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  • Users: samc
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  1. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm ????? :lol: thats wierdly suits it
  2. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm ????? i am about to jase :D just recieved my HC from plantedbox. awesome health too. thanks alot guys, your great :thumbup: ill pop some pictures up tonight.
  3. samc

    micro crabs?

    shrimp king had some last time i looked :D
  4. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 9 weeks thats strange. i just got back from my lfs where they had a few of these. i had never seen them before. i thought they would look good in a big tank :lol: they are beautiful in the flesh
  5. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm ????? yesterday i added the sand foreground. not 100% about it but i think when planted it will look better :D it will be planted so that its an island type scape. the HC will go all the way to the back at the sides and the island will consist of hygrophila p, e parvula, lileo...
  6. samc

    Plant ID

    its staurogyne sp. :D
  7. samc

    300watts of metal halide- trouble?

    i have 150w over a 80l so i guess its not too bad in comparison. i would sort out the current algae issue first as the light will just make it take over.
  8. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm ????? :lol: cheers matt
  9. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm ????? a change of plan :lol: i decided to go with this layout. inspired again by a scape in the amano gallery. i will be having a small sand foreground which ill add tomorrow after another trip to the LFS. the scape which i am thinking of is this...
  10. samc

    california dreaming - nano 30l

    Re: california dreaming i like no.3 best :D i would however slope the substrate alot more. its a quite tall tank.
  11. samc

    Tonys 'Triassic Hollow' 420L - Now FOR SALE !

    Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day4 mine was from my LFS but i would say pets at home will stock it too :thumbup: hows this doing tony? i am interested in how the hydrocotyle will grow.
  12. samc

    Aquascaping couse

    there is some excellent information here: http://www.aquajournal.net/na/index.html
  13. samc

    Moss Spot

    lovely little tank. if the drop checker was not in there i would not know how big it is :D
  14. samc

    Rare plants?

    i got a potamogeton species out of my local river :D its a beautiful plant. i am going to try some next tank
  15. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm 'life in the undiscovered stones' i took the stones out today and had a play with some manzi. i think its gonna be a nature scape :P your right there :D i would love another setup the same. JEK. i wont be using stones for the nature layout it will be manzi wood :D
  16. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm 'life in the undiscovered stones' thanks for the comments guys. ilaymir. thanks for taking the time to show me how you would have it but i prefer the way it is for now :thumbup: i am not actually sure i will plant this layout. i am thinking of doing a nature layout again. but...
  17. samc

    Shrimp for years then 3 new cherries die on filter pipe?

    sounds strange. is there a chance that they have died and the inflow has just caught them? mine sit on the inlet to clean now and then. not really struggling to get away.
  18. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 2 months that looks a pretty mean looking carpet to me. your messing with my head though. i fancy another nature layout every time i come back to check this out :twisted: might get the old box of wood out now and go have a play. damn you :lol:
  19. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm 'life in the undiscovered stones' :lol: it dont worry me mate. thats kinda my idea. gotta break the mould at some point. try something different. if it does not work then fair enough. if it does then i learn something else. and so may others.
  20. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 2 months thats a definate inprovement there. its like a cushion now. i learn something new everyday
  21. samc

    Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

    i gotta say. it frustrates me that i only see 1 photo of each tank. i love to see them built from hardscape through to the end. i find that i learn alot just looking at the hardscape. i will allways post my journals on here. just not the final shot itself :D i would love to be top 10 at some...
  22. samc

    Tonys 'Triassic Hollow' 420L - Now FOR SALE !

    Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" - Day2 good job on the planting tony. cant wait to see it in a couple of months, should be top class!
  23. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    thanks very much folks! :thumbup: the pipe i used for inside the acrylic was fuel pipe. not cheap or very common in the household though. i found it my dads workshop as he's a mechanic. this is the stuff...
  24. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    :lol: thanks mark. i would make some for the price of materials. i quite enjoy it. only problem is finding something to put inside them, for bending. the outlet it 12mm and the inlet is 15mm. i found a good pipe for the 12mm but the 15mm was hard to find. i had to take a while for that.
  25. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    i bought some perspex tubing from the ebay shop the other day and was suprised when i came the next day (yesterday) so i spent a couple of hours making my lily pipes for this. i did try widening the end but could'nt do it as the only way would have been to stretch it over a cone shape, i...
  26. samc

    Hydrocotyle Leucocephalis flower

    cheers guys. mark. you should get some of this and grow it emersed. mine flowers constantly. you would love to shoot these with your crazy lens.
  27. samc

    Tonys 'Triassic Hollow' 420L - Now FOR SALE !

