Orphek just responded to my email, and they recommended either 3 amazonas 320 or 960 which are the same unit but the 960 have the 4 ch controller with icon system. The 960s cost 800 each and the 320s 585 each. The 3 960s are cheaper than the 6 chihiros vivids and much more powerful. I would be getting 150 par at the bottom of the tank. This looks like a better deal than the chihiros, however I wish I could see some pictures of what tanks look like under them. It says on the site they are direct replacements for metal halides.
The big planted tank florestas submersas uses metal halides. Do you think the lights would look similar to this tank? Its not as punchy as the Chihiro's but it still looks really nice and natural.
Edit: I just found a picture in this article of a tank under the orphek atlantik planted.
Atlantik V4 planted freshwater Aquariums LED Light • Orphek Reef Aquarium LED Lighting Not a big fan of how these look. A little too yellow.
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