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  1. ElleDee

    About Time (79 gal, no CO2)

    So I went to my local fish society’s auction to sell all my extra plants. I had no expectations going into it, but I put together lots that I would buy myself and hoped for the best. The auctioneer was a plant guy did a good job marketing to the crowd and in the end everything did pretty well...
  2. Ady34

    MOSSY STREAM: Dooa Mizukusa wall

    Thanks Darrel, yeah those are the ladybirds I have been looking at, however I do have a single 🐞 ladybird appeared in house recently which I brought into the living room. He’s been here for a few weeks now and tonight I actually saw him eat some of the black aphids so it seems normal ladybirds...
  3. T

    Full Tank Re-scape

    I am sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, but how do you manage to clean the sand with so many plants?? I guess buying shrimp was a mistake. They are pooping machines and it doesn’t matter how much I vacuum clean it’s still dirty.
  4. D

    Plant ID?

    Looks right to me, thank you!
  5. Miniandy

    Plant ID?

    Could be riccia fluitans
  6. prdad

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    De-Capsulated Artemia / Brine shrimp eggs. TA Aquaculture do them. Cory fry with big orange bellys! And most of my Nano fish love them as well. And if youve got the time and inclination, hatch your own brine shrimp.
  7. D

    Plant ID?

    Can anyone tell me what plant this is?
  8. hypnogogia

    Juwel HeliaLux Light Unit Rant

    Do you perhaps have a faulty one? I’ve had one running for close to 8 years with no issues.
  9. sparkyweasel

    Hello from N.I

    Welcome! :)
  10. D

    Juwel HeliaLux Light Unit Rant

    Small update. One of my HeliaLux light units is on the blink again. So that's two to three years for these units due to water ingress. Not really the life I was expecting for a £300 light unit.
  11. A

    Fluval Bio - Stratum - Absorbing PO4 ?

    Hi all, I recently put the spraybar along the back so it is spraying water towards front of the glass. Leaves of the cryptocorynes are waving so I guess there is water movement. There was a day's when I was considering maybe just but small wave maker for better movement. But it is fluval roma...
  12. Aqua sobriquet

    The Great Mechanical Filtration Experiment

    I decided to check on the Purigen today. Whilst regenerating it I cleaned the rest of the filter. Since fitting the foam on the inlet pipe the filter is, as expected, very much cleaner inside. I decided to clean a portion (about 25-30%) of the Siporax in H2O2 to see how clean it stays with the...
  13. palcente

    High tech or low tech

    There's also slow with CO2 route, which what I have been doing recently. Coming from very fast high tech setup it is interesting to learn how low you can go with light and watch how the plants you think you know react and the way they grow in a more constrained environment. Especially crypts...
  14. Zeus.

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    Agree - I was just supporting a member who was trying very hard to save the forum and was after at least an offer of mod etc, as for conflict of issues, both sides was trying to save forum so I don't see an issue.
  15. palcente

    Fluval Bio - Stratum - Absorbing PO4 ?

    Immediate thing I noticed, is the height of your tank and diatoms? Is that a new tank? Do you have water movement at the substrate level? In my experience, cyano is triggered by p:n imbalance in p favour. When you test po4, you want to get the water at the substrate level. Similarly to...
  16. hypnogogia

    Remineralizing RO Water

  17. tam

    Remineralizing RO Water

    Any of the above suggestions would work. You can buy pre-mix like the salty shrimp. Your RO TDS should be close to 0. Just follow the instructions on the pack for mixing. When you've done it the first time, you can check the TDS and then use that to mix to next time so it stays consistent.
  18. A

    Fluval Bio - Stratum - Absorbing PO4 ?

