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  1. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank teaser

    This is that piece.
  2. P

    New 70 Gallon hardscape Buce tank

    I'm still messing with the scape and will make some changes as things grow in a bit more. For now, I'm just getting some plant species mixed in that I want to grow in some more and not languish in a bucket or in the Quarantine tanks. I likely will add another emergent branch in the back and...
  3. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank teaser

    I'm still messing with the scape and will make some changes as things grow in a bit more. For now, I'm just getting some plant species mixed in that I want to grow in some more and not languish in a bucket or in the Quarantine tanks. I likely will add another emergent branch in the back and...
  4. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Trying to think what to do in this bare spot, the shorter Syngonanthus did not feel right as as foreground type plant really. So I removed it and placed it in another tank. So this is all of the S madiera now. Cryptocoryne x willisii 'lucen might be good for that spot on the side. H...
  5. P

    My pH profile

    When I had canisters on my tanks I measured about 20 ppm of CO2, when I switched over to wet.drys, I had 3 ppm of CO2 at the night time. Scum on the surface, quite a few things can mess with it. What you want is an ideal mesa like concentration: Your CO2 is more like this: but not as high...
  6. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    I uproot the section once every 2 months or so, then replant and sell the larger crowns, keep the smaller ones for the new planting.
  7. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    I have about 50 of the Trithuria blood vomits, they are growing back well after the last uprooting and dividing about 3 weeks ago? Tank is post trim so the L senegal is whacked way back as are the Rotala mini butterfly, Myrio mini and the R wallichii. No KNO3 for 6 days last week, the E...
  8. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Not in California.
  9. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    That's a normal typical month. The Trithuria, downoi, Tonina or A reineckii each......... can fetch 100-200$ each per good sized replant/trim. But I only trim those once every 1-2 months. The problem, it took me 20 years in the plant hobby, 35+ in the aquarium hobby to figure out how to do it:)
  10. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    I did a large hack yesterday and sold most of the cuttings. 500$ a month or there abouts from this tank. Much better than winning any ADA contest.
  11. P

    Anubias sp. Alba

    Yes, sorry looking plants, Vasteq's image is a healthy plant. No one is going to keep the white ones in the hobby submersed for long. At least looking like that. I get nice solid white new leaves etc, but after a few days, they get some green. They start off whiter and get greener under water...
  12. P

    Anyone else play guitar or anything else?

    Kubicki ex factor, all black, met and knew the owner, Phil K, he died recently. Zon Vinny custom made redwood burl 2 Modulus graphite Funk unlimiteds, one cheesy silver and black, the other bright orange with fluorescent orange strings. Warwick Thumb fretless Likely will sell a Modulus. I've...
  13. P

    Anubias White

    The last picture is what a healthy White anubias looks like over time. The real white Anubias have very little Chl a, mostly from limiting the NO3. This is not that hard to grow emergently like this. Most of these coming in are all emergent grown, they will insist otherwise, but it's simply...
  14. P

    Can someone explain Rubisco to me?

    So focus on growing plants well, then you do not have to deal with much algae issues, only minor annoyances. I use the forest example: Why are there forest? Why are they not overtaken with weeds? Well, if you come in and chop the forest down, then weeds will take over, if you chop down just a...
  15. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank

  16. P

    Anyone else play guitar or anything else?

    Bass, own only 5 right now:)
  17. P

    Can someone explain Rubisco to me?

    Why are there more than 1 species of algae then? The logic you present is the same as my question to you.
  18. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Water is hazy from cleaning the sponge block filters once every 3 months or so. Cleared up a bit more than I thought it might after I 1st did it. Top view: You can see a nice crown of the Erio type 3 here. You can see smaller runty rattier ones, but they are getting better and will form a...
  19. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank

    See comments on using an inverted measuring cup, this should make standardization of the units world wide the same and it's cheaper and easier than any other method. Much better than bubbles second that ADA suggested or pH or anything else actually.
  20. P

    Just how much C02 do you use!

