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Aaron's 216l journal!

Agree with everyone, the tank looks awesome, health and clean. Congrats Aaron 🙂
Do you feel the tank is 'fisished' now Aaron?
or do you get the urge to move things around, try new plants, etc.
It sure looks finished to me :thumbup:

One thing I'd love to see is a time lapse pic\video so we can see it unfold from day1 to present. That would be fantastic.
A bit of bad news. While I was away my heater stopped working and this has led to quite a lot of die off. The microsorum leaves have developed black spots all over them, with some leaves completley rotted and a lot of fungus across the whole tank.
I picked up another heater earlier and installed it and I thought I'll just check my old heater, and it worked 🙄
There is some new growth coming hrough but I imagine this will die as The temperature is now back to what it should be.

I have only noticed one dead fish, so hopefully that is it, but I cant count due to all the plants.

Thanks, Aaron
a1Matt said:
Do you feel the tank is 'fisished' now Aaron?
or do you get the urge to move things around, try new plants, etc.
It sure looks finished to me :thumbup:

One thing I'd love to see is a time lapse pic\video so we can see it unfold from day1 to present. That would be fantastic.

Yeah I do, except for some C.Undulate at the background which isnt as tall as I would like to be. However my intentions were always to have this as a long term scape, so I wan't going to add any more plants or hardscape etc.
I am actually considering setting this up as a reef tank in the next few months, after visting a Sealife centre 🙄 lol.

I may move the plants around before I strip it down, see what styles I can get, it might be quite hard though as the wood is in large pieces, unless I remove the ferns and re-attach them which I don't really want to do.

I'll have a go at a time lapse video, if not, I'll get my sister to do it because I have never used Windows Movie Maker lol.

Thanks, Aaron
Nice one Aaron. That is fantastic to watch. mrgreen: :clap:

Sorry to hear about your heater mishap though. I hope the tank recovers quickly for you.
One way to suss if you have any remaining dead fish hidden away is to get your nose close and give the water a good sniff.
Then if you do, rather than dismantling, maybe just up the WC's until the odour goes. Not perfect but maybe a good compromise.
Great journal, it's kept me entertained on this cold and wet day haha...Loving the latest look, good job.