    Re: Tonsers 420L "Triassic Hollow" you make it look easy tony :P i like that you are going to use parrot feather too. its pretty rare in aquascapes but looks great.
  28. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi (new tropica plants) i would send you some stuff, but i am not sure if it would make it :? its a cool new plant. they do change slightly i believe. if you look at the tanks at interzoo you will see it in many of the tanks there. would you move them all towards the...
  29. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi (new tropica plants) cheers guys. i am still temped to to a nature layout though :? i got them from the lakedistrict. free of course :D
  30. samc

    nelsons lava outcrop

    excellent rockwork mate. especially in the foreground. shame the stems were not ready :(
  31. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi (new tropica plants) i decided to slightly rescape i think its an improvement. its really hard with these limiting stones. if you pro's have any suggestions i would really like to hear them.
  32. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi (new tropica plants) i went to my LFS today to look for some stems (not expecting much as they are normally half dead) and was amazed to see they had a fresh load of tropica plants. looking closer i see they had all the new tropica plants :shock: so i snapped up some...
  33. samc

    Hydrocotyle Leucocephalis flower

    not great photography but i really like these little flowers :D i have a few stems on a windowsill in a tray and i have about 5 flowers on. its only got about 20 leaves so quite a few. Here is the flower bud before it opens and after its opened. they are very small. that one is about...
  34. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 2 months looks ace! i didnt realise you had so much flow. i suppose you get alot more with less media in it.
  35. samc

    Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

    just entered mine :D i am number 1653 so there is quite a few.
  36. samc

    Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

    i think i am going to enter mine today at some point. so ill see how many folk there are now. i dont have many good pics but ill pop it in anyway :D
  37. samc

    5kg FE pressure?

    ahh great. thanks alot paul :D
  38. samc

    5kg FE pressure?

    i just woundered if the 5kg FE's have more pressure in than a 2kg? or is it just the capacity that is bigger? if they are much more pressure do you know if my aquamedic reg will be ok? it seems pretty strong but want to make sure as you can imagine :D
  39. samc

    Interzoo BABY!

    thats a smart light! i have had problems with imageshack the other day. mine just stopped loading when the loading bar gets to the end.
  40. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    cheers luke i think it might be crispus too. i just went to a different part of the river and found a load more caught up on a branch so bought some more back. i dropped it in a tank for the fish to clean all the bugs off :D i want to have a look for more species
  41. samc

    "Weird" avatars?

    i was curious about the avatars too. makes sense now :D
  42. samc

    new section on aquajournal website

    i thought the same. i would be scared of it falling apart. not much pressure :lol:
  43. samc

    new section on aquajournal website

    just found this today on the aquajournal website. a new section with some information on the NA gallery. an interesting read :D http://www.aquajournal.net/na/gallery/index.html
  44. samc

    NeilW's 30cm Iwagumi - 'Mono'

    Re: NeilW's 30cm nano - "Mono" [Planted 25/05/10] excellent hardscape and planting. ill look foward to seeing it in a couple of months time :D
  45. samc

    Shrimp Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

    shame this has happened again mate :( i personally think the problem is the shrimp. they clean the substrate all day long. i often see them breaking clumps up, so i guess they keep breaking it up until its mud.
  46. samc

    "Amazon Aquatics" or "the last trading post"

    i have bought some plants from mike via special order, they are always very cheap and great quality. them fish do look very cool little guys. i would like a few in my current RCS tank.
  47. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    cheers guys :thumbup: darrel i am in the lincolnshire area. skegness way. but not skegness as its scabby :lol: i do believe that the river does run out to there. the river is called the river steeping.
  48. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    thanks again darrel :D ill see if i can grow it. its a strange plant. almost look like its rotting atm. its got that transparent look, i know it isnt though. i am making a small collection of the plants in my river, i find it very interesting.
  49. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    Re: another ID for native plant
  50. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    found this today in the local river again. its really nice :D it has slightly transparent leaves like pelia, and are almost waterproof, again like pelia. with pink stems. i have had a look and think it might be a Potamogeton of some decscription?
  51. samc

    Absolute diffuser nightmare

    mine are the same. it has never really bothered me though. i dont touch my co2 once setup and only clean my diffuser quickly once a month. it should do. it needs pressure to push the co2 through the ceramic disc. i would just set it up so that the co2 is the right bsp the day after its been...
  52. samc

    fish for hard water

    although tetras prefer soft water for breeding, i have never struggled with any tetra. i have neons from about 4-5 years ago. plants are also not bothered about water hardness ether
  53. samc

