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Current build status of my heavy driftwood tank

Nice long roots on those floaters.
I’ve seen them get to a meter in length. If they reach the substrate they’re kinda invasive…

A minor learning, which by sharing I am probably teaching you how to suck eggs…

Large rocks in the back of the tank are lovely, add depth and height. However once plants grow in, you often lose them. They take up large areas of valuable planting space, which i kinda now need in this tank.

I added 4 large rocks along the back, which when dry looked great but it shows my lack of aquascaping experience. Probably should have not added the left one. It’s a nice problem tho, it’s not like Bolbitis and Anubias are not nice plants 👍👌 I think with the next scape planning out planting in future is probably a smart move 😅
A few things I should apologise for, but I doubt I’ll ever find the posts in which I made such claims.

1 - Sun light doesn’t cause algae, i am sure sunlight helps algae grow but this aquarium is getting 4 hours of sunlight and there is minimal algae.

2 - m.hirusta does put out 4 leaves under water.


3 - while no where near a carpet, a low tech carpet is definitely achievable with moderately difficult plants.


Doesn’t look like much, but they have exploded everywhere I have placed them 3 weeks ago.


Added 12 Pangio cuneovirgata, which I see a lot more of than you’d expect.


It’s not all pretty tbh, but I like it. I’ll try and get a FTS later this week 😊

Quick phone picture. Fish thought it was feeding time, when in fact it was bed time.

This isn’t really what I had in mind for this tank, but I am slowly adding epiphytes and also moss.

I love the gangly stems, and the way Bolbitis grows through the wood. Plants such as the guppy grass, Riccia and Java fern all came with shrimp - so I let them naturalise. Starting to feel more wild.

Also changed a bit of hardscape on the left. I never did like that smooth bit of wood.

I broke down a 200l holding tank, so fishes were moved again. Unsure I’ll ever be able to remove them now tho. 😬
As an experiment, I removed all but two independent frogbit plants, both in good health a few weeks ago. One plant is still small and on its own; the other is this unit:


Every individual plant is attached to another. Azola is also doing quite well. Will try and get. FTS later this week 👍
Oh thanks you so much @Iain Sutherland & @komisaru it’s taken a bit of a hammering these last couple of months as neons have something quite virulent - many rounds of medication, a lot of water changes but also a lot of food knocked the tank out of sync.

I’m losing about 2 a week, but as the numbers got to about 50 it’s taking time to get through them.

I’ll get a full tank shot later this week as I’m planning to turn this tank around into “full health” so would be good to show what I stared with and where it got 👍

A single “mother” plant frogbit tries to keep everything in check:


To be honest I forgot how good it looked back in June!

I’ll get some photos tonight, but you’re right I lost a lot of enthusiasm for the tank once I realised how tough it was to treat the fish. Very resistant, whatever it is. Even important some meds from US, did nothing.
I’ll get some photos tonight, but you’re right I lost a lot of enthusiasm for the tank once I realised how tough it was to treat the fish. Very resistant, whatever it is. Even important some meds from US, did nothing.
I have always found neons more tricky than the Internet would let you believe! They seem to want near perfection!
I’ve had these for a couple of years, and they’re multi generational, I think it just takes one thing and that is enough for one to get ill, and then they all do, slowly…

I also added a handful of “wild” neons which probably didn’t do me any favours
I also added a handful of “wild” neons which probably didn’t do me any favours
O really? What made them so angry before you added them to the tank? 😉 😀
I forgot how good it looked
I think this is all of us. Whenever I look back at photos I feel the same. It's a skill to simultaneously enjoy the now whilst being aware of the things you want to improve or are waiting for. Probably a metaphor for life. I'm a long way off mastering that one!