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Video of Dutch 120 gallon version 2.0

You can see the Erio type 3 recovering in the rear at about 0:20-:0.35
Gets ratty when I move it. You can see the color is the same in my pics, the light bulbs seems to help with the coloration.
I think maybe a couple of years ago, I thought the red color was too much, but.........my views have changed. Went from yellow, to white, to blue and red and to red with some/a little blue.
You can see one of the Double trunk elephant noses at the end.
Compared to my old 120 Gallon Video also, nice colors, but not like this one today. Same camera and video.
Ridiculous..... Tom, how did you come to be in this field? If you have a link to your resume or the like feel free to point me there 🙂

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Superb, really is an awesome scape, looks like the hydropier is taking well Tom.

Yes, like when I had it in the past, perhaps even better. It's a slow carpeting plant compared to the others.
It will spread okay, but then takes a few months to really thicken up and make a decent green carpet with no gravel showing below.
I had a good example in the past, then I added 100 Rummy nose who decided to pick it all up and out.

No such fish in here like that now.
Added some Limnophila "wavy" next to the Blood vomits. I've always liked this plant and it's a small thin row stuffed in there for now.
The Man that can grow anything 😉 been following this one since the start, not more can be said about this one 🙂 stunning.
Well, that is the question, what cannot I not grow?
Most anything, but gardening with it? Then you are master.