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  1. Jwilliams0487

    Balancing Lighting and no Algae

    Hi For a few months I've had the following set up with no algae issues what so ever. I use the Juwel HeliaLux Spectrum LED on my 240 litre aquarium with the following light settings (in photos) Mon - Fri - (Juwel Bedroom) Sat - (Amazonas) Sun - (Aquascape) Water temperature is 24-25°c...
  2. RoasterToaster

    Programmable led floodlights

    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has ever managed to add a programmable controller (possibly WiFi/smartphone compatible) to standard dimmable led floodlights? Been looking at floodlights for my big tank (6x2x2) and hoping to get some control over their schedule. Cheers
  3. J

    WIO wrgb slim

    Hi :) I‘m considering to get this new light Wio wrgb slim for my 60p. Does anyone here already use it and would be able to share some of their experiences with it? It seems to be very powerful with 4000 lumen and a superb color rendition according to the cri 95. Does on paper match reality? How...
  4. algae_connoisseur

    Chihiros vivid 2 and red plants @ George farmer

    Hi all, firstly, George if you are reading this I researched this light and others similar to it and made my decision. The review video you posted had a small sway on this decision so I do not hold responsible at all for my issue in any way, but I’m hoping you or someone may have the key. I...
  5. oscarlloydjohn

    Twinstar 600e how bright?

    Hi everyone, long time no see. I'm setting up my ADA 60f again for my dwarf puffers, this time it will be a blackwater with some easy plants and no CO2. I was wondering how dim I should have my Twinstar 600e, I'm looking to grow Vallisneria nana, Cryptocoryne wendtii and Helanthium tenellum...
  6. T

    Lighting Upgrade - 40cm Cube

    Hi, Just wondered what lights people are running on their nano or cube tanks? Im running a heavily planted 40cm Cube with stock AquaOne LED lighting. Recently started injecting CO2 and am thinking the light could do with an upgrade too. I'm looking at the Kessil A80 - the gooseneck mounting...
  7. Ginge-96


    Hey guys, I'm new here and need some advice on choosing the right led light for a planted Fluval Spec 19L, the dimensions are 52 x 29.5 x 19 cm. I plan on just using fertilisers and the fertilising soil and will potentially consider infused Co2 in the future depending on how successful...
  8. K

    Unusual light set up. Too much light, or too little. How to adjust my mistakes in lighting

    I have two newly set up low tech planted tanks, they are identical second hand models (old fluval 10gallon tanks). With single 15w t8 light fittings. The first tank I set up I put an Arcadia tropical bulb in and many of my plants grew leggy and died very quickly. I have changed many species and...
  9. 2born4

    Ai prime HD freshwater settings?

    Looking for some reassurance on spectrum and lighting schedules for the Ai prime leds. Anyone else using one of these...? I can find loads of spectrum and schedules for the marine version but none for the freshwater other than the one preset on the Ai website which uses very little red... any...
  10. S

    What light range am I in?

    Hi everyone, First time poster but long time lurker/ admirer! I have a question I hope someone can help me regarding what bracket/ tier of light range I fall under. I have a Trigon 190 and have a Helialux Spectrum LED. Here is a link to the website with my light...
  11. L

    RIO 240 Led lighting

    Hi, I have a Juwel Rio 240 with the stock multilux LED bulbs. I haven't found much info or discussion about these lights as everyone seems to discuss the heliolux. Is the lighting provided by the stock multilux unit considered to provide high, medium or low levels of light?
  12. oscarlloydjohn

    Wabi kusa lighting

    Can anyone suggest an appropriate light bulb for a small/medium Wabi Kusa? It's about 20cm in diameter. I was thinking more like a generic light bulb rather than an aquarium/wabi kusa specific one. Could something like a 13w fluorescent work? Cheers
  13. Jink82

    Led lightning from Ali Express

    Hi, Is there someone who has experience with led lightning from Ali Express. I am thinking about buying this: https://bit.ly/2Ov6RjR But it would be great if there is somebody out there who has some experience with this particular lightning or something simular. Is it any good or are there...
  14. Hanuman

    Lighting for wabi kusa

    Got my hand dirty, literally, and did a wabi kuza from scratch. Amazonia, sphagnum moss, sand, osmocote. Plugged in some Rotala indica "red", Rotala indica "green", Ludwigia repen, Ludwigia SP. super red mini, Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, HM, mosses. All looks nice and sweet but now me and my...
  15. Niton

