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All That Remains - Take II


17 Mar 2008
So After Some Consideration and chatting with Admin for sometime I can Start Posting this thread Again.
I sadly Lost the Arowana last Week, Came down one morning and it was dead on the kitchen floor. All I can think of is something Spooked it and it managed to jump with enough force to lift the Weighted Egg Crate.
The Impact Killed it instantly. As a few hours later upon examination its Impact had burst its eye. Now normally I preserve all my Nicer fish that have expired and Dry them out to keep. Couldn't with the Arow sadly. It started to smell quickly and was attracting flies.
I have decided its best not to get another one. And to Keep this as a Mixed Community.
Their have been alot of changes to the stocking as was seeing which dithers worked best. And some Interesting additions have been made.
I have added a nice big group pf Scissor Tail Tetras and Silvertips. I don't think I have ever kept either of these tetras in the past and like them so far.
There are still a few Neon's and Cardinals left, though they stick to the bottom layer amongst the dense planting with the Cichlids. I will be adding to their numbers now I have found a online store that always has them at a reasonable price.
My Yellow Convicts (Amatitlania nanolutea) arrived teeny, so kept them in a breeder till I was confident they would be ok. They will be a good contrast to the Rainbow Cichlids (Herotilapia multispinosa)once they get a bit bigger. Comical to watch already.
Increased the Number of Loaches as the snail population has exploded in recent weeks, and they keep busy munching on the hundred of hundreds of pink ramshorns.
Put Loods more plants in, More Swords, Alot of Giant Vallis to cover the back and lots of twisted Vallis. Alot more Java fern and the plants from forum members. Also Pearl Weed, after seeing how much succes MD has had in his tanks. And so far liking it.
Added alot more Skulls to it, And found the BIG TREX skull i have wanted @ KBN Reptiles. Also have begun sowing the seeds for a snake enclosure and have a nice spot picked out in the Living room.

Ill Start Taking some more pix of this soon.

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I Spend most Mornings having my Breakfast sitting infront of the tank watching them enjoy theirs.
I much prefer the height of this as gives a very good viewing angle.
I do need to add more foreground plants to blend the skulls in more. As the Ceratosaurus Skull has a marine coral base which, just does not match.
I'm Surprised I still have a Cherry Shrimp Population in here with all the fish, but see them pootling about without a care amongst the hardscaping.
And the growing number of Platty fry are a good sign that they are growing amongst all the hidey holes and plants.
The Newest Algae eaters have been doing great, but they stay long enough to get any decent pix of them.
Pearls have been dropping eggs from their nests, hopefully they will improve with age and spawn properly.
I Do want to increase the Cardinals numbers as they look so good under the lighting. And almost glow with intesity.
Issues around stocking/ using live feeder fish etc.
So it appears the original thread has been removed in its entirety. I respect @Gill choice on this as it is his journal and I’m all for the “right to be forgotten”. However, I feel there would be some useful information in that journal that could guide future projects, particularly where people are considering something similar themselves.

A locked, archived thread would have been more useful perhaps.
So it appears the original thread has been removed in its entirety. I respect @Gill choice on this as it is his journal and I’m all for the “right to be forgotten”. However, I feel there would be some useful information in that journal that could guide future projects, particularly where people are considering something similar themselves.

A locked, archived thread would have been more useful perhaps.
Yeah, I agree.
So it appears the original thread has been removed in its entirety. I respect @Gill choice on this as it is his journal and I’m all for the “right to be forgotten”. However, I feel there would be some useful information in that journal that could guide future projects, particularly where people are considering something similar themselves.

A locked, archived thread would have been more useful perhaps.
Don't Worry Guys, There are plenty of Forums still plodding along for Monster Fish Keepers. Though they are not as Articulated/Polished as UKAPS.
In understand why it was locked and removed etc. I was just being upfront about letting it takes its semi natural course and not removing the smaller fish.

Any whoo I have plenty of Interesting Fish still in here that are sure to Develop and show some truly stunning colours once mating behaviours/Size kicks in.
I believe a few pairs have been forming in the larger of the Dwarf Cichlids. And the new additions have a lot of growing to do before you can see what they truly look like.

Pearls have been spawning with dwindling success and males have not been attending to the eggs properly. And see eggs scattered on the foliage. Hopefully they will get the hang of it as they mature.

The Unusual Algae Eaters are Entertaining to watch grazing. And Though they will get big, I should be ok with them. If they do become rather rambunctious, I will be able to rehouse them to the Sump Tanks at MA. Or use the old trust AQ to rehome them. For now I am enjoying them immensely and the goofy faces they make with those massive lips. They are also Very Fast, and dart off when they want to at great haste.

I wil Probably increase the numbers of the tetras again And have a nice selection saved over @ Riverpark.

I'm away now till the 19th may from Saturday. So its all on timers and Son will hopefully do a better job of feeding this time. I have put a Camera on the tank so I can Keep an Eye on from Sorrento.
I've setup a camera this morning to ensure that Son does feed the fish while I'm gone. And have made sure he puts alarms for everyday, thankfully he's only 10 doors down from me. So he can't complain its far too walk to mine.
Going to do a big water change and harvest as many snails as I can using the pepsi bottle trap and a peice of shrimp. As there must be 1000+ in there now.
Service the filters etc and add more bacteria balls etc to slowly release beneficial seeds while away. I do really like the Pure product and it helps in some way to keep the tank ticking over well In my experience.
Evening shots.
All the moss from forum members have come. They are just floating for now. I will attach to the skulls when back.
Lots more fry venturing out from the dense planting in the far left corner.


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Back from Italy Sunday Am.
Snails have increased so Much while I've been away. So bottle trap with some pellets and Shrimp have been added to get as many out.
Ill dump them in a tub in the garden for now, as they are nice Pink Pearls.

Fish look ok, can't see any deaths etc. So that is good. And son fed them everyday while I away this time which was good.

Prob Go Bardills later for a browse.