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70 Gallon Buce tank teaser


2 Aug 2007
Well, no longer a teaser

Bit of a teaser:
I'll add a few more branches to this and have them hide the overflow more and the return in the 70 Gallon. Footprint is 24"x36" inches, about 60x90cm base.

I walked by the tank a few months ago and got the idea and where I wanted to go with this tank and these plants. They are not easy to scape effectively with, so.....I decided to use them like Anubias more or less and then add some emergent growth that I liked a great deal in my 60p non CO2 example(now a reef). Then add a gloss carpet below the wood that's a brighter color and more ordered with some Mini pellia. It'll have a nice look. Much more a Nature style.

Laverly wood.
Well, once you see how it's going to be used and the scaling done, i'll look even better.

I find a number of these where I collect, but getting them loose is another matter. A chain saw is of limited use also, they tend to be well lodged into the ground or have some green left, so the roots will not give it up.
The chain saw blade hits a lot of rocks also when cutting the bases off. This quickly dulls the blade and makes those useless pretty fast.

I had the luxury of using an identical shaped tank as a model to scale and trim the wood and see if I'd actually like it once I placed inside the tank.
I tried a few other ideas I had, but was not happy with them.

I collected 4 such burl bases in hopes that one would satisfy my goal. This one took some minor trimming but fit the bill nicely and the 4-5 other pieces will compliment nicely.
Looks like I'll redo the 120 Hardscape first, then do this one a few days after.

Wood's soaking for both, but I might need some straighter pieces for the 120. Ironically, finding plain straight pieces is not easy.
Looks like I'll redo the tank not this week, but maybe the next week. Wood has been soaked, then blasted clean, then is soaking now for another 1-2 weeks.
It'll leach some tannins for another month or so, but 2x a week 60-70% water changes will not make that an issue.

Any updates?
You know, the 70 gallon tank is a sucker...........I keep looking at the growth that's really gotten dense and starting to take a life of it's own.

I was not pleased at the mid point.


The new wood is really well soaked and matured now.
I have the new Mr Aqua Soil.
Plenty of plants to work with etc.
Shrimp and plecos
Mature well cared for tank, I can easily do everything except perhaps tie all of the plants to the wood in a reasonable time and motivational frame(a few hours)

But, I might just allow the Buce's to take over the wood and have hilly Tropical forest like mountain range.
Then redo it later.
The wood is not going anywhere.
I'll use it, but less sure about when.
I'm going to allow the Ricciacardia and the Buces to over take the wood almost entirely.
I drilled a few holes into the larger piece of wood and pushed the Ricciacardia into those holes, this is much easier than trying to tie with string and frankly works better.
The holes also can simply have the Buce's pushed into them and in a month or two, they look like they have been there all along.
I'm basically occupying more and more space/real estate with Ricciacardia and Buces.
So when I redo the tank, I'll have plenty of plant stock on hand.


Fear not, I'll certainly use this wood above also, but I'll have super healthy and lot of plants to work with.
Likely pay for a new 180 Gallon with the sales I'll do after pruning things for the new tank. 🙂
Personally I would find a nice oval bonsai dish, some liming fluid, some moss then drill a hole down through the right hand & plant a nice Myrtle stem!

I could always graft any type of tree nearly to these pieces of Manzy and then I'd have a nice looking tree, even if the wood is technically different, few would know.
I did this with my 1st graft.
Yes, George, clearly.......I have an over grown tank that needs more open space.