    Raspberry Pi LED light control - help/advice appreciated

    Hi all, I am currently using a Raspberry Pi based tank controller, using reef-pi software (https://reef-pi.github.io/). I have been running a fairly simple setup for timers and temperature control for the last 3 months. However, I have recently acquired a Twinstar 600 LED light and I was...
  16. TAJ-Coral

    Low Level Light for Racking System

    Hello all, I will soon be setting up some aquarium racking systems. I'd like to include some easy low light tolerating plants but need help deciding what lights to purchase. I'd like a balance of bright enough for healthy plant growth and for me to see in, but not so bright the fish are...
  17. D

    DIY LED Light for Fluval Edge Help

    I have a Fluval Edge 42L and want to make a high tech tank, so the stock LED lights will have to go. I want to build my own light with LEDs from here (or maybe another place)...
  18. Conort2

    Twinstar s series

    Hi Thinking about upgrading my chihiros rgb and getting a twinstar s series. Before I go spend a load on a new light just wanted to hear people's feed back who already have this light. Is the colour rendition really as good as the videos and pics show? How is the spread? That's the main issue...
  19. Tom Ryan (@aquascaperay)

    Lighting Stands for 90cm tank

    Morning guys, Anyone know of a good quality lighting stand for a 90cm wide tank? Ideally one that grips onto the aquarium glass would be great!
  20. Tom Ryan (@aquascaperay)

    Twinstar SP Series LED for ADA 90f

    Hi, I have just purchased an ADA 90f (L90cm, W30cm, D20cm) tank and needed some advice on whether to go for the new Twinstar 600SP or 900SP to hang above the tank. I am planning on getting medium difficulty plants from Tropica, however wasn't sure if the 600SP would offer the coverage for the...
  21. tmiravent

    LED - High power DIY - 60cm

    Hi, i love doing light for my tanks, here is my last DIY. Hope you like it! The fixture from above, you can see it's all aluminium, 4 pieces of double U shape with chihiros leg's (you can buy for around 9/10€). The light emiters, 4 x10W LED, and a acrylic protection for security. Detail...
  22. N

    Suggestions for my setup

    Hello, I'm setting up a 32x32x45h cm tank for high demanding plants. I was looking forward to this configuration: 1x Chihiros A 301 Plus 1x Chihiros RGB30 I made this choice because I read the A plus series gives a huge amount of light compared with the RGB series, which otherwise offer a...
  23. Matt Havens

    Should I invest in more lighting?

    Hi all, so i have a 200L tank from a well known and recognised aquatic retailer. I purchased with it the Fluval Fresh Plant 2.0 LED, around 90CM. Looking through the forums here and i am thinking that this will not be sufficient and therefore looking at adding either a Chihiros RGB-60 as it is...
  24. Jimbo1981

    DIY Lighting - Wattage Input or Output Used?

    Hi All, I'm a bit of a newbie to the planted aquarium scene, I've recently read numerous articles and watched many YouTube videos on lighting as i am intending to create something myself with either CFL or LED (6500k). When it comes to Watts per Gallon/Litre it seems common that a Medium to...
  25. AndyVox

    Emersed start - 80 x 40 x 40 high tech

    Hey, I used to frequent here alot a few years ago before getting pulled into marine for a few years. Due to huge building work at home I closed down my marine tank and have been thankless for the last 6 or so months, then I got the itch to go planted again... So here we are! A few of my...
  26. Kakarot

    E27 DIY LED pendant lighting

    Hey all! I've ordered 3, 15 watt COB LED, 6500K, E27 lights for a pendant fitting I'm building. These are for my 90cm tank, I've been using them for a short time on my smaller aquarium and just wanted to see if anyone else uses them and if there are any long term issues they've faced? I haven't...
  27. C

    Overun with hair algae!

