phew thanks ian... wasnt sure as it looks so different In the tank. 🙂Looks like you've placed that wood perfectly!
Cheers mate. Realisations finally set in as to how big this really is now. I seriously need to curb turning my day dreams into reality ha ha.....thats a bad boy al and can envisage how look its going to look when planted, not to mention with 100 chocolates serenely drifting around. Absolutely will be booking a trip up to you in the new year!!
I actually quite like the wood layout in the image above mate but thats just me. What are your thoughts plant wise to filling in behind the wood and around the back areas or leaving open?
That's anothet plus on the wood position too which is great. It's all in bins soaking now. The huge tree peice just sank so that's good. I was worried about that piece.
Thought wise for planting behind the wood I was thinking of banking the substrate up towards the rear right and have crypts going up and towards the back on the right with some retro spirals behind those and actually behind the wood rear right I was thinking either vallis nana or something similar so it hits the surface and is pushed across. I dont want it dominated by plants I still want to see a fair bit of the wood.
Im writing out my plant list this morning..
That's it then, party at Als in the new year...
you have all the best ideas pal.
ABSOLUTELY. ... Im up for that 100% 😀😀😀😀