Where is all this wood!!!?
Id get that piece there, just to the left a bit, no not that one, left, up, a bit more, right a fraction.....yeah that one 🙂
Just get the lot..... 😉
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Purely by chance mate.Wow what a find 🙂
It was heaven tim..... couldn't get out where its all from other than ScotlandBlardy hellI now have serious wood envy
Ha ha is his garage like that too.... think ill have to harrass his phone in that case.You visiting Dan's garage again? 😛
Hate you 😛
Wow! Alistair another one! You must be knackered!
Hope your well buddy,
Where is all this wood!!!?
Simply awesome! Huge tank, huge wood, a dream for many! This is definitely one to watch. You should write some UKAPS articles about low tech tanks.
Wow that's a nice selection of wood I payed £15 for a tiny rubbish bit, more like a twig, I need to know somewhere like that for larger pieces, spoilt for choice there mate
I'm actually quite tempted to turn my 60L into a low tech experiment. So far I've done 2 low techs and failed miserably.
Too much light etc???I'm actually quite tempted to turn my 60L into a low tech experiment. So far I've done 2 low techs and failed miserably.
I was thinking exactly the same last night (in a 60L too), but I feel I need to do a fair bit more research into suitable slow growing plants etc first...
Sensible choice going for a steal frame.
I got wood 🙂
Hi all,
Quality, looks like long dead conifer, with Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) my guess. From this page <Photos: loch morlich etive lx>.
cheers Darrel
😵 dam, would make a great featureI wouldn't go putting red lama's in your tank.
thats not the half of it tim, hes usually hanging from the fancy lights above the fire place day in day out, no food, no water.....I'm reporting you to the RSPCA...for torturing your monkey - Reservoir Dogs Style - unless you can prove he's not sitting on a candle.