    I really need some advice regarding algae as I'm fairly new to planted tanks & aquascaping.. Around 2 weeks ago I planted my 80 litre tank with the following plants & have been dosing Tropica Specialised 3ml daily: Rotala Green Ludwigia Palustris Tenellus Lindernia Rotundifolia HC Cuba Dwarf...
  28. tmiravent

    Product Review ADA | WASMAS | ZETLIGHT | TWINSTAR | CHIHIROS | LED PAR DATA [The power of light]

    Some food for thought... [edited for easy reading 14.03.2017] In some discussion's with Nuno we thought would be nice to have some data about LED's. Remember that this data is not 100% scientific, but we tried to keep the same test conditions for all fixtures. In the worst scenario, the...
  29. C

    First planted tank - TMC Signature

    Hi guys, I have just completed the hardware & hardscape setup of my first ever planted tank. I am going to plant with Eleocharis Acicularis Mini across the whole substrate surface for a clean & simple look. What do people think of my hardscape layout & plant choice? (photo attached) Any ideas or...
  30. MrHidley

    Lighting for 35L Scapers tank?

    Hi all, Just purchased a Scapers tank for my office at work, but need to get a light for it. I'd rather and LED, because of the size and minimalist design of most units. Does anyone have any recommendations? The main two I've looked at so far is the Dennerle Power LED 5.0 and the Aquael Leddy...
  31. Christos Ioannou

    LETs LED !

    Hi ukaps, inspired by this thread (thanks @SuperColey1 for sharing!), I have replaced my twin 54w T5 fixture with this: The construction is exactly the same as that in the inspiration thread, except for the supports, since I have opted to hang the fixture from the ceiling with 1,5mm wire...
  32. ExcitableBoy

    Citii LPD series (LED)

    Hi! I have found these quite cheap fixtures. They have white LEDs + blue and red LEDs Model for 30 cm aquaria...
  33. GreenNeedle

    Where have all the hedgerows gone - 30 litre Opti-white

    Technical Specs: 30 litre Opti-white aquarium (L 40cm, H 30cm, D 30cm) Fluval U1 Internal filter BeamsWork 9 x 1W LED Clip on luminaire (2 hours morning, 5 hours evening) No heater or filter Fertilisation 1.5ml Lush Max weekly Plants: Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo', Ammania Bonsoi, Staurogyne...
  34. Will.P

    Noobie LED help, Please

    Hello everyone, I'm new to planted tanks and would like to tap into the fountain of knowledge in this forum. I have a Dennerle 35L scapers tank and am looking for a LED light that has mid to high light to give me a wider range of plants to choose from, I have found a light that I like the look...
  35. lovelife

    Is my DIY LED setup low/mid/high?

    I have a 40 liter tank. I made a DIY setup using three cheap GU10 LEDs from Ebay. Each bulb is supposed to have these characteristics: - cool/pure white 6000-6500K - 500-550 lumen - 6W I was under the impression that this light is more then adequate to grow plants. I though I have a medium to...
  36. A Bull With Yogurts

    LED lighting for Juwel Rio 400

    Hi all, The old T8 unit in my Rio 400 died tonight. Pretty sure I heard the ballast fizz out when I switched it on. I've doubled checked everything else (socket, fuse, switch, bulbs) just in case but they are all fine. As a result I'm pretty sure the ballast has given up the ghost. I'm not...
  37. George Farmer

    Journal My best low-tech 'scape so far

    Hi all, I thought I'd post a quick photo of my Superfish Expert 70. No CO2 or liquid carbon. Occasional ferts (Colombo Pro) and Colombo Pro Soil. Internal filter and It hasn't had a water change in 3 months. Plants are mostly crypts, buces, Rotata and some Anubias, Cyperus. Incredibly low...
  38. James Fawkes

    600 litre Low Tech Discus Tank

    Hi there, I recently finished setting up my big tank! It still needs a few more discus but it's looking pretty good (I think). It was originally filled 4 months ago with established filter media and stocking has gradually increased from tetras and corys to a fully fledged discus tank...
  39. Joel Smith

    Lighting Help Please

    Hey folks, Just signed up, laying down my first post, and in need of help. I run a 90gal tank 48"Lx18"Dx24"H. Hooked up to it is a Rena filstar XP3 canister filter, semi-auto CO2 system, and then my light is a Fluval 32W Ultra light LED strip light. I have a variety of plants requiring...
  40. Joel Smith

    Lighting Help Please

    Hey folks, Just signed up, laying down my first post, and in need of help. I run a 90gal tank 48"Lx18"Dx24"H. Hooked up to it is a Rena filstar XP3 canister filter, semi-auto CO2 system, and then my light is a Fluval 32W Ultra light LED strip light. I have a variety of plants requiring...
  41. Aqua Hero

