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Aaron's 216l journal!

Thanks Dan
Vito said:
Looking good Aaron, they are SAE's, I've stupidly been sold the fake ones before.... 🙄

I did read up on them quite thoroughly about a week before, i wasnt expectin gto find any, so when i saw these i was worried if i had my thoughs mixed up lol. I can remeber seeing some "flying foxes" in my local MA, so that did help a lot too, you can really tell the difference once you have seen both 😀
Aeropars said:

I'm looking to get an EX1200 filter but was slightly alarmed when you said you was having leaking problems with it. I bought an EX600 and it leaked and they had to send me a new filter. Is this a common thing with the TetraTecs?

It is on older stock, i bought mine 2nd hand so as long as you get a new filter then you should be fine as they have rectified the problem.
I am not sure if there is a specific date or serial number you could look at to see the difference. The problem is mainly on the EX1200's.
I have a ttex600. and despite only having it for a month i am very pleased with it, seems good quality, no leaks everything is tight and safe and i think its build well, not cheap feeling, the only problem is that its only putting out around 210lph
I got 12 dwarf neon rainbows & 2 angels yesterday, however one of the angels has died 🙁 It was swimming/ acting strangely one minute, then the next minute it was fine :unsure: It started late last night... No visibal diseases or infections, cloudy eyes, etc etc. Only a damaged fin which is to be expected with most purchases. Not infected though. The other is fine.
They took them off sale a few hours later after i purchased them 🙄 They are giving me a credit note anyway.
I havent got a picture of the angel yet, but i have one of the rainbows which are awesome 😀



Thanks, Aaron
Another update, the left piece of wood has gone, not sure if i am going to replace it after living with it for a week. I quite like it 🙂

Just got a picture of the angel, its nice to have a more elegant and peacful fish amongst the rainbows which are end to end all day lol.


I am liking this section of the tank the most, it has matured and grown in together the quickest, however this picture doesnt do it justice. The FTS is better though 😉


And a timeline:

Day 1
Day 14
Day 18
Day 44
Day 49

There are a few open spaces, but soon to be filled with R.Rotundifolia, L.Palustris, B.Australis, C.Thalitrichoides & C.Undulata.

The undulata is from the new sponsors so i'll let you know how i get on 😀
Thanks for looking, Aaron
Stunning tank and a truely great choice in tankmates.

Where you've tied your Microsorum Pteropus to the wood have you taken one small piece of rhyzome and attatched it, or 2? Can't tell from the pictures.
Verminator said:
Stunning tank and a truely great choice in tankmates.

Where you've tied your Microsorum Pteropus to the wood have you taken one small piece of rhyzome and attatched it, or 2? Can't tell from the pictures.

Thanks 🙂
Each fern you see is one rhizome,
Aaron your photography skills are coming along at a cracking pace now.... trimmings have never looked so good 8)
Themuleous said:
a1Matt said:
Aaron your photography skills are coming along at a cracking pace now.... trimmings have never looked so good 8)

I thought that 🙂


me too, it looked a bit uglier in life but i wouldnt of mind keeping it with a bit of tidying up :lol:
I really like your choice of fish, refreshing to see a shoal of slightly larger fish. How are the loaches with your plants? I've always imagined they'd uproot things constantly ! I guess you have minimal snail issues - Tom
TBRO said:
I really like your choice of fish, refreshing to see a shoal of slightly larger fish. How are the loaches with your plants? I've always imagined they'd uproot things constantly ! I guess you have minimal snail issues - Tom

They're fine, i was a bit sceptical about adding them first! But i get the odd crypt come up, mainly the plantlets that have formed of the mother plants though.

The only snails i have are on the floating plants where they take cover 🙄 I have noticed they arent as good health as usual due to lots of holes :twisted: I knocked most of them off the other day so hopefully things should pick up again!