    Andyh's 190l Lounge tank (update 20-09-11)

    Re: Andyh's New 170l Lounge tank that sounds great andy :D look foward to seeing it in situe, and i bet you went for a MH :P
  54. samc

    Tap safe and water changes

    i get mine from ebay in powder form. its pretty cheap and last ages :D
  55. samc

    iPhone Apps

    fonejacker app. its so funny :lol:
  56. samc

    Information on the Aussie Desert Gobie

    just found them being sold here http://shop.coxwellaquatics.co.uk/live-fish-229-c.asp they are wild ones too :D
  57. samc

    Information on the Aussie Desert Gobie

    they are cool litle fish. i would love a tank for a few of these :D
  58. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano me too. i am waiting for yours to grow first :lol: this nano is the same setup as yours really, no ferts or co2 ect. and it works well. i have done a couple of water changes with all the shrimp though.
  59. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano the scum sounds strange. cant see any on mine. i have heard that bullosa can get pretty big so you might have to be carefull. but its a slow grower, thats why i used it.
  60. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano cheers mate. the crypt is bullosa :wink: i had loads, but killed alot off when i switched emersed setups.
  61. samc

    Platinum Tetra - Hemigrammus vorderwinkleri

    saintly has used them a couple of times. i remember them in one of his Maidenhead tanks. they looked pretty cool
  62. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano a little update: i have hundreds of shrimp in here now. alot from my 60cm too. really need a better background :roll: shrimp pile on :lol: adult cherry shrimp.
  63. samc

    Aquatic Magic?

    only thing i have ordered from them is some round pelia. i came in good condition and i have quite a bit now :D
  64. samc

    When to prune lilaeopsis brasiliensis?

    cheers ad :thumbup: i never trimmed mine once. should have really, as it got too tall. if you didnt want it to grow in certian areas then i would just cut them off at there runners and pull them out. my runners were all on top of the substrate. i do know what you mean about it going...
  65. samc

    Patzu's 15 Gallon Tank

    lovely little tank patzu :thumbup: i just had a look on HAC and there are some great tanks on there. you seem to have your own style in hungary
  66. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi :lol: i thought i better try one. i am going to be using stems in the back corners. mainly HM in the back right. i am going to try and grow it into a low bush. maybe with a few red stems too
  67. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    Re: sams 60cm iwagumi i added the rest of the substrate yesterday which i dried off on a sheet in the garden. it created a bit more of a mound
  68. samc

    Exciting Times

    its allways a great feeling when adding the first fish to an aquascape :D i would say that that stocking is fine. i would add a few more cardinals though. maybe 10. they like to be in groups
  69. samc

    sams 60cm 'Pinnatifida Peak' (4.5 weeks)

    here are the tank stats: Tank size (cm): 60x40x40 Tank volume: 80 litres Filtration: tetratrec EX1200 Powerheads: 1 x Koralia nano Co2: Pressurised via FE 24/7 Ferts: EI Substrate: ADA amazonia II & Oliver Knott naturesoil Hardscape: manzanita wood from Plantedbox.com Flaura: Hemainthus...
  70. samc

    Micranthemum micranthemoides flower

    it that on an emersed plant? i have lots of hydrocotyle flowers which are pretty cool. almost like snowballs :D
  71. samc

    Still life shrimp

    amazing shot mate. i love the colours on the bit the fealers connect on to. whatever thats called :lol: the green speckled bits. its amazing how much detail they have on them. we dont see half of it.
  72. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 6 weeks i allways fancied congo tetras but they would grow too big for me :D
  73. samc

    Andyh's 190l Lounge tank (update 20-09-11)

    Re: Andyh's New 170l Lounge tank i dont have any, but i can take a few for you. i quite like the design of it. its pretty simple really, but not as small as the ADA unit. on the other hand they are very cheap on ebay. i picked mine up for £35 :D
  74. samc

    Andyh's 190l Lounge tank (update 20-09-11)

    Re: Andyh's New 170l Lounge tank thanks mate. i didnt know it was out yet :shock: :oops: i have not actually seen it yet as i am not subscribed :(
  75. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    Re: another ID for native plant cheers Darrel :thumbup:
  76. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks i have round pelia mine so it might have hitched a lift with the HM
  77. samc

    Andyh's 190l Lounge tank (update 20-09-11)