    You might consider a simpler approach that's standard and faster: Invert a milliliter measuring cup, eg, a cooking measuring cup with mls on it. Place under water with all the air removed, take the CO2 line, bubble the gas into the cup and after 5 minutes, or some time frame, measure the volume...
  21. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank

  22. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Plants need trimmed to look their best, same with Bonsai.
  23. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    then you do this: week later 2 weeks later: 3 weeks later Another iteration: and another:
  24. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Tank was 1100$ The tank today: I redid the Trithuria, blood vomit section and will treat it like hair grass basically, it's like a red based Belem hair grass etc. I think it now looks much better against the wood vs lost next to other plants. Also added more Mini Pellia and decided to...
  25. P

    Sensations of Red - close to finish images

    If you limit NO3, you end up with yellowing in some of the faster growing green plants. Why? You have less Chlorophyll. This reduction in N means the pyrrol rings are limiting that Chl a and Chl b use. So you have less green pigment masking the red pigments, but.............you anemic green...
  26. P

    120 Gallon Dutch hybrid version 2.0

    I redid the Blood vomit section, looks much better now, sold 20 small plants= 200$. Still need a nice small foreground section on the right perhaps.
  27. P

    Citric Acid - Source of Carbon for plants[?]

    Why give marketing info that leads to such issues to start with? Smells like poo, looks like poo......what do you expect? Aquarist get hammered with all sorts of BS. There needs some consensus and logic to support a claim. I make hypothesis all the time, but I am not seeing anything and I'm...
  28. P

    Aeration why?

    Actually Amano uses a sump and prefilter over flow wet/dry type filter on all the larger tanks including his home. I do also. The sump/prefilter overflow increased O2 1-2 ppm consistently on 4 tanks I changed over from canisters to wet/drys. Not just one or two, but 4 tanks...........and 1-2...
  29. P

    How to clean glass ?

    George Farmer did a pretty good job keeping his tank pretty and cleans it up nice after each tear down.
  30. P

    How to clean glass ?

    You will need to spend a lot of time grinding the glass down, wear a face mask. Really deep scratches, this is not going to work. I suggest to clean the tank once it's broken down: clean razor blades, change them out frequently. Clean top to the bottom, then pull the plastic scaper away from...
  31. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Not sure, none of those do the super feaky red that the URI does. Might try Horticulture weed smoking hydroponic places or the UK Reef forum folks to see if they can source the URI's.
  32. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Tank continues to thrive. I hacked a lot of the groups back yesterday. Mowed others back down. I removed the P stellata narrow in the right corner and then expanded the Erio type 3 out since it is doing well in that position. The section is still weak for now, but in 2-3 months, it'll be real...
  33. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Lava rocks seem okay for the Riccardia from what I've seen, anything with texture it can cling and work it's way into. The 70 Gallon buce tank has larger mounds, it grows different in this 120 Gallon tank, 3x more light.
  34. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

    Well, that is the question, what cannot I not grow? Most anything, but gardening with it? Then you are master.
  35. P

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Sonication is well documented on it's impact on algae, but does little on epiphtyic algae which is really the only issues planted hobbyists might ever have other than Green water which is easily addressed via UV sterilizer. The electric arc produced by O3 generators also can make noises. We used...
  36. P

    George's One-Pot Iwagumi Challenge

    George, next time to use Ricciacardia and the Seriryu stone, try just wedging the mini pellia into the cracks etc. It grows better for me that way than the cotton string on branches. I ended up drilling grooves or holes all along some branches in a couple of my tanks to get a much better look...
  37. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

    Added some Limnophila "wavy" next to the Blood vomits. I've always liked this plant and it's a small thin row stuffed in there for now.
  38. P

    Alpine Gardens

    H2O2, standard drug store 3%. Use not more than 1-2 mls per gallon(3.785 liters). You can use it once every 2-3 hours without any issues. You can see it bubbling(working) right away. Do not overdose: dead fish etc. Otherwise, it's pretty safe. You can also use a 1-2 punch and add H2O2 then a...
  39. P

    Alpine Gardens

    Try Mini pellia, Ricciacardia instead of Riccia. Different darker shade that what you have now. Another interesting plant perhaps: Hottonia or Limnophila wavy. Fine textured, delicate and bright white green.
  40. P

    1st comute of the year

    I got back into biking mostly for mountain biking, road took over when I moved to Florida, flat and hotter than Hades. I have the Cannondales, Synapse and then the Scalpel full Carbon, Ultegra(not worth the $ for Dura ace) and XTR/SRAM. I might have deserved them when I was young and poor, but...
  41. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    It's been here maybe 3 months, it's a slower grower, but the biomass totals can creep up on you and you end up realizing you have a butt load of it suddenly. Good news, it sells really well here in the USA. I've tried tying it to wood, not a good method. I also assumed it liked moderate to low...
  42. P

