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Exciting Times


10 May 2010
Thought I'd put a post on the forum,to share my excitement at introducing the first fish o my newly planted tank. I have an aqua one ufo 550 80L corner tank, I am using aquabase and manado substrate, the plants I have are Limnophila aquatica,Echinodorus rubin, Ludwigia glandulosa, Eleocharis pervula and Sagittaria subulata, I also have a nice piece of bogwood planted with java fern and java moss, the tank has been up and running now for 6wks and I have cycled the tank so decided it was time to add a few fish, my aim is to have 4 Otocynclus, !2 Cardinal Tetras and 2 Electric Blue Rams, I have just introduced 3 cardinals and then spotted some lovely little red and white crystal shrimps so bought 5 of them. I hope this amount of fish will be ok for this size of tank. If anyone has any comments or advice I would be very grateful.
Kind Regards Debi the Briardist
Isn't manado the one that a lot of people had trouble with increasing hardness?
I share the feeling of excitment from a new tank, it's one of the best feelings.
yeah i would be vary wary with manado, shrimp and hungry rams!!!!

i dont think you will have many shrimp left!
Did'nt know about the manado , it was reccommended to me by my local aquatic store, I have had trouble with my ph but am hopefully getting to where I want to be,my kh is 3, gh 5 and ph 7. I wish I had known about the manado but cant do much now as my plants all seem to be flourishing and i dont really want to up root them bbut I am prepared to if absolutely neccessary. I have just introduced 3 cardinals and unfortunately one became trapped in the filter , I found him in the spray bar so I now have just 2 cardinals and 5 crystal shrimps,am planning on buying another 5 cardinals next weekend and 5 more the following weekend so will have 12 in total. I hope the rams dont eat the shrimp, I wont be getting the Rams for a few weeks yet so hope the shrimp will be a bit bigger by then,there are plenty of hiding places for them too so fingers crossed. I am very green but very keen so will take on board any advice you Knowledgeable people can give.
Kind Regards
Debi yhe briardist 🙂