Good evening guys and gals, thought I'd a a few details of the tanks for those that like to know these things, and to be fair I don't often mention it.
Both tanks get an approximate 60% water change every weekend, if I'm very busy at work they might get two 30% midweek changes.
Action shot on water change day.
Top down view.
I have fairly soft water so to the incoming 130L of water I add magnesium sulphate and calcium chloride, occasionally I switch out the chloride for calcium sulphate 🤷, this gets me to about 11ppm calcium & 4ppm magnesium.
I then front load the Macro's to 11.5ppm No3, 4ppm Po4, 9ppm K. These numbers are worked on 130L, not the full tank volume.
Micro's get added daily (6 days), which gives me a weekly total ppm based on full tank volume.
0.2 Fe Edta from apfuk trace.
0.14 Fe Dtpa.
0.9 Mn.
I also add into the micro mix mgso4 and urea.
0.99 Mg.
0.35 N.
C02 enters each tank via two twinstar diffusers, one is placed under the inlet, and the other far left of both tanks. Not the best, or indeed most economical method, but that's what we have. 1ph drop is achieved in approx 3 hrs.
Most of the plants in these tanks are easygoing affairs, the difficult ones generally don't survive. My scaping style is, ermm... Messy.
Hope that fills in any blanks, now update time.
Latest fts.
Random plant pic.
Corydoras have been busy laying eggs again, here's the proud mother.
And her eggs.
Some random shots of the unidentified brown ottolincus.
Meanwhile in the ok coral the Ancistrus braved a snatch squad consisting of an Angel fish and Parotocinclus, I'll set the scene.
So enter stage left the players and a tasty algae wafer.
The Angel fish builds up confidence and eyes the prize.
Not so fast screams the Ancistrus and does a fancy tail flick manoeuvre.
The prize is mine, ha ha ha (evil laugh)
I'd assumed all the Tangerine tiger shrimp had been eaten, however during the latest water change about 6 of them broke cover and decided to show themselves. Not the best pic, but proof of life.
Couple of moody fish pics.
And finally side view down one of the tanks.
Thanks for reading.