    Beamswork Green Element EVO plant LED vs Beamswork Hi Lumen Planted Version

    Beamswork Green Element EVO plant LED vs Beamswork Hi Lumen Planted Version im currently using a dual T5HO fixture which is working wonders for me but having to buy T5 bulbs every year is costly compared to LED units. i have been searching around and i found these two LED light units from...
  42. Laurie Dear

    UK version of buildmyled.com

    Hi, I have recently acquired a 30litre (38cm x29cm x 28cm tank) to replace a fluval chi. A 30cm beamwork LED light was supplied with it (which does not fit length ways across the tank annoyingly) but from what i've read is underpowered due to the 0.5W emitters fitted. I have heard of the...
  43. chris_cotton23

    led advice please?

    hello guys! i am trying to find a led system for my planted tank 3ftx18''wx20''H empty at the moment(so it will be around 16-18''H with substrate)but i am really struggling honestly!I have been reading from the morning to the night but still i don't know where do i have to look! i want to grow...
  44. chris_cotton23

    lighting advice for new tank please!

    hello guys! finally i took the decision to go for smaller tank 3ftL x 18''W x 20''H because i need the space and i can't live without a tank lol!i still have the 5feet if someone is interested though! so now i already ordered the 3ft but i am trying to decide if i want to go with led or t5...
  45. M

    DIY - Cree LED retrofit to old hood.

    I posted some brief details of my LED project a few months ago (http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/does-new-lighting-have-to-be-expensive.36226/#post-389067) and have finally found some time for a more detailed write up. I needed some lighting for an old tank that I've put back in service. The...
  46. Akwaskape

    Weeping Meadow

    Hello in this journal I plan to document a scape of a weeping moss terrain featuring a barclaya longifolia. That's the plan anyway! Im using a Juwel Rekord 700 a 70ltr aquarium with a 24x12 inch footprint. The filter and hood have been removed and the sides and back have been spray painted...
  47. Kyle Lambert

    Aquaone Aqua Vogue lights.

    Does anyone know much about the new aqua vogues led system? all i can find is that there are various light modes witha mix of blue and white LEDs with a total wattage of 44w on the 135l veersion. If im looking to go high tech with co2, ferts and lights would that be powerful enough? does anyone...
  48. Al404

    how do I dim correct light quantity?

    Just bought the new 24w dennerle LED lamp, is dimmerable my tank is just starting and is empty, how can i understand if i have enought light my tank is 45L and no CO2
  49. Lauris

    30L Nano. No name yet

    This i my third tank now. As recently replaced my 30 nano scape with 60L, now decided not leave it in shed to collect dust. Today new tank layout created. Only hardscape for few weeks. I still need to decide what plants I would like to see in. Used available rock and wood from previous scapes...
  50. Lauris

    Nano escape

    Decided to "move things around'. done and dusted with this one: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/crystal-meadow-f-spec19l-nanao.32439/ so.. Fuval Spec 19L tank. I guess I managed to fit as much as possible in it. lol So tech pecs are pretty much same: Light Hi-Lumen LED 1000 Lumen...
  51. J

    Changing to open top

    Lo all! Thinking of changing from an enclosed hood with inbuilt lighting to an open top. Obviously this will require a new lighting infrastructure. It's a decent sized tank, 330L, 120cm across and 70cm deep. Don't want to break the bank - Has anyone heard / or used this brand before, it...
  52. Mike_81

    2x TMC MiniLED 400 Tiles for ADA 60P?

    Hi Guys, I've got two TMC MiniLED 400 tiles mounted about 2 inches above the surface of my ADA 60P. I'm running a high-tech setup with pressurised Co2, dosing EI ferts etc. I've got good circulation and the drop checker is a lime green - yellow (no fauna yet). I seem to get reasonable results...
  53. Lauris

    Dwarf pass. (My First nano)

    1week old busy nano community tank. Capacity: 30L Light: Beamswork Hi-Lumen 30 LED + Beamswork Hi-Lumen 50 LED Co2: Pressurized co2 Filtration: Eheim2213 Classic Heating: 200w external in-line Soil: ADA Amazonia Live stock: 3 Amano shrimps 7 x Yellow Shrimps 2 x Sakura red shrimps 2 x...
  54. Mats A

    My DIY LED lamp for an ADA 30C

    I really love to build stuff, especially when it has something to do with wires and stuff. So when I got my first ADA tank, I decided to build myself a lamp. Started with a heatsink: Mounted and soldered the different LED’s: Fitted the lamp to the cabinet: How I attached lamp inside...
  55. George Farmer

    George's 65cm Natural Aquario

    Coming soon... :)
  56. Kyle Lambert

    Would this be good enough for a 12" deep 60l tank?

