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Good morning from Hereford


14 May 2024
Morning All,
I live near Hereford and have a garden pond and 13 goldfish, which are the descendants of some I had nearly 40 years ago.
My question is
Where can I send a sample of pond weed to get an absolute identification please?
It was purchased as Elodea densa but I fear it is Lagarosiphon major. It’s not a problem to me if it is, but I was hoping to pass some on when I cut it back next week. (This would be illegal if it is the latter).
G 🐠
It was purchased as Elodea densa but I fear it is Lagarosiphon major. It’s not a problem to me if it is, but I was hoping to pass some on when I cut it back next week. (This would be illegal if it is the latter).

I’m not sure how you could tell it apart properly to be honest. I’m sure services exist that could accurately identify it but I imagine the cost would be unreasonable compared to just chucking it in the compost heap (or just passing it on as Elodea densa).

I didn’t realise quite how many banned species there are. There’s a list at the bottom of this article. The article probably tells us more about the authors opinions on the UK’s former position in the EU than about invasive pond plants but useful nonetheless.
Hi all,
..... I’m not sure how you could tell it apart properly to be honest.
"Curly leaves" is the easy way, but there are differences in the number of leaves in a whorl etc. The linked posts cover it in some detail.
.... Leaves strongly recurved, alternate or spiralled, but rarely in whorls......
I didn’t realise quite how many banned species there are. There’s a list at the bottom of this article.
There are moves to legalise species that are unlikely to be invasive in the UK, but I'm guessing that "unlikely" could become "more likely" with Global Climatic Change.

Cheers Darrel
"Curly leaves" is the easy way
I’d probably need to see each side by side to have any idea of the differences. I’m not a botanist though and struggle to see small differences.

The article suggests that two species are interchangeable names and when I google them they do look similar.