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  1. dw1305

    KH and GH of my tap water

    ...and 7.143 mg/liter of Ca is also 1 dGH, so 110.4 / 7.14 = 15.5 dGH. If you use the mmol value, you need the RMM of CaCO3 (which is 40.1 + 12 + (16*3) = 100 g / mol) and divide that by a thousand, which is why the 0.1g or 100 mg = 1 mmol, you have 2.84 mmol and 2.84 x 100 = 284 mg / L or 284...
  2. dw1305

    Are all my CPDs male?

    Hi all, In the lab., following the <"correct protocol"> it works fairly well. In the field, or <"with non-experienced operators">, DO meters are a game changer. You calibrate them in the field and they have automatic temperature compensation etc. <"Not everyone"> is a fan, so I'll add in...
  3. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, I'm really not sure, I would definitely try and place them somewhere <"with lesser light intensity">. <"Bolbitis heudelotii"> is naturally a really dark green and <"Microsorum pteropus"> a mid green. cheers Darrel
  4. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, Were all the leaves green when the plant went in the tank? If they were? It maybe an excess of light. cheers Darrel
  5. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, They should be that dark green, it is the white bits that are worrying. In the case of the Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) the new growth is a <"dark translucent green"> - <"microsorum problems">. cheers Darrel
  6. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, It isn't melting as such, more bleaching. Can we have a full plant shot? I assume it is Bolbitis heudelotii, but <"it does look a little strange">. cheers Darrel
  7. dw1305

    Are all my CPDs male?

    Hi all, What did you test it with? <"Dissolved Oxygen meters work">, but are expensive bits of kit. The <"test kits they sell"> are just a mechanism for transferring your money to them. cheers Darrel
  8. dw1305

    Levamisole and metronidazole question

    Hi all, Antibiotics (for both human and pet health) can't be bought over the counter in the UK, they are prescription only. I wholly agree with this, as there is an almost perfect correlation between <"antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance">. In the UK we still <"have the farming issue">...
  9. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, That is one of the (many) advantages of UKAPS. we have a number of in depth threads, on a <"wide range of subjects">. Rather than just being an <"echo-chamber">, where <"facts"> are endlessly recycled, <"we've talked to scientists"> and we've <"developed techniques"> that make...
  10. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, That sounds about right, the mark up on <"aquarium fertilisers"> is eye watering <"TNC Complete">. This is from the <"IFC calculator">. cheers Darrel
  11. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, Boiling tap water will remove bicarbonate (HCO3-), also known as dKH or "temporary hardness", from the water, as long as it is strained into a fresh container while still very hot - <"Anyone have fert list to make 2hr aquarist APT Complete please.">. Depending on the calcium (Ca)...
  12. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hi all, I think that is the only explanation, what I'm not sure about is why are conditions amenable to H2S formation? There doesn't seem to be the input of nutrients that might provide a substrate and then reduce oxygen levels low enough to produce ORP values at a level for sulphide formation...
  13. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, In terms of <"value for money"> you just need to stay away from anything pre-diluted and / or <"aimed specifically at the aquarium market">. I've always used a <"horticultural fertiliser">, but not very scientifically, @Happi has done all the hard work in <"Solufeed...
  14. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hi all, It would probably depend on how <"physically stable it is">. I use silica sand and potentially that remains "good" eternally. I'm not a vacuum fan, but it would be difficult with fairly fine sand any way. This is what Dr Stephan Tanner says: <"Aquarium Biofiltration - SWISSTROPICALS">...
  15. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    ...any H2S. You need to add about 1 - 3 mg / L H2O2 per 1 mg / L H2S. <"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.2175/106143015X14362865225951">* * If the link stops working the reference is Chan & Farahbakhsh (2015) "Oxygen Demand of Fresh and Stored Sulfide Solutions and Sulfide-Rich...
  16. dw1305

    New Eheim Canister

    Hi all, I may have an investment opportunity for you - <"pump in a bucket" by luddite">. I <"still use mine">, although I'm not sure the heater still works. cheers Darrel
  17. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hi all, That is hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and I'm guessing that that is where your issue lies. Not in hydrogen sulphide directly, but in what it <"indicates about the dissolved oxygen level in the tank">. The links in the linked thread will cover this area in more detail. The two questions that...
  18. dw1305

    Foresta 35e

    Hi all, Looks like a "Greenhouse Slug" <"Greenhouse Slug | NatureSpot">, so probably came with one of the plants. Cheers Darrel
  19. dw1305