    Hi all, This is what I am worry about. If it will release them back into water column even if it is going be a gradual process, then I will add all the time addition PO4 from my tap water. Now the question is, how really phosphates will be accumulating in the future in relation how much of...
  19. Maf 2500

    Remineralizing RO Water

    Or cut it with treated tap water until desired TDS reached.
  20. NathanB

    Remineralizing RO Water

    I've read a lot about Salty Shrimp Mineral GH+, anyone had experience with this?
  21. hypnogogia

    Remineralizing RO Water

    I’d use magnesium sulphate and calcium sulphate. 3:1 ratio of Ca:Mg, and raise to a GH of 6.
  22. NathanB

    Remineralizing RO Water

    So, i've kept CRS in my planted tank for a year or two now but have just set up a few small tanks with aquasoil and sponge filters as i'd like to try and breed these guys. Previously they were constantly getting buried in the planted tank but I had too many fish in there for any babies to...
  23. D

    Hello from N.I

    Thanks guys
  24. J

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    The forum is saved, hallelujah... let's move on.
  25. Gill

    What is this teeny thing ???

    That explains it, Must be from the Fruit flies for the Mantid. Must have fallen in as i shook the fruit fly container into her tank.
  26. FrozenShivers

    Hello from N.I

    Welcome :)
  27. RickyV

    Daphnia culture connected to larger system?

    I am going to attempt a daphnia culture soon and have been thinking about the best way to approach it. I have had very succesful cultures outside that I did not touch at all, however they were probably not the most optimal. It sounds like the main killers of daphnia are overfeeding, and...
  28. hypnogogia

    Hello from N.I

    Hello 👋, welcome to UKaps.
  29. megwattscreative

    Stocking advice for high top 100L tank - jumpers welcome!

    Hi Ollie, thank you for this. I'm definitely interested, I'm waiting for my quarantine tank to arrive later this month before I make any purchases - I'll drop you a message once I've had a think :)
  30. G H Nelson

    Hello from N.I

    Welcome to the UKaps!
  31. RickyV

    Information on Fenbendazole

    I found this paper recently and thought I should share here Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Fenbendazole Use in Teleost Fish at the National Aquarium, Baltimore - IAAAM 2012 - VIN. The paper lists some fish species that were found to be sensitive to fenbendazole.
  32. Tyko_N

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Yes, it would be great if it worked, no idea if a normal air pump is strong enough though. You could make it pretty simple, like this: For best effect you want the opening to let water in the lowest spot, and the airline to end as close to the top as possible (to let all the air escape). You...
  33. L

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Tyko_N air displacement idea is pretty sick. Somthing with an acrylic fake base and little box for an airstone could be pretty cool. It’s hard to draw on a phone but this is what I’m thinking.
  34. Tyko_N

    What is this teeny thing ???

    Looks like a pupae of some kind, I would guess from a dipteran species, but not sure which. Have you been feeding any live food recently?
  35. Tyko_N

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    I have been tempted to do a tidal tank for a while now, and looked into it a bit. The "best" solution would probably be a sump, be it either below, overhead, or behind. One pump feeding the main tank (if you use a sump below), and then a standpipe overflow from there back into the sump, the pipe...
  36. Spartacus

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Popped into Pets @ Home in sheer curiosity as was next door. Wonder how this plant fairs on the duckweed index? Going to Horizon Aquatics in around 1 week - Going to be so nice to be in a good store 😊
  37. richardcunliffe

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    I think this is all of us. Whenever I look back at photos I feel the same. It's a skill to simultaneously enjoy the now whilst being aware of the things you want to improve or are waiting for. Probably a metaphor for life. I'm a long way off mastering that one!
  38. Gill

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Can you make use of one of these. Seen them used in a coral tables for similar uses. Jebao SCP Series Cross Flow Pump Wave Maker
  39. castle

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    You’d need to have the drain pump set above or equal to the float switch, some pumps will break a siphon too - however if you want pumps out of water, or below lowest point an electric ball valve would work well 👍
  40. D

    Hello from N.I

    Hi all, Been keeping freshwater tropical fish since I was 14 in the days of metal framed tanks ans corner filters. Dived into the marine world 10 years ago but after a flood and crash got the heart knocked out of me. By then I'd introduced the marine bug to my brother who's older than me and...
  41. hypnogogia

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    I with a peristaltic yes, but if using a normal ATO, that would put be the case.
  42. Bradders

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    O really? What made them so angry before you added them to the tank? 😉 😀
  43. Apistonerd

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Beautiful layout! Can't wait to see it planted 👌👏....... I just realized there was more pages to this thread looks amazing!
  44. Gill

    What is this teeny thing ???

