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Aaron's 216l journal!




I know Mark & James wanted to see a background so there you go 🙂
I wouldnt of tried the blue but Mark inspired me too 😉 🙂 I dont mind it, but the proper, laminated backgrounds you buy are to bright for my liking, unlike the graduated backgrounds Mark uses which are a little less subtle.
JamesM said:
Look what Andy has done bud and try a black background - use bin bags for now, just to get an idea 😉

Never thought about black bin bags, i will be getting a background when i come back off holiday, along with some fish & plants 😉

I may try it over the next few days and i shall post an udate if i do.
i got a graded blue background but you cant really tell due to the poor image quality/ lighting, i also have black.

day 88 (today) and this is how it is looking.


only problems i had on returning from holiday is surface scum, and my pump has packed in 🙄

Added some serpae tetras too.

dont ask me why i have left the pump in lol.
wow, thats really changed, looks like a jungle now!
in the end, which way did you go with obtaining your background?....make your own?

a jungle fit for tarzan!...... AAhhhhHHHAaaa (tarzan call :lol: )

looking good :clap:
Very nice, Aaron!

I really like the way the wood has turned out now the plants have softened the layout.

Nice photo too!
another update, just the stems that have filled out really

the lilys have finally been cleaned lol, just the tip which the brush didnt reach but i can bleach them. I had actually forgot how aesthetically pleasing they once were 😳

got some more depth in the picture, due to raising the camera which i think i got of Tony or Mark :thumbup:
poor quality though.
It was the first time i missed a water change last week too, nothing bad happened though :shh:


The serpae tetra


I love this picture


Thanks, Aaron
That's look great Aaron. I really like the chaotic arrangement of the driftwood.
hydrophyte said:
That's look great Aaron. I really like the chaotic arrangement of the driftwood.


i have actually been running this tank as a low tech. For the past 3weeks there has been no water changes and no CO2. I dose Nutrients when i remember which is usually twice a week.
Most importantly no algae, except for on the tips of the cyperus helferi, so i'm happy.

Probably after this weekend i shall switch back to high tech, at least i have some confidence behind me if/ when 😉 i want to go down that route in the future.