number 1 is my favourite. Let me know when you are ready for your shrimp.
Think number one seems to be doing well. Ive picked that anyway but might look different in the tank.
And yep ill let you know when im ready for them thanks 😉
48 hours to wait !!! I am sure that these 48 hours will be very long for you haha.
Cant wait to see this tank with hardscape in it !!!
How are the baby chocolate ?
Its already feeling a long 48 hours. Ive been pretty busy all day sealing the mdf (slightly light headed) and getting sorted for some custom light arms from the same place who have done the steel frame.
2 very shiny polished arms. Stand is here tomorrow morning which means ill be taking the doors off 😱
I think the longest wait will be getting started as im away in the lakes in 2 weeks so it will be after that.
The new baby chocolates are doing fantastic and the slightly older ones are getting real character too.