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"Weird" avatars?


George Farmer

I've noticed a few UKAPS members with "weird" avatars. What's the story, please? I'm curious!

These are bar codes, if you have a phone with a bar code reader these avatars point to URLs or have a text message on them.

For example the one you posted above points to:

Oh right, that makes perfect sense!

Thanks for clearing that up mate! :D
My iPhone bar code reader fails to focus on them properly on the laptop screen... I was trying it out the other day...
Kosh42|EFG said:
My iPhone bar code reader fails to focus on them properly on the laptop screen... I was trying it out the other day...
What do you expect from an iPhone? My HTC Desire has no problems even from my 12" screen laptop!
If your phone do not want to read this barcode try to use i-nigma program as far is one of the best name of this type of barcodes is q code

Dan Crawford said:
Don't even go there big guy :lol:
Haha :p there are more pros than cons going to a Desire than sticking with an iPhone ;) not to mention superior hardware, but then again there are always the apple fanatics out there :p