    Alpine Gardens

    Nice shape tank and nice scape. Riccia is not common much in many scapes, weedy and troublesome for many, but it grows well. Good use of it here. A pipette and some peroxide might be more useful than Glut for spot cleaning the rock. A toothbrush is also under rated.
  43. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Wavepoint Red wave should be a common bulb. URI is the tough one to get, try the reef forums and see and then see which reef vendors have the brand. Giesemann aquaflora, Zoomed flora and Zoomed Ultra should be common enough I would think in the UK.
  44. P

    UVL Red Sun Bulb

    URI are excellent bulbs, much different than the coral color bulbs like the Wavepoints. They are really red. No pink. I would not use one unless you have at least 4-6 bulb hoods. It'll be too red for most taste. You might try Amazon also, not sure if they will ship though. Here's is your...
  45. P

    1st comute of the year

    I did a ride yesterday , my 1st since Nov. It was 72F here, sunny, no wind.....my calf was still sore from running which I do mostly in the winter due to the short days and family, more exercise in a shorter time frame/daylight. Spring/summer fall, I'll do 2-3 rides a week and run 4 days a week...
  46. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

    Yes, like when I had it in the past, perhaps even better. It's a slow carpeting plant compared to the others. It will spread okay, but then takes a few months to really thicken up and make a decent green carpet with no gravel showing below. I had a good example in the past, then I added 100...
  47. P

    Persistent Trouble Maker

    NEVER assume your CO2 is good. Melosira is more likely the alga in question. Rhizoclonium is very green in color. Shrimp can get rid of it, if you fluff off the majority of it and do not feed the shrimp. More frequent water changes should help, particularly if the CO2 is at fault. So 2-3x a...
  48. P

    Light green algae (GSA?) that is growing on my Seiryus

    Water changes, new tank; 50-70% every 3rd day for 1-2 months. CO2 and CO2. Add algae eaters, shrimp, Otto cats etc,
  49. P

    me and my big mouth.

    KNO3 mostly, PO4 is somewhat independent. I think for mild/most cases, folks can siphon and fluff the stuff off. Then water change, then maybe a general H2O2 treatment, then dose the KNO3 and add more KNO3 from then on. I have BGA in my 120 Gallon Dutch tank, but it's below the gravel line...
  50. P

    Green dust algae on day 6 of dosing every week?!

    If you add some bushy nose plecos, they will take care of things. Maybe 4-5 babies in a 100 liter tank should do the trick. 8 hours for the lights.
  51. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

    Haha, it only takes 35 years of aquarium experience, 20 on plants alone:) Well, I do have a PhD from the top ranked university in the world for Agriculture. Does not help me here though. Mostly just experience and trimming, trying new groups.
  52. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

    Compared to my old 120 Gallon Video also, nice colors, but not like this one today. Same camera and video.
  53. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

    You can see the Erio type 3 recovering in the rear at about 0:20-:0.35 Gets ratty when I move it. You can see the color is the same in my pics, the light bulbs seems to help with the coloration. I think maybe a couple of years ago, I thought the red color was too much, but.........my views...
  54. P

    Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

  55. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Also, with the new bulb configuration, I say the following with pretty good confidence: Positive color changes in the red direction: The R wallichii and the L senegalensis really have popped out much nicer than anytime in the past. Very rich nice color. L sphareocarpa- significant red color...
  56. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Hacked some today. Main issues overall: 1. Erio setaceum type 3 is doing well and is starting to regrow the tops and they are doing nicely. I had my doubts for a few weeks there. But it'll come back and full recovery and hopefully be as nice as I have about 1 year or two ago or so: Center...
  57. P

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    Hell, this same thing happens to many of us if not all. If not today, then just wait and stay in the hobby longer, it surly will. Seen it happen to folks that made the top IAPLC 20. It'll happen to me and to you as well. Correct the issue, see where you went wrong. Try to avoid it the next time.
  58. P

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    If you lost 60 Amanos, and had a CO2 issue, that right there is the problem. The bloom occurs, then you need to really work to get it back, add algae eaters back etc. Once the bloom happens, then you need correct things 1st, THEN kill what is there. Otherwise you waste a lot of time and energy...
  59. P

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    TOO, yes, CO2, perhaps lowing light might also make the demand for CO2 lower, thereby making management easier. Root issue seems to be CO2 though in your case/,most cases on some level if the basics are being done. Adding more Amano shrimp can help a lot also to stop new growth, that's what you...
  60. P

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    True. Amano has issues still with algae, so does the ADA store here. Some rather bad stuff. I really have not had any real issues over the last few years, I go looking for issues though and help others. I work on seeing if I can prevent BBA and other algae over long time frames, or taking BBA...
  61. P

    Up sizing my aquarium. Best method?

