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Aaron's 216l journal!

awesome, but wont this still be pretty high lighting?
1WPG T5... it will be half of what I have now so I can run it without CO2 easily enough, however that decision is still too be made... ok I know I theoretically would need to do weekly water changes still but the growth rates wont be as fast so I can still leave it longer without too much going wrong.
That looks really nice that, Aarron. If you keep your dosing at the same level and the co2 too I wouldn't be surprised if it gets even more lush!
Thanks George & Gareth :thumbup:

My new light come today, and for £50 is perfect 🙂
both tubes have there own switch which is useful.
The tubes are 10 000k & 6500k too. I am glad i have put a 10 000k in there now as it is a much better colour balance.


EDIT: Oh and I have just ordered some C.Undulata from plantedbox to replace the stems 😉
Keeps getting better every time I see this tank, congrats Aaron 🙂
LondonDragon said:
Keeps getting better every time I see this tank, congrats Aaron 🙂

Thanks Paulo 🙂

Here's a quick picture seeing as though you have all waited very patiently for 😳 If I was to take a 'decent' one then you may be waiting another 4 months lol.

Day 321


Thanks, Aaron