    Just found this in the shrimp nano while doing a water change. Was amongst the water lettuce 3mm long and looks like a red dried up slug.
  45. castle

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    I’ve had these for a couple of years, and they’re multi generational, I think it just takes one thing and that is enough for one to get ill, and then they all do, slowly… I also added a handful of “wild” neons which probably didn’t do me any favours
  46. richardcunliffe

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Nice thing about peristaltics is you wouldn't have to worry about that. You can also run the same pump in both directions
  47. dw1305

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    Hi all, <"I used to do that">. I tend to do this now. Cheers Darrel
  48. Bradders

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    I have always found neons more tricky than the Internet would let you believe! They seem to want near perfection!
  49. hypnogogia

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    How do you stop a siphon emptying the top tank?
  50. castle

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Terrible drawing to the rescue 😅 I would do this with two pumps, two tanks and two float switches. Float switch offers you some protection to floods: Not perfect, but feels right to me, pump could still draw down with a siphon, so you may need the pump higher in the tank, or depending on...
  51. castle

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    To be honest I forgot how good it looked back in June! I’ll get some photos tonight, but you’re right I lost a lot of enthusiasm for the tank once I realised how tough it was to treat the fish. Very resistant, whatever it is. Even important some meds from US, did nothing.
  52. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    My Stupid Oaf of a dog wants my attention with his current fave ball
  53. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    It really is when good faith is thrown back at you. Im the social committee aswell, so thinking of things to keep moral up and nice events etc. Yes Access to Work is a brilliant resource that i always use. Takes a while but is very good once all setup and ready. think i got 5k to use for...
  54. Iain Sutherland

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Please tell me you are doing a mudskipper set up and if so I insist on a full in depth journal 😇 I need to vicariously live this dream.
  55. tam

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Yes, if you put a 'land' mass in the centre to cover the divider and just had the divider at the high tide mark rather than to the top of the tank, you could potentially make it quite subtle.
  56. Gill

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    Try the Guppy Crumb, its very good and all the smaller fish eat it well. Even the Threadfin Rainbows take this with ease, And they have some of the smallest mouths in tropical fish. Micro Guppy/Endler Crumb
  57. Maf 2500

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    You could divide a long tank in two down the middle and have two habitats, one being at high tide while the other was at low tide and vice versa...
  58. Iain Sutherland

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    That's a right pain, health issues with the livestock can be so disheartening. look forward to seeing the current fts, great to see what's changed in the past 4 months.👍
  59. tam

    Strike Action - Views

    It's frustrating when you make choices in good faith and they don't hold up their end. I think what others have said about applying for other options is a good one - if nothing else it gives you more information to make your choices on. Could even be there is a job out there that suits you...
  60. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    I Know, but don't like to let people down. I am a people pleaser and always will be. I'm the one who tends to keep an eye on people at work and always know when they are struggling. I did start letting down my Masks at work, and that did not go down well at all. They did not like that version...
  61. castle

    Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

    Oh thanks you so much @Iain Sutherland & @komisaru it’s taken a bit of a hammering these last couple of months as neons have something quite virulent - many rounds of medication, a lot of water changes but also a lot of food knocked the tank out of sync. I’m losing about 2 a week, but as the...
  62. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    Thanks Tim, It was just such a shock. as just told a meeting for wednesday, though we were told who was chairing it. So knew it would not be anything good. The cheek of the Director to have nice cordial chats with us beforehand. As if he wasn't about to ruin it for us. And then joked with me...
  63. L

    Strike Action - Views

    I’m sure you already know this but sometimes hearing it again is helpful. If you’re not well, you don’t have to work. I had a pretty serious mental breakdown due to a huge volume of pressures inside and outside of work. Hindsight taught me that I should have taken time away from work...
  64. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    Thank you. I have Multiple Chronic health conditions. And I was just having a good turn till this happened. And Recent new Diagnosis have not helped either. But Ill Deal with it as normal. Being a carer to an elderly parent with Dementia does not help either to any of it. I have someone I...
  65. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    It is Indeed, Yes the vote is Anonymous. Though the postal votes have not arrived and many have missed out on Voting. Th union did ring me on Friday PM. and i advised accordingly. I don't really want to strike, as i know what the impact will be on the team i work in currently. And the Supers...
  66. L