    Buy her a nice new home, they allow you a new tank:) The method you suggest works well. Do 2x a week(maybe 3 for the 1st 2 weeks) water changes for 1-2 months, and the new tanks will hit the ground running. Then you can back off after 4-6 weeks.
  62. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    A little earlier in the day: Well hacked back:
  63. P

    George's One-Pot Iwagumi Challenge

    15 Years ago it would have won many contest, today, IAPLC # 4092 :banghead: Nice tucking of the edges along the glass, not a Japanese styling method.
  64. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    I tried the Coralife colormax bulbs, but they give a weird coloration, so I nixed them, they also reduced the PAR a considerable amount(about 20-25 umol less for 2-3 bulbs addition). The mix of the 1 Red Wave, 2 Flora Sun Zoomed, Giesemann aquafloras on the ends, then the Red Sun with the 2...
  65. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    New lighting: PAR is virtually identical, but the red shift is a fair amount more. Might be from a few newer bulb additions. Seems I'd tried this but did not like it in the past, but today, I seem to like it for some reason, so it shall stay.
  66. P

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Xmas moss is your best bet, can handle high or low KH's. Good CO2= good moss growth. Grass and ferns are pretty though, so the Moss would be the canary in the mine.
  67. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    There's a few things happening: 1. Reflective color- Obviously, a red bulb will give off and reflect more red light colour than say blue or a white. 2. Intensity. I can vary this over a rather infinite range as far as hobbyists might even encounter. I use high light to grow the Farm faster...
  68. P

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    I think Belem grass would be ideal for this foreground area. It'll make a nice long term rug. Some other plants around the edges of the wood like you have on the right side, those crypts look good. The Belem grass will match well and it does get nice and dense, even in the plain sand. If...
  69. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Switched the lighting bulbs around to what my 180 gallon has. 1 Giesemann Aquaflora, then a 2 Red wave Wavepoint, then a 3 Sunwave Wavepoint, then a 4 Red Wave Wavepoint, then an 5 URI Red Sun, then a 6 Sunwave Wavepoint, then 7 Wavepoint Red Wave and lastly a 8 Giesemann aquaflora. There's 4...
  70. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    I added more soil for the Syg. on the left side there. I have 3 types there, but it's hard to tell the differences between them, but it's there. The Erio compressum have divided into 3-4 plants already. I'll nto divide them for sometime however, I want them to get to their full glory since...
  71. P

    NA Style Baby... (Update 24.12)

    Such nice clean scissors and pinchers, mine are a mess, I wipe them to prevent any rust, but that's not always happening:)
  72. P

    Bucep's bluff thread finished :-)

    The Buces look good on the rocks also, covering them as much as you can afford to. They do well in the soil also. If you do this on the rocks, it will give a more aged look to the tank and make it look bigger than it is actually.
  73. P

    Green thread algae

    GHA is a tough one, none of the management methods are that good IME. Trim and remove can adjust the CO2 up. This can take 1-2 months and a lot of labor, 2-3x a week water changes etc, and it still might come back. Some fish will eat it, but also will gnaw on moss or other furry like things in...
  74. P

    BBA & SAE

    They are also VERY hard to catch once they get big. They are effective on BBA, but..........they maul Rotala wallichii and perhaps a few other plants. I'd focus more on you good horticulture and CO2, trim and remove the BBA before it gets started. Then you do not need them and the plants do...
  75. P

    me and my big mouth.

    Shrimp will help, but clean and peroxide, EM but that's an issue in the UK, which is to say, a good thing in the overall scope of things.
  76. P

    Twinstar..what is it?

    To test this: use a redox probe, or an O2 meter. Redox is a standard measure used to control O3 in marine tanks. A similar system could be used to specifically target a set rise in redox. An O3 generator is not much and a redox controller would offer far better control than say 90-150 liters...
  77. P

    Twinstar..what is it?

    I just put the sucker together, it's O3 at low levels. You can use a O3 test kit and confirm?
  78. P

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Well, I know what a bread maker does and how it works. This? Once you know this, then you are not limited to just buying their products. I've long believed in understanding the BASICS about WHY something works and ask myself does this help horticulture? Or does it just make another one of the...
  79. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank teaser

    CO2 sits about 40-45ppm and the light is about 40-50 umol average for 8 hours with a 0-35% ramp at 1 and 7th's hours to ramp up/down(0-35%) with the ATI 6 bulb config. No issues with algae on leaf tips. The oldest leaves are still from emergent growth, they have a little bit, but not much and...
  80. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    The Erio compressum is an awesome plant, it's got a few nice new side shoots already, so it's really liking the tank. E hydropiper also likes the new spot, none of the sprigs are floating up any longer. I am going to switch around the lights this week and next. I'm sure I can get better color...
  81. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank teaser