    White dots on hardscape and plants

    Hi all, It looks like <"biogenic calcification">. Basically "lime scale" deposits. It occurs in water with some CaCO3 content, when the plant extracts CO2 molecule, which reduces the amount of bicarbonate (HCO3-) that can remain in solution and the least soluble carbonate (CaCO3) comes out of...
  20. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, That is certainly plausible. I'm guessing that is the real difference, the only rooted plants I have tend to be Cryptocoryne spp. which are "perennials". If I had stems, that I continually trimmed and uprooted, there would be much more in the way of detached roots etc,. It would be...
  21. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, The green algae have the same photosystems and basic physiology as all the other plants, they are "plants". There are definitely algae that are "turned up to eleven" plants, but there are also algae that grow in oligotrophic conditions as well. You do, and I think it does. It is back...
  22. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, I don't think that wood is the sort of organic carbon source that would enhance algal growth. Heart wood is comprised of lignin, and lignin is very resistant to decay, and right on the edge of biodegradability in energy terms. You can release that energy by oxidation (wood burns), but...
  23. dw1305

    How big is your towel? And do you wash it?

    Hi all, A tea towel out of the drawer, then put it on the hook to dry, hoping that my wife doesn't notice that I've spilled water everywhere. Cheers Darrel
  24. dw1305

    Multiple plant issues

    Hi all, It honestly looks OK. Moss carpet? It looks like Bristlenose (Ancistrus) damage to Anubias & Bucephalandra. Cheers Darrel
  25. dw1305

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    Hi all, That is very different from the water that most of us in the UK would get. No nitrate (NO3-) and very variable conductivity. I'm guessing that it is mainly from desalination plants? Cheers Darrel
  26. dw1305

    What Water To Use?

    Those are the sorts of values a lot of people get. My "problem" is that it is all limestone where I live and dust from ploughing and quarrying ends up on all surfaces. Cheers Darrel
  27. dw1305

    What Water To Use?

    I don't precisely mix it, I used to use a conductivity datum range, but now I just use the size and colour of the Red Ramshorn snail shells. If they are all small and very pale I add a dash of tap. <"Our rainwater still has some carbonate buffering">, so the pH is still over pH 7, but the...
  28. dw1305

    What Water To Use?

    Hi all, I use the Daphnia bioassay, basically as long as the water butt has swimming Daphnia, the water is good. You are very unlikely to get any fish parasites, but you could potentially get Flatworms (Planaria). Cheers Darrel
  29. dw1305

    My next problem... Filopaludina martensi

    Hi all, You are good. The problem isn't you, it is that most sellers of aquarium "products", just care about a sale. They don't really care about anything else. I'd try some green leafy veg and cuttle bone, eggshells or shell grit etc. and that will delay the inevitable. Cheers Darrel
  30. dw1305

    My next problem... Filopaludina martensi

    Hi all, I don't think there is anything you can do, other than move them into tank with harder, more alkaline water. Most (all?) "fancy" snails are from hard, alkaline water. You can't use baking soda (NaHCO3). It will add dKH, but it will also add sodium (Na) and you definitely don't want...
  31. dw1305

    What Water To Use?

    Hi all, The maximum in UK tap water is 0.5 ppm, that is the level that chlorine (Cl2) becomes detectable at by smell and taste. The water companies can exceed this in "exceptional circumstances" to protect public safety. Unfortunately our water companies and OFWAT (the Independent regulator)...
  32. dw1305

    What Water To Use?

    Hi all I'm not a tap water user, but if I was? I'd use a dechlorinator. I let the water I use stand for a while (to warm up), but that would also outgas chlorine. I'm less worried about chloramine, purely because the plants will mop up the ammonia. Having said that, I honestly don't think it...
  33. dw1305

    What Water To Use?

    You don't need a dechlorinator if you don't have any livestock. You can, there are commercial products you can buy, but you can DIY your own custom mix very easily. If you have hard, alkaline tap water? You can use a splash of that. A lot of us, who have hard tap water, use rainwater. I've...
  34. dw1305

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    Hi all, Good post. That is something I've said a lot, they are the <"all plants">, and that there aren't any <"special ADA etc. potassium (K+) (or nitrate (NO3-)) ions">, arguments. I would make a slight exception for nitrate, it is not that the ions are any different, but that <"their method...
  35. dw1305

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    Hi all, It definitely isn't disrespectful, and I don't actually see them as mutually exclusive approaches. They had some initial similarities, particularly in that both were developed partially due to the difficulties in getting <"accurate values for some water parameters">, but after that...
  36. dw1305

    Plant id help please?