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    I think a sump layout would be best. The two tank system may draw too much attention to the system, detracting from appreciating the plants in a natural tidal environment. If going for the sump layout, have you considered letting a sump overflow be restricted with its valve to let water slowly...
  67. bazz

    Epiphyte Propagation help

    As Darrel says, I'd remove the floss and weight and just temporarily wedge it somewhere in the hardscape.
  68. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Haven't seen anything wrong with the rest of the Anubias which is good. I got rid of a bunch of Bucephalandra kedagang which was growing very poorly and straggly. Also topped a bunch of Bucephalandra silver powder because they were growing very straggly too. I have quite a lot of them now. I...
  69. bazz

    TNC Lite 'clumping' in the bottle

    Hi, If you have created an ideal situation I personally can't understand why you would want to change it, remember plants love stability and take a little time to adapt to differing parameters, so I wouldn't upset the apple cart for the sake of a half bottle of mouldy old fertz. I also wouldn't...
  70. Tim Harrison

    Strike Action - Views

    I was also going to mention Acas. Also, your company might offer support in terms of CV writing and applying for other jobs etc. Always good to find out, no harm in asking. Always best not to make any assumptions. Might be a good idea to apply for all available roles straight off the bat. When...
  71. Zeus.

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    The $hit was hitting the fan and myself and @castle was asked to contact Dan. Castle did suggest to me via DM he was considering putting up funds to save UKAPS. Dan happen to respond to my DM and not Castles DM. I did DM all the mods and got little to no support from most before/after I spoke...
  72. bazz

    Lava rock question

    I'm no expert or Geologist but I wouldn't hesitate to use it, the only precaution I would take is to give it a couple of weeks and a few water changes before introducing livestock (which you should probably be doing anyway on a new tank) just to be on the safe side...
  73. Bradders

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    I wonder if you can convert the slow motors of a dosing pump to help achieve the goal here? They seem pretty slow and you just need a slow in and out on a timer to create that. Just an idea, not a very well formed one I must admit!
  74. Bradders

    Fluval Bio - Stratum - Absorbing PO4 ?

    From what I understand (I am still a plant junior) aquasoil, especially new substrate, adsorbs phosphates found in the water column due to Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Over time, as the aqua soil becomes saturated with phosphates, it will release them back into the water column but in a...

    Strike Action - Views

    You could try CAB Gill and I am sure you can speak to a advisor online . They should have experts on employment law who will guide you through. Not sure if ACASS still does mediation if it came to that but there is mixed views on their effectiveness. All l can say Gill try to not get stressed...
  76. ScareCrow

    Wrong fish?

    Looks like it. Nice to get a rare cory (Brochis) by mistake. I agree and disagree with others saying that corys will shoal together. While there are species that mimic others and are found together in the wild, we also keep species that would never meet in the wild and have quite different...
  77. G H Nelson

    Reverse Osmosis System

    No booster pump!
  78. H

    Wrong fish?

    Result. Yup, thats the same as my experience. They are happy to accept each other, and the closer alike they look the closer the acceptance. Of course, once feeling settled and comfortable Corys generally just spread themselves out in a loose coalition in the same rough area, rather than an...
  79. W

    Filter Media for Fish Stocking Calculator

    Much appreciated
  80. kirk

    Found these kessil .

    Thankyou for putting in the time to find the answer most appriciated. You have confirmed it would be the wroung model as it would be blue as the model describes tuna blue. Back to concidering the vivid 10th now thanks.
  81. K

    Cladophora algae struggles

    I might give that a go, thank you. Amanos scare me. 😂 One of my black panther snails appears to have gotten a taste for Cladophora though, fingers crossed the others catch on! My understanding was there are some cheap "marimo moss balls" which are actually Cladophora wrapped up instead but you...
  82. Andy Pierce

    Strike Action - Views

    Go for the new role, and also apply for new jobs elsewhere.
  83. richardcunliffe

    Tide simulation, looking for thoughts.

