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ID for native plant (another)


28 Oct 2008
i saw this plant in my local river last year which died back in the winter. i thought it was all gone but its started to grow back now. does anyone know what it is? i think its quite attractive little stem plant 😀


Re: another ID for native plant

Wow, thats a lovely green colour 😀
Does anyone know how it copes with tropical temperatures?
Re: another ID for native plant

I had it in my old 18" I seem to remember it melting terribly then sort of faultering for ages and never doing much. I threw it in my pond out side and it over took it.
think it might be a Potamogeton of some decscription?
It is. Not sure which one, but looks like one of the P. crispus persuasion with only submerged leaves. There are a number of very similar species.

I've never seen any of them for sale as aquarium plants, but I grow the Brazilian P. gayi, and it makes fantastic tangles of stems and leaves (so maybe not one for the dedicated aquascaper), and it loves some current.

cheers Darrel
Another vote for p crispus 😉
If it doesnt grow, thro it outside in a bucket, it seems to love the lack of attention 🙄
samc said:
cheers guys :thumbup:

darrel i am in the lincolnshire area. skegness way. but not skegness as its scabby :lol:

i do believe that the river does run out to there. the river is called the river steeping.

Same are as me and i am 90% sure its p crispus 🙂
cheers luke i think it might be crispus too.

i just went to a different part of the river and found a load more caught up on a branch so bought some more back. i dropped it in a tank for the fish to clean all the bugs off 😀

i want to have a look for more species