If your municipal supplier is United Utilities you can find the water report app and input your post code at their website
Evidently the water in that area is moderately soft and usually, water that has a low General Hardness also has a low Carbonate Hardness (although they do not actually list the Carbonate/Bicarbonate or alkalinity).
If this is the case for your area then you should easily be able to drop the pH unless there is something in the tank that is adding alkalinity such as coral gravel or limestone ornaments etc.
As Edvert points out, if the plants are doing well then it's a non-issue as far as the pH drop goes but it is still important to understand the reasons you are unable to drop the pH.
The yellowing of the leaves is also a concern. Are you dosing NPK?
I was confused by your statement above that you were using "used new" Aquasoil? Not sure what that means. If it's new then it should contain plenty of Nitrates. If it's old then you'll need to add KNO3.
You can also try to move the injector to the inlet side of the filter and see if the filter can handle the bubbles.
You might have mentioned, but it's also not clear how you are distributing the flow, via spraybar or outlet spud?
You can pick up any KH test kit to get an idea of the water's alkalinity. I hate spending money on test kits but KH/GH/pH kits are the least objectionable of the lot.
Hello Ceg,
Thank you for your input and taking the time to advise.
The substrate is ADA Amazonia and power sand, all brought new for this scape.
I am EI dosing purchased from aquarium plant foods, but not currently adding any KNO3 (as have read that UG dosen't like Nitrates), the UG was initially melting quite a bit when i first flooded tank but i think it was due the transitioning from emersed DSM to immersed over the last couple of weeks, however the melting seems to have reduce a lot now.
The other plants in the tank are Bucephalandra ‘Deep Purple, Ludwigia sp. Mini Super Red and H. Pinnatifida, all which seem to be transitioning well and not showing any deficiency, no melting. However the Ludwigia sp. Mini Super Red has loss a bit of the red colorization but i am running my LED's on a dimmer to keep light level low during the first month of so.
Filtration and flow is provided via a ADA ES600 filter, distributing via a stainless steel outlet, and as suggest i have added a mini submerged pump to increase flow.
Here's a photo of my tank taken a moment ago (co2 is off at this time), you'll note that i have positioned submerged mini pump so that it throws the water in the same direction of the filter outlet.
I actually was looking at the United Utilities website earlier today, as suggest by Foxfish to confirm my local parameters: As suggested my water is soft, so not sure why struggle so much to getting a 1 point drop in my ph, even after 7 hours of CO2 being turned on i'm getting only a .5/.6 drop in ph.
Here's a photo of my set up below the tank.
As suggested CO2 is diffused via an Up in-line diffuser, when it on I can't count the number of bps in the counter, its more of a constant stream.
All the visible hardscape is Seiryu stones, i also used some lava stone under substrate hardscape to create the height rather that just using the aqua soil alone, could this be these be adding alkalinity and preventing me achieving an 1 point ph drop?
I am now consider moving the diffuser to the intake side to feed Co2 directly to filter, hopefully this will improve my C02 dissolution. Thou will likely mean more maintenance to keep diffuser clean, so not massively keen on moving it if i don't need to. Also will this not harden my filter o ring over time?