    Tell us more about your vision for the whole here, livestock plans etc. Looking forward to hearing all about it! My insane mind immediately jumps to trying to raise one in some way porous box mechanically out of another containing the water. Certainly not a rational approach, but could lead to...
  84. S

    Another No Co2, No Ferts. But also No filter, No water Change

    I've seen this a good while ago and love the way his co2 setup is. I think the version I seen was with Aquarium-co op ? Either way, I've done this tank method quite often, will it might not look so pretty to high tec setups, it's still one I am fond of and like having.
  85. castle

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    Privacy policy does not grant ownership 👍
  86. Iain Sutherland

    Editing posts

    The committee will be reviewing all policies in the future. If you could send me a link on this Castle that would be helpful and I'll get it to the committee for discussion. The edit function was added in 2020 and has never been in issue until now, as I understand it. I'll add it to the agenda...
  87. Tim Harrison

    Strike Action - Views

    @Gill, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It's incredibly stressful. I don't think there is very much you can do. It seems your employer is acting responsibly and trying to do the best by the workforce. Employment law in this country is quite stringent and usually in favour of the...
  88. Iain Sutherland

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    There will be responces to all of your questions Tim, the list of tasks is long but we will continue to keep members informed as progress is made. Hope your well fella 🤚
  89. Iain Sutherland

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    Please read the Privacy Policy in the links at the bottom of the site. With the changing nature of things it's probably best you direct message the committee if you would like your account deleted Castle, although I really hope that isn't the case. 👍
  90. S

    Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination

    I have just about depleted my current fertilizer and noticed this easy Mix via @Happi and I would really like to try it out. I am going to order Solufeed Coir Tek and the 2:1:4 as listed. I will go for the #5 option and come back to you all with the results. I have a 200ltr fully planted tank...
  91. Tim Harrison

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    @simon_the_plant_nerd. Kinda... My wife was born in Clydebank. And I kind of learnt to understand my mother in law. She was brought up in the Gorbals. She was Glaswegian through 'n' through 🙂
  92. Maf 2500

    Editing posts

    Does this ownership of the copyright mean that third parties (eg. moderators) are not allowed to edit other people's posts? Obviously they would be able to delete illegal content or hate speech and the like, but are they allowed to edit other people's words?
  93. tam

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    Pop some food in a small bag (don't seal it) then wack it a bit with a rolling pin. You should then have finer food. If you are fancy you can use a pestle & mortar. I use the bug bites, and do the same - pinch it between my fingers, and rub them together just under the water surface. Gives you...
  94. Maf 2500

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    Sounds like the hardness is the problem here - you could try pre-soaking the granules to make them softer, but that might increase the likelihood to sink which would make your other issue worse... sorry, not much help lol...
  95. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Committee feedback

    Sorry Darrel I disagree completely. You're a scientist you must acknowledge that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And for the record I'm not trying to stir up problems, quite the opposite. The questions I asked are quite ordinary and wholly legitimate. I'm not going to make a...
  96. Maf 2500

    Editing posts

    Does owning the copyright to a post necessarily give you the right to retroactively edit it? If you published a book you would own the copyright but you would not be able to recall all of the copies and change the text. That sounds sensible. As an experiment earlier I edited one of my own posts...
  97. dw1305

    Editing posts

    Hi all, We used to have a 15 minute editing window. Users can delete threads they started. I think there are advantages to having a time limit on post editing, but I've re-edited a number of my own posts, mainly to correct grammar etc., but also to link in later threads. Cheers Darrel
  98. kammaroon

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    I feed my fish the Bug Bites, Hikari Micro Wafer and Dennerle NanoGran. The wafers need to be crushed like the Bug Bites, but the NanoGran granules are small enough to put directly into the tank. https://amzn.eu/d/18ZHX5I https://amzn.eu/d/6IZ7P5B
  99. M

    Fish food for small/nano fish

    Do you know if the colour enhancing ones are any good or is it just a gimmick?