    I am just wondering as im looking to make my tank look 'cleaner' and want to replace the tubes i have. This is the item in question Aquarium Fish Tank Clip Clamp Lamp 96 LED Light White Blue Lighting | eBay If it is good enough what would you think the max price should be for it? cheers
  57. CalebWM

    Should I upgrade

    Hi, so I am hoping to start my first aquascape soon, it is a 25 litre cube and I think I'm going along the high-tech route because I have CO2 and I want to grow HC which I know needs high lighting. Anyway, the LED I currently have is 3 Watts so I was wondering if that would be good enough to...
  58. George Farmer

    George's One-Pot Iwagumi Challenge

    Hi all, New journal time. :) Spec - Tank and Cabinet - TMC Signature Range Lighting - TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima x 2 CO2 - 2Kg FE, Dennerle reg with solenoid, 1BPS with Fluval bubble counter, Up Aqua inline diffuser Filter - Fluval G3 Substrate - 15 litres TMC nutraSoil (black) Ferts -...
  59. Simon jones

    Classica Over Tank Luminaire LED

    Anybody using one of these? I have just purchased one from AquaEssentials, although Charter House aquatics was cheaper. I've found the instructions somewhat lacking. The unit had 2 separate faults. one on the timer unit and one on the cable from the transformer. Arcadia replaced these. Aside...
  60. Kyle Lambert

    eBay lighting...

    So i found this on eBay and i was wondering if anyone else has used this product with success? 15 Colors 15.7in 24 Key Remote Controller Aqauarium Fish Tank LED Lights Bar New | eBay Im currently trying to up my lighting and filtration whilst sticking to a budget. I will be keeping to my...
  61. George Farmer

    George's Hillside (new Signature layout)

    Hi all, I've recently re-scaped my TMC Signature so I thought I'd start a new journal on here. Not really a groundbreaking aquascape - re-using the moss-covered Manzi from my previous two layouts that you can see here - George's TMC Signature | Page 38 | UK Aquatic Plant Society Specs -...
  62. AshRolls

    Ceiling pendants + e27 LED bulbs - Advice needed

    Hi, I plan to move to low tech from my overly bright T5HO juwel internal lighting over my Rio180L. I will be removing the rim of the tank to make it an open top, as described in this excellent thread here at UKAPS Removing the rim on the Juwel Rio 300 | UK Aquatic Plant Society For the new...
  63. dmachado

    Planted nano - 28L invert aquarium

    This one was setup 3 months ago, the lighting is LED about 8W. The plants love the light! No CO2 and minimal fertilization. I am thinking about adding some more leds to get algae growing for the caridina japonica... Cheers.
  64. George Farmer

    ADA Solar I vs TMC 1500 Ultima

    Hi all, I thought I'd post two comparison photos showing the difference between the ADA Solar I metal halide with NA-Green bulb (150w, 8000K) and 2x TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima (2x 30w, 6500K). ADA Solar I ADA Solar I by George Farmer, on Flickr TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima TMC 1500 Ultima by...
  65. greenink

    259L bookcase rebirth

    Starting my second tank... Journal will be a slow build as am waiting for various pieces on order. But I’ve learnt that planning things properly, and taking time to get it right, is the best way to go. Hoping for help in thinking it through! Comments and advice on my other journal have been...
  66. George Farmer

    George's "Crystal Palace" - now with HD video

    Hi all, This is my latest project. Please excuse the poor photo quality taken with my phone. Crystal Red Shrimp non-CO2 aquascape by George Farmer, on Flickr It's going to be dedicated to crystal red shrimp (CRS) and I hope to get them breeding. The tank is in my office at work. The tank...
  67. iPlantTanks

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to the UKAPS forum but I consider myself a devoted fish and plant keeper. Anyway here's my main tank, 95 litre open top Jungle layout, powered by 20W's of GU10 LED and injected with pressurized CO2. Home to numerous community fish and a few red cherry shrimp, about...