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My next problem... Filopaludina martensi


30 Nov 2023
Hi there!
4 weeks ago I bought a group (10) of Pseudomugil Gertudae and some(4) Filopaludina martensi (White Wizard Snail).
The Pseudo's are doing well! Quite a bit of courtship behavior. Awesome playful fish!
Unfortunately, the WWS's are not doing great.
Currently, one snail has died (eaten by Amano's when the shell was dissolving) and another snail's shell is dissolving. As you can see in my specs, my water is quite soft and acidic, as is my ADA V2 soil, hence the dissolving...
What can I (still) do about this?

I have read that I can increase the PH and KH by gradually adjusting the parameters with Baking Soda. But how can I ensure a good long-term solution?
Can I use crushed eggshell as a source of calcium, for example in a bag in the filter? (last before the water goes to the tank)
Can the WWS's be saved?

Thanks in advance!
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I always put in eggshells for the snails and shrimps health. They Snails swarm the eggshells eating away at it.
I tend to put one large eggshell a month. And then fish it out once it looks very well eaten.
Hi all,
Unfortunately, the WWS's are not doing great.
Currently, one snail has died (eaten by Amano's when the shell was dissolving) and another snail's shell is dissolving. As you can see in my specs, my water is quite soft and acidic, as is my ADA V2 soil, hence the dissolving...
I don't think there is anything you can do, other than move them into tank with harder, more alkaline water.

Most (all?) "fancy" snails are from hard, alkaline water.
I have read that I can increase the PH and KH by gradually adjusting the parameters with Baking Soda.
You can't use baking soda (NaHCO3). It will add dKH, but it will also add sodium (Na) and you definitely don't want that. Unless it is a specifically Tanganyikan Cichlid site?, I wouldn't take advice from anywhere, or anyone, who suggested it.
But how can I ensure a good long-term solution?
Can I use crushed eggshell as a source of calcium, for example in a bag in the filter? (last before the water goes to the tank)
You can use egg shell, cuttle bone, oyster shell chicken grit etc.
Can the WWS's be saved?
Probably only by moving them.

Cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel! (Again!😉)
Since I'm new to this hobby, I trusted the salesman. I shouldn't have I guess... Although I told him all my water parameters. And most of all, I should have checked before agreeing on buying. But I was there, not close to home, so I was taken by the moment. Knowing I wouldn't be back there anytime soon.
I don't have another tank, so these are lost I'm afraid. Unless somebody will take 'm near my place (Rotterdam)

Hi all,
Thanks Darrel! (Again!😉)
You are good. The problem isn't you, it is that most sellers of aquarium "products", just care about a sale. They don't really care about anything else.
But I was there, not close to home, so I was taken by the moment. Knowing I wouldn't be back there anytime soon.
I don't have another tank, so these are lost I'm afraid
I'd try some green leafy veg and cuttle bone, eggshells or shell grit etc. and that will delay the inevitable.

Cheers Darrel
You are good. The problem isn't you, it is that most sellers of aquarium "products", just care about a sale. They don't really care about anything else.
Thank you, but I'm old enough to know better... 🙄
I'd try some green leafy veg and cuttle bone, eggshells or shell grit etc. and that will delay the inevitable.
Will do, but it makes me sad, knowing animals are suffering.

Greetz Richard
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