    Hi all, It looks like Heteranthera zosterifolia. Cheers Darrel
  37. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, Personally, If I had <"soft water from the tap">? I'd use it "as is", and just keep livestock adapted to that water, it just <"makes life a lot easier">. Cherry Shrimps (and <"most snails">) <"prefer harder water">. Our tap water is about ~400 ppm TDS (650 microS) and that just really...
  38. dw1305

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    Hi all, We have a thread: <"Lean dosing pros and cons">. I'd have to start by saying I've never been an EI user, but I have borrowed from the EI concept in the <"Hybrid Duckweed Index">. I was, initially, very much an <"Estimative Index sceptic">, but <"I'm convinced it can work">, but I still...
  39. dw1305

    Dark start vs old filter media?

    Hi all, Very much agreed, that is why I've pushed the idea of <"plant and wait"> as <"an alternative"> and then to use the plants as your test kit (<"to act as a biotic index">). Cory from the Aquarium Co-Op talks about this in his <"Seasoned Tank Time"> video (linked here <"Help needed with...
  40. dw1305

    Dark start vs old filter media?

    Hi all, Have a look at <"Amano Shrimp , co2 and Tropica soil">. Yes, that is as good as we've got at the moment. This is the Ryan Newton thread: <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton - School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee">. I'm going to guess that this won't make...
  41. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, @algae_connoisseur hasn't posted for a long time, so you may be reliant on another member to comment. cheers Darrel
  42. dw1305

    DIY KCl 4M for pH electrode storage

    Hi all, Because it is a neutral salt it doesn't effect pH, all it does is lessen the time the electrode takes to reach equilibrium. This means you don't need to add a set amount, just tip a small amount of salt into the sample. Details below for DI water...
  43. dw1305

    Shallow tanks and emergent growth

    Hi all, I'd guess not, it grows in dry places normally. Most other Tradescantia spp. (other than T. sillamontana) should work. Cheers Darrel
  44. dw1305

    DIY KCl 4M for pH electrode storage

    Hi all, You don't need anything else. Nothing will grow in 4 mol. KCl, it is pretty "salty". Cheers Darrel
  45. dw1305

    Storage of Tap water at room temperature for 50% weekly water change.

    Hi all, A water butt might be the cheapest option <"Garland 114ltr Harcostar Water Butt (Includes Tap & Child Safety Lid) Electrical World">? cheers Darrel
  46. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, I don't think you don't need to dose EI levels, personally <"I don't"> and would only do so in <"very, very specific circumstances">. That is why I'd start with just adding the micronutrient mix from @BuffBall 's post <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC...
  47. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, They are definitely a bit deficient in something, the problem is working out what the <"something"> is. I think this as well. Time is a great <"healer">. I'd probably look on increased algal growth as a good sign, both <"green algae and aquariums plants"> are fundamentally "plants"...
  48. dw1305

    Shallow tanks and emergent growth

    Hi all, Problems often come in the winter, particularly in more continental climates. @Tyko_N or @MichaelJ can probably add more from their <"personal experiences"> of <"life in a cold climate">. The problem is that the cooler the air is the less water vapour it can hold, so really cold...
  49. dw1305

    Shell attrition

    Hi all, Sage advice, that is why UKAPS is the <"gift that keeps giving">. I think, <"back towards the start"> of the <"cycling wars">, there were <"one or two posters"> who suggested that, if they ever met me in person, they were going to re-arrange my dentition, but this may have actually...
  50. dw1305

    Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination

    ...dosing etc. You might have to dose additional <"chelated iron"> (Fe), (and possibly magnesium (Mg)), purely because of the <"hard and calcium (Ca) rich"> nature of your tap water. * it will be less than these values because you won't have the addition from the Solufeed 2 : 1 :4. cheers Darrel
  51. dw1305

    To Trim A Stem?