    Yes, George, clearly.......I have an over grown tank that needs more open space.
  82. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    EH is a bugger. Finer sediment, I suppose ADa powder type would be best, no fish and maybe only smaller shrimp, Amano's will pull some up. It likes current. Hard to get it to pile on top of its self and get really dense looking from above, but if you go and uproot it, it's much dense than...
  83. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank teaser

    I could always graft any type of tree nearly to these pieces of Manzy and then I'd have a nice looking tree, even if the wood is technically different, few would know. I did this with my 1st graft.
  84. P

    70 Gallon Buce tank teaser

    I'm going to allow the Ricciacardia and the Buces to over take the wood almost entirely. I drilled a few holes into the larger piece of wood and pushed the Ricciacardia into those holes, this is much easier than trying to tie with string and frankly works better. The holes also can simply have...
  85. P

    help! with glossotigma

    Sorry, I think what I wrote is confused here, I wanted to state that not enough CO2 was the issue. Not enough vs No CO2. Gloss can easily be grown at low light. 30-40 umols. I'd say the OP has too much current if anything. Take those rocks out and peroxide them.
  86. P

    help! with glossotigma

    No CO2...........you should see new growth asap, a week or two tops. CO2 issue here. Without CO2 issues: Before trim: After trim Week later: 2 weeks later: 3 weeks later:
  87. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Gilles, nothing else mate. Just the foam block. I use to run an Ocean clear 25 st ft 20 micron cartridge but it clogged too much and affected the CO2 and flow rates. PITA to clean and replace. Bag filters are about the only thing I might use in the future.
  88. P

    Your personal aquascaping/aquarium highlights from 2013

    Haha, Fear not, no genuflexion required:) I made the deadline with 1.3 days left. I would not have gotten the degree otherwise. SOB......... Yes, it was about aquatic plants. Killing them.
  89. P

    Why dose ferts daily if manufactures advise weekly?

    If you look at Tropica's table matrix, you can see the differences in Relative rates of growth for Riccia with different light and CO2 levels that cover 95% of all methods used. So you have roughly 20X difference due solely to light and CO2 levels. Nutrients are independent in this test(eg, EI...
  90. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Yes, Trithuria species, it's not an erio, from Australia. Erio Compressum is from the USA as is E parkeri.
  91. P

    Your personal aquascaping/aquarium highlights from 2013

    I finally got done with my PhD. Enough said.
  92. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Yep George, it's a big old nice plant no one has really scaped with. Seen a few farm tanks with it, no scapes. A local club goes out hunting for various local native plants to try out. So I get to try out some nice new plants, but also to highlight and promote them to the rest of the hobby. A...
  93. P

    Why dose ferts daily if manufactures advise weekly?

    FYI, EI was developed using Tropica Master grow(Old name for their traces). I was using about 20 mls 4-5 x a week on my 90 Gallon, quite a bit more than the average planted tank hobbyist.
  94. P

    Why dose ferts daily if manufactures advise weekly?

    I know Claus C. and Troels A. personally. I asked Claus how often should we be dosing planted tanks back in 1998 with their Trace mix. 4-5 x a week, they say 1x a week because there are so many aquariums with just one or two plants etc, so they do the conservative thing, but folks that are...
  95. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    This is what the tank looked like after uprooting the EH, Cuphea and UG Nice eh? So when I folks whine about why the water is a little hazy, well, frankly they HAVE NO IDEA. A day later it looks like this: The Erio compressum is a good fit in this location. It's among the most...
  96. P

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    Added the nice Erio compressum I got from Aaron. This was troubling because they are not easy to scape with. I found a good location and had to redo a little bit of the design, but it's a nice fit and a nice dramatic plant. Not easy to plant, extremely buoyant. I got mad at the Elatine...
  97. P

    Breaking rules

    Did you measure the PAR? The distance from the light to the surface? Plant tips? You can get away with a single light on a 90P or the 90H. AFA does just fine with their scapes in their store. But they do not have higher light plants, but hairgrass is not a high light plant, peral weed etc...
  98. P

    Breaking rules

    Hume is awesome. The APC crowd, not so much. All the research, all the logic must be wrong and your bad assumptions must be right because you wish it to be so. You do not win a debate, change anyone's mind or learn much that way. I assumed I knew nothing, but I did know where 6 nice ADA...