Those 48 hours of blackout and no CO2, how can it impact my delicate dwarf hair grass, that are sensitive to adjustment?
That would explain why my plants health isn't best.
It could be that your mystery fertilizer is to blame, but that it's necessarily the case. It might be totally fine, we just don't know. Switching to a different fertilizer might not help at all.

This is the problem with following a bunch of different advice without understanding what each bit is meant to accomplish and how everything works together. Focus on getting the basics right and being consistent over time. That will take care of most problems. It feels like you are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at your issues and that amount of chaos in the tank is working against you.
I never faced any issue with plant growth. In my low tech tanks plants like Rotala, Ludwiga, water wisteria grow ver fast. Yes MC died because of my lack of knowledge and experience. It was that moment I realized that grasses (except of cryptocryne) need Co2. In my 37 L other tank, which also uses co2, pearl weed initially disappeared after 2 months it re-emerged and started spreading like moss.

Edit: To summarize, stem plants, fast growing like Rotal, Ludwiga, Wisteria slow growing stem plants like Bacupa, dwarf amazing swords always grew well in my tank with / without CO2. In this tank I used dry start method for the first time for the hair grasses. In my 37 L tank if I would have used DSM pearl weed wouldn't have initially disappeared. From this experience I discovered that any grass that comes straight out of tissue culture will always have hard time in a newly planted tank without using DSM.

Anubias and Java fern looks healthy but when hair algae starts growing on it, some of its leaves turn fragile.
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This is not the case. Eleocharis is classed as easy on Tropica website, and as such should be fine without CO2, although CO2 will, of course, increase its rate of development.
Thank you, I need to do more research on grasses. The only aquarium grass that I am familiar with is, Glossostigma, Monte Carlo, HC Cuba, Dwarf / Giant Hair Grass, Pearl weed and Crypto Cryne. I my next aquascape I will explore Eleocharis.
Eleocharis = dwarf hair grass, although I'm not sure if it is a true grass in the sense that it is a Monocotyledon

Also, most of the plants you mention are not grasses at all.
Probably, this thread has run its course. Dead Fish ----> CO2 ----> Plants. 😛
Probably, this thread has run its course. Dead Fish ----> CO2 ----> Plants.
It's often better to know what you're doing. When it comes to livestock, that's even more important. In any case, you need to know the basics. Unfortunately, I can't see that the thread starter has the necessary basic knowledge to keep animals. It is a pity for every dead fish.
It's often better to know what you're doing. When it comes to livestock, that's even more important. In any case, you need to know the basics. Unfortunately, I can't see that the thread starter has the necessary basic knowledge to keep animals. It is a pity for every dead fish.
Yes and a huge loss that brought suffering for me. The fishes that died were bought from same person. The very same day I bought 4 cherry shrimps, but from a different guy. Those shrimps are alive and healthy. Though based on the advice from here I am not risking any more live stock.
Technically I was the last owner so yes I take the blame. This is my sixth tank, in my previous tanks the fishes are healthy, so I thought this time it won't be any different. But it was shocking for me