    Hi all, That is it, just below a node (where the axillary buds are), and then trim the cut stem back to the next node <"The Art of Nature Aquarium">., removing the "snag" of tissue (the section above the node). Plant the cutting (the bit with the apical bud) and the axillary buds should then...
  52. dw1305

    Shallow tanks and emergent growth

    Hi all, I can think of a few, @zozo (Marcel) is a good source. <"Where The Jungle "Destroys" Red Rock Creek..">. <"Journal - Mission Bathtub and the Pollywog Party..."> <"Does anyone have experience growing, Echinodorus 'Small bear' and Echinodorus 'Yellow Sun'"> Then there was @BigTom...
  53. dw1305

    Shell attrition

    Hi all, Good, I knew it should / does work, but it is always nice to have some confirmation. We have quite a few threads (on all sorts of subjects) where we've offered advice, and the OP says that they have started following it, but after that we just don't get anymore posts. The problem at...
  54. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. HOB filters normally sit outside of the main tank (traditionally on the back glass). When you say "integral" do you mean above the tank? Like an overtank trickle filter? cheers Darrel
  55. dw1305

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hi all, It is <"really difficult to judge">. That is partially why I like a floating plant, it performs both <"nutrient reduction"> and <"net curtain duties">. cheers Darrel
  56. dw1305

    Easylife profito vs apt zero

    Hi all, They do. You can use them, but they really are <"just glorified tap water">. That is <"beyond shoddy">, even for our <"privatised water companies">, they managed a magnificent "one sample" for both calcium (Ca) and alkalinity. You can use any <"all in one">, just <"dosed at a low...
  57. dw1305

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    ...to back that view up. Once people could search for the genes that <"coded for ammonia and nitrite oxidation">? <"The past is a foreign country">*. You might be interested in our thread with Dr Tim Hovanec: <"Dr Timothy Hovanec's comments about Bacterial supplements"> & <"Tim Hovanec's...
  58. dw1305

    APT zero/1 DIY solution

    Hi all, I'd go with the combined "all in one" and just use lean dosing. I don't actually use a set fertiliser addition, I just use the <"visual aspect"> of the <"Duckweed Index">. cheers Darrel
  59. dw1305

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hi all, Yes, if you have soils with a large clay (or humus) content water based extraction doesn't work very well, because the ions remain bound to the exchange surfaces. Just an unknown really, <"pH is a funny measurement"> and it only needs a small amount of additional OH- to raise the pH...
  60. dw1305

    Shell attrition

    Hi all, @jellybean did this work? cheers Darrel
  61. dw1305

    Advice on KH

    Hi all, Yes throw them in, they will make the water slightly harder and more alkaline, but I wouldn't worry. The dissolution of limestone (CaCO3) forms a negative feedback loop and as soon as the <"pH goes above pH 7? It stops">. This is the reason that you get coral reefs and shell beds in...
  62. dw1305

    Advice on KH

    Hi all, You are right. The UK differs from a lot of the continental USA, because we have very low amounts of magnesium (Mg) in our water. This is for <"geological reasons">. I think some of the US recipes leave out magnesium (Mg) because of this. Most recipes for "all in one" fertilisers...
  63. dw1305

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hi all, It is to do with cation exchange, but if you extract a soil with calcium chloride (CaCl2.NH20), rather than water, it is pH is a more accurate representation of the soil pH. The reason its quoted is there is about 1 pH unit difference, so that would be nearer to pH 7.4 in a water...
  64. dw1305

    Advice on KH

    Hi all, Perfect, the dGH is the <"German"> value, so dKH = 3.45. One dKH is equivalent to <"21.8 ppm bicarbonate (HCO3-)">. We have a map <"Some handy facts about water">, but tap water can be very variable over short distances, They use both, the shell is the "aragonite" form of CaCO3. Have...
  65. dw1305

    APT zero/1 DIY solution

    Hi all, Just use a horticultural fertiliser <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination">. This is the nutrient breakdown. I'd just use an "all in one" fertiliser mix, but at a low dosage rate. If your <"plants are nitrogen limited"> they aren't going to...
  66. dw1305

    Filter Media

    Hi all, You can leave them both in if you wish. Have a look at <"Is expensive bio media worth it?"> & <"Replace biohome ultra with foam?"> "Activated charcoal" stops being "activated" but is fine as a <"biological filter medium">, same with the <"ADA Bio Cube">. cheers Darrel
  67. dw1305

    55l medium tech

    Hi all, <"Same for me">. cheers Darrel
  68. dw1305

    Good morning from Hereford

    Hi all, They honestly look quite different - <"Hydrocharitaceae | NatureSpot">. You can see the leaf whorls in Elodea spp. in the link. If you find a plant that <"looks like this">? It is Lagarosiphon major. cheers Darrel
  69. dw1305

    Good morning from Hereford

    Hi all, "Curly leaves" is the easy way, but there are differences in the number of leaves in a whorl etc. The linked posts cover it in some detail. There are moves to legalise species that are unlikely to be invasive in the UK, but I'm guessing that "unlikely" could become "more likely" with...
  70. dw1305

    Has anyone got experience with NTLabs Test kits?

