Almost upto date with the journal.
Both tanks doing ok now 75% Ei dosing regime restored. It's hard to tell from full tank shots but there is a small amount of bba that generally accumulates on the leaf edges of the slow growers like anubias, bucephalandra and the cryptocorynes, especially in the path where these plants get misted with CO2 bubbles.
Having read @Geoffrey Rea mention this on a number of occasions I ended up adding a few root tabs around some of the rooted plants and moved the anubias to slightly shaded area's, also made sure to tuck some of these roots into the substrate. So far it seems to be working.
Tank temperatures sit at 25.4C and get 50% wc per week.
Tank pictures from beginning of January.

Usual critter pics but thought I'd better add some plant pics to.
Anubias nana petite and nana gold in new surroundings.

Horned nerite keeping those leaves clean.

Echinodorus rubin (I think?)

Inquisitive Angel eyeing up a Batik nerite snail.

Mikrogeophagus altispinosus ~ Bolivian ram.

Mikrogeophagus ramirezi ~ German ram.

Garra flavatra coming to say hello during maintenance.

And finally Corydoras CW010 ~ Gold laser.

Both tanks doing ok now 75% Ei dosing regime restored. It's hard to tell from full tank shots but there is a small amount of bba that generally accumulates on the leaf edges of the slow growers like anubias, bucephalandra and the cryptocorynes, especially in the path where these plants get misted with CO2 bubbles.
Having read @Geoffrey Rea mention this on a number of occasions I ended up adding a few root tabs around some of the rooted plants and moved the anubias to slightly shaded area's, also made sure to tuck some of these roots into the substrate. So far it seems to be working.
Tank temperatures sit at 25.4C and get 50% wc per week.
Tank pictures from beginning of January.

Usual critter pics but thought I'd better add some plant pics to.
Anubias nana petite and nana gold in new surroundings.

Horned nerite keeping those leaves clean.

Echinodorus rubin (I think?)

Inquisitive Angel eyeing up a Batik nerite snail.

Mikrogeophagus altispinosus ~ Bolivian ram.

Mikrogeophagus ramirezi ~ German ram.

Garra flavatra coming to say hello during maintenance.

And finally Corydoras CW010 ~ Gold laser.
