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  • Users: Jaap
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  1. Jaap

    Excel and BBA

    Hello, I have some BBA on a few rocks and a few Stayrogyne Repens leaves. The BBA was caused by a few days of unstable CO2 which was my fault and now this has been resolved. Is it ok to add Excel directly on plant's leaved with a syringe or will this burn the leaves of the plants as well? Do...
  2. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    I was lucky...didn't have any ottos there but I spotted two in the big planted tank they have and asked for them...lets see how they will do!
  3. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    I have decided to go get him some companions.... How many should I keep in the tank to be safe for them but also to keep them happy? What do you feed them?
  4. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    Why did the guppies acclimatise? They were placed in the tank the same way as the otto but a few days apart...a water change didn't help....otto is found sometimes at different places in the tank each time i go check but i havent seen it moving about...
  5. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    Its 25 degrees...
  6. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    No the fish are not on top and don't show signs of distress...so ai don't think its the co2
  7. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    What do u suggest?
  8. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    What else can i feed?
  9. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    There is some algae but not much...I have algae wafers amd just added one to see if it will go for it...I will get another otto then soon and maybe that will help...
  10. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    No I didn't do a water change...my co2 is diffused by an inline atomiser on the inlet of my filter...the guppies are looking fine moving and eating...the otto is just stuck on the glass all the time and the shrimp is dead...I don't have a drop checker but if the guppies are doing ok then I guess...
  11. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    Guppies look absolutely fine...the otto isn't moving much though...its just stuck on the glass all time
  12. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    But if it was co2 wouldn't the other fish suffer as well?
  13. Jaap

    Amano dead after 4 days

    Hello, This is a journal with all the specs of my tank: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/natural-aquarium-attempt-26-09-2014-day-60-pics.33795/ I have added 3 guppies 8 days ago and they are doing fine. On Thursday I have added one Amano shrimp and one Otto. Today, 4 days later, the Otto is...
  14. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    I am not sure how this goes but a fully planted tank running for 80 days now shouldn't have had such a problem with nitrite/ammonia poisoning. Am I right or wrong?
  15. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    I have added 3 guppies 8 days ago and they are doing fine. On Thursday I have added one Amano shrimp and one Otto. Today, 4 days later, the Otto is alive but just hangs out in the tank without doing much and the shrimp is dead. I used to dose Excel 5ml per day in this 40L tank but I have stopped...
  16. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    I have added 3 guppies 8 days ago and they are doing fine. On Thursday I have added one Amano shrimp and one Otto. Today, 4 days later, the Otto is alive but just hangs out in the tank without doing much and the shrimp is dead. I used to dose Excel 5ml per day in this 40L tank but I have stopped...
  17. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    What otto is this?
  18. Jaap

    Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

    Hello, I have a 40L heavily planted, high tech aquarium. How many amano shrimp and how many ottos would it be advisable to have in order to keep some minimal algae I have at bay and to also clear dirt off of the leaves and mosses? Thanks
  19. Jaap

    Anyone using these without trouble?

    This is very helpful! Finally some actual PAR readings for the GroBeam 600! Now everything makes sense! If at 40 cm you get 35 micromols then if I have it at 45 cm above substrate with a glass lid full of condensation in between, then surely I will have less than 35 micromols which does explain...
  20. Jaap

    Effects of too little light

    Purely for educational reasons, I would like to inform anyone else that stumbles upon this thread, that the GroBeam 600 was set at 30% and 50cm from the substrate at the beginning. This caused the plants not to grow and at some point melt. After inspecting all other possibilities I was left with...
  21. Jaap

    PAR readings for TMC Mini Led 400 and TMC GroBeam 600

    Purely for educational reasons, I would like to inform anyone else that stumbles upon this thread, that the GroBeam 600 was set at 30% and 50cm from the substrate at the beginning. This caused the plants not to grow and at some point melt. After inspecting all other possibilities I was left with...
  22. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 79! Not much to report apart from the addition of a few Eleocharis Vivipara plants. The lights are on 100% and at 45cm from the substrate with a glass lid full of condensation in between. The pants are doing ok...not too good not too bad. I have also added 3 guppies monitoring them to...
  23. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Hello Bhu and thank you for the long post! It was very informative and did not flood it at all. So lets start with the changes I have made so far throughout the advice I got from Clive and the other members of the forum: 1. I have raised the spraybar higher and I can now see the ripples of...
  24. Jaap

    UK lighting options

    Yes, apologies to the op! http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/natural-aquarium-attempt-26-09-2014-day-60-pics.33795/
  25. Jaap

    UK lighting options

    Assuming co2 nutrients and flow are good, it looks like the plants are growing very slowly. I jave eleocharis parvula, vivipartia, hydrocodyle triparti, monte carlo, limnophilia. Parvula doesnt seem to grow. Also java moss grows way too slowly while flame and Christmas moss grow a bit faster.
  26. Jaap

    UK lighting options

    with a single growbeam i am at 100% and 45cm from the substrate. Also there is a lid with condensation on it. I am not sure if i should leave the loght there or lower it to 40cm from the substrate.
  27. Jaap

    UK lighting options

    How did u setup your lights?
  28. Jaap

    UK lighting options

    So if you place this light over a filled aquarium, at 400mm above substrate, will this be 61par, more or less?
  29. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 74! The intensity is full on at 100% and the height from the substrate is at 45cm. Lets see how this goes.
  30. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Yes indeed. But i am a bit worried aboutt cutting back light now that i added the lid. I will lower the light by 5 cm and hope for the best.
  31. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 72! The light intensity is now 100% and 55 cm from the substrate. I have added a lid to the aquarium so as to add fish and shrimp in the near future so now its only natural that the light levels have dropped both due to the glass and the condensation on the glass. Next step is to lower the...
  32. Jaap

    Glass lid and light

    ok so I guess I need to lower the light fixture.....now its 55cm from the substrate....should i go to 50cm and then to 45cm and so forth? I mean a 5cm decrease is good or is it too much?
  33. Jaap

    Glass lid and light

    Hello, I have a TMC Aquabar 600 with a controller and week by week I have reached 100% intensity with very good growth and no algae. Now I have added a glass lid onto the tank and it gets alot of condensation on it. How much will the clear 4mm glass lid and the condensation drops block my...
  34. Jaap

    No photosynthesis

    Looks like you have melting there. What are the plants? How long have you had these planta in the tank?
  35. Jaap

    No photosynthesis

    Can we see a picture of your aquarium?
  36. Jaap

    No photosynthesis

    How do you know there is no photosynthesis?
  37. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 67! Intensity of light is at 90% without any adverse effects. Plants are growing steadily but some are struggling. Full front view Limnophilia looks a it dull and grows really slow now Flame moss and Christmas moss are growing slowly Stayrogyne repens are healthy but not growing...
  38. Jaap

    Is too much flow bad?

    If the plants arent uprooting does high flow still cause problems?
  39. Jaap

    Is too much flow bad?

    How does someone know he has too much flow? By adding fish to the tank and observing them maybe? Because eleocharis parvula isnt growing and some people in the forum suggesyed too much flow...
  40. Jaap

    Fissidens Fontanus problems

    Not yet...I am thinking about it though...I just want to establish the correct light levels and in general to see that I am getting good growth and then when all is growing and all is stable to add livestock...should I add some?
  41. Jaap

    Fissidens Fontanus problems

    So probably need morw light for this plant...it also sits at the bottom of the tank...
  42. Jaap

    Eleocharis Parvula not growing

    I use a spraybar...i dont think distribution can get any better....maybe its the high flow?
  43. Jaap

    Fissidens Fontanus problems