    Hi all, I'm sure that is fine and I wouldn't have any reservations about adding fish. I understand that as well. Caution is never a bad thing. If you can wait a few more weeks? I would. Yes, that is sort of the issue. That is why "plant mass and time" works, there isn't any ambiguity...
  71. dw1305

    Cyanobacteria / BGA outbreak

    Hi all, We really don't know what causes any "algae" outbreaks. We think of <"BGA"> as a single entity, but there are hundreds of different species of cyanobacteria, some associated with <"low nutrient situations"> and some with eutrophication. Have a look at <"Fighting algae in a two year old...
  72. dw1305

    Has anyone got experience with NTLabs Test kits?

    ...starter, some more fish (after the first ones died), a silicate removal kit (because "high silicates in the water killed them", or some other total b*llocks), some <"premium biological media">, a <"bigger canister filter">, some zeolite etc then you can "make some real money". cheers Darrel
  73. dw1305

    Has anyone got experience with NTLabs Test kits?

    ...test tells me. You might be interested in this paper that has come my way via my "day job" <"https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00381">* *Gawanker, S. & Masten S. (2023 ) "Development of an Inexpensive, Rapid Method to Measure Nitrates in Freshwater to Enhance Student Learning"...
  74. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, They definitely look a bit pale, but that might just be the light "washing out" the colour in the photo? If they really are pale green? You could try going back to a "complete mix" and see if <"they green up any">? cheers Darrel
  75. dw1305

    Sponge filter- Coarse vs Fine sponge & biomedia question

    Hi all, It will depend a little a bit on the tank, but I usually give mine a swoosh around (under the tap) <"every couple of weeks">. Our <"water supply"> (in the UK) is <"relatively lightly chlorinated"> so you don't need to worry about "sterilising" your sponge <"Cleaning filter sponges in...
  76. dw1305

    Where am I going wrong ?

    Hi all, <"Tropica Premium"> doesn't contain any nitrogen (N) or phosphate (PO4---). Because these are two of the nutrients that <"plants require most of"> and because of this we usually recommend a fertiliser that does contain them. I'm going to say that may well be where your problem lies...
  77. dw1305

    How to: Clean, easy and highly nutritious greenwater culture for Daphnia and Moina.

    Hi all, Algal spores are universal in non-sterilised water, so as soon as you create suitable conditions they will grow. cheers Darrel
  78. dw1305

    Where am I going wrong ?

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, Unfortunately this is <"quite a common finding">, but I'm going to say you are now in the right place now. When you have time read through: <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?">. In terms of plants have a look at the <"Tropica Easy"> range, they are likely...
  79. dw1305

    Cyanobacteria / BGA outbreak

    Hi all, The problem is that it will return, if conditions remain suitable for it. Cyanobacteria, diatoms etc are pretty much universal in freshwater, they will always be present in your aquarium, but most of the time at a level low enough so that they aren't visible. cheers Darrel
  80. dw1305

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS They are <"Ostracods"> ("Seed Shrimps"), a kind of Crustacean a bit like a Daphnia <"encased in a shell">. They are entirely harmless and very common in shrimp tanks etc. cheers Darrel
  81. dw1305


    Hi all, They don't exactly stunt, it is just that the growth of Tomatoes etc. is sub-optimal at ambient CO2 levels. You can definitely get local depletion of CO2 in glasshouses, this is because they are (to some extent) sealed structures. If you make sure that PAR, water and nutrients are non-...
  82. dw1305

    What micro fauna eats only decaying plant matter?

    Hi all, Via the holes, they reproduce pretty freely and the young ones are very small. I look at them as a definite plus in the planted tank, and they also <"evade predation"> much more successfully than Crangonyx. cheers Darrel
  83. dw1305

    What micro fauna eats only decaying plant matter?

    Hi all, PM me. They will definitely end up in the tank. cheers Darrel
  84. dw1305

    What micro fauna eats only decaying plant matter?

    Hi all, Where are you located? Are you in the UK? cheers Darrel
  85. dw1305

    What micro fauna eats only decaying plant matter?