    Re: Andyh's New 170l Lounge tank sounds a great setup andy :thumbup: i would personally go with a MH from my experience with them, they are much better than flouresent
  78. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks this makes me really want to try another nature style layout but i have got to stick to my latest idea. i am trying larger stones than normal 8) i know what you mean about the back lighting too. i was amazed with mine. i have a a tube with a purple...
  79. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    Re: another ID for native plant found it! :D Myriophyllum spicatum. not sure how common it is though?
  80. samc

    What grows emersed?

    i chucked a load of HM and a bit of rotala sp. green in a little tank on my windowsill and its grown emersed very quickly even with no top on the tank. its got and inch or so of plain gravel and the water level is just to the top of the gravel. i mist it every so often but i am sure it would be...
  81. samc

    ID for native plant (another)

    i saw this plant in my local river last year which died back in the winter. i thought it was all gone but its started to grow back now. does anyone know what it is? i think its quite attractive little stem plant :D
  82. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 4 weeks thats looking great mark :thumbup: i am really liking the neons in there. they look great with the greens. think i might get some cardinals for my rescape now.
  83. samc

    Mattyc's 160L opti-white ''tranquil hills''(update 19-05-10)

    Re: Mattyc's 160L opti-white ''tranquil hills'' great stuff! good luck with the new plants mate. sounds intereting. is it more like Pogostemon helferi? or like Pogostemon stellatus?
  84. samc

    Mattyc's 160L opti-white ''tranquil hills''(update 19-05-10)

    Re: Mattyc's 160L opti-white ''tranquil hills'' i like the last layout the best :D although i would not use the second biggest stone as its not a very good shape and a bit distracting. i dont think you have any others to fill the gap looking through the pics. there is never enough is there...
  85. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks guys and sorry for the late reply. i have thought about it but i cant bring myself to do it. i might end up with a load of nothing :? # i am very pleased with the halide. i am not sure why but it just gives me the plant health i allways wanted. i guess its the closest you will get to...
  86. samc

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    looking smart mark :thumbup: im doing the exact same with mine and i am suprised how well its doing. and like you, the moss is looking bright green. better than in my 60cm
  87. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 22 days its filling out well mark. by the way i tried you method with my nano. 11w of light, no co2, no ferts and its looking great :D
  88. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    cheers mate. i am not sure on what to do yet. i have got an awesome main-stone but its about 60cm i need to get i cut flat at the bottom which should'nt be a problem. the only problem i have is that i dont have any supporting stones. i may have an idea though :wink:
  89. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    new scape on the way next week mate :D
  90. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i have not done a water change or dosing in this for a few weeks now and it has not really had much of an effect on it. today i forced myself to finally trim it again after putting it off for a week. i was suprised at how much HM i got out :shock: lookind a bit rough on this one with the water...
  91. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 2 weeks looking great mark :thumbup: iv been away all week and was looking foward to seeing the progress.
  92. samc

    how many galaxy could I get away with 30l

    i might be wrong then :lol: if it were me i would get rid of the neons and get 10 see what others say anyway
  93. samc

    how many galaxy could I get away with 30l

    IMO i would add a max of 10 (keeping the fish already in) as they are very small. well the ones i have seen anyway. But you would need to keep up on water changes :D
  94. samc

    Plant IDs

    the first looks like lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae with the emersed leaves. the second could be bacopa monnieri. And i am not sure on the last as alot of echinodorus look the same
  95. samc

    my chery shrimp tank with pictures

    nice tank mate. looks like you have quite a few shrimp in there. they look orange to me :D or is that the photo?
  96. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' i like the bulb colour you now have. i am woundering if i should change mine. you know you want 2 150w halides :twisted:
  97. samc

    nelson's nano 2.......rescaped.

    Re: nelson's nano 2 looks great. nice to see something different :thumbup: i would be also temped by a moss carpet. if not i would put a little in the cracks at the bases of the stones, like the one right in the centre. it should creep up the rock and look really natural :D look foward to...
  98. samc

    Steve's Opti-white Nano - Ikita Kaseki

    ahh steve. they could well be rotala nanjeshan :thumbup: look foward to seeing the update. it is looking sweet!
  99. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano i am going try what amano has done in the latest nanos in his gallery. a random mix of stems :D
  100. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano today i decided to fill this up as i will be on holiday soon so wont be able to mist it daily until the plants arrive. i also added the shrimp and i didnt realise how many there are :shock: i still need to add the HC and a few more stems at the back straight after...