    Hi all, <"Crangonyx psuedogracilis">? much safer than Hyalella. <"Asellus aquaticus">, absolutely fits the brief, but is a trifle <"aesthetically challenged">. They would work and are "cat-nip" to most fish. cheers Darrel
  86. dw1305

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    Hi all, I think a lot of people enjoy the initial buzz of high tech., but realise that low tech. <"can be just as satisfying"> and much <"easier to manage"> when life intrudes. This was about ponds, but the same applies to tanks. cheers Darrel
  87. dw1305

    Good morning from Hereford

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. It is very likely to be. Have a look at <"Curly Waterweed | NatureSpot"> & <"Curly Waterweed » NNSS">. I'm originally from nr. Kington. cheers Darrel
  88. dw1305


    Hi all, I still think we are in <"Apples and Oranges">* territory, because we are comparing a dense medium (water density ~ 1000 kg/m³) with a much less dense medium (Dry air at 20°C and standard atmospheric pressure (1.013 bar) has a density of 1.204 kg/m³.) <"Air Density">. *edit what...
  89. dw1305

    Sponge filter- Coarse vs Fine sponge & biomedia question

    Hi all, I use the same sponges as <"pre-filters on canister filters etc">. Once it is wet all <"mechanical filtration media"> is <"biological filtration media"> as well, <"if that makes sense">? cheers Darrel
  90. dw1305

    Sponge filter- Coarse vs Fine sponge & biomedia question

    Hi all, They sell them as 4" x 4" x 4" cubes etc. as well, I just buy the big ones (it is cheaper) and cut them down to size. I think these are good, they are all based on on the ones that Stephan Tanner (<"Swiss Tropicals">) sell in the USA. I've got a <"lot of time for Dr Tanner"> -...
  91. dw1305

    Sponge filter- Coarse vs Fine sponge & biomedia question

    Hi all, Yes, you would, but I use these <"big sponge blocks they sell for Koi"> etc. They are £10 for a 12" x 4" x 4" sponge with a 1" central hole 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the sponge <"Consistency Deficiency">. They are really just a gimmick, the <"prime metric in nitrification"> is...
  92. dw1305

    EI fertilizer salts uk?

    Hi all, It is probably preferable to using sodium (Na+) based salts. Even though sodium isn't toxic to plants, they don't have a requirement for it either and it could build up over time. Potassium (K+) and ammonium (NH4+) have the advantages of being plant nutrients. Even "sodium build...
  93. dw1305

    Sponge filter- Coarse vs Fine sponge & biomedia question

    Hi all, Either will do, the finer sponge will need cleaning a bit more regularly. I like <"Eheim Substrat Pro">, but not if I have to buy it. <"Could you do this?"> It will give you a lot more sponge area. cheers Darrel
  94. dw1305

    How to: Clean, easy and highly nutritious greenwater culture for Daphnia and Moina.

    Hi all, You can. Ideally you need to thin the Moinia pretty much every day and the easiest way to do this is just to feed the fish. You should, they are very prone to <"boom and bust">, have a look at <"Feeding daphnia with crushed fish flakes">. cheers Darrel
  95. dw1305

    My first planted tank (ADA 60p high tech)

    Hi all, Because they are sensitive fish, and eat a limited range of aufwuchs. You would need a huge tank to generate enough natural food for them. They will graze on <"structural leaf litter">and I would definitely offer them some. They often don't recognise Algal Wafers etc as food, but...
  96. dw1305

    My first planted tank (ADA 60p high tech)

    Hi all, They are <"Fragilaria (Synedra), a filamentous diatom">. I'd keep manually removing them and <"they should go away"> as the tank matures. I know it is difficult, but you really need to concentrate on plant health and not the algae. The test strips may or may not be right, but I...
  97. dw1305

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    Hi all, That looks like plec (Loricariid) feeding damage. You have a choice of plecs. cheers Darrel
  98. dw1305

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Hi all, That was a lot of people's reservations about having a planted <"quarantine"> tank. I'd just come from it from a different direction, the question is: "What is the best environment for your fish?" and the answer is "an established planted tank with good quality water and a variety of...
  99. dw1305

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    Hi all, I'm guessing eventually that UKAPS will go the way of most / all <"the other forums">, and just be replaced by <"the drama of FB">. It is a shame, but I'm not sure there is much you can do, other than make the most of UKAPS (and other <"bona fide"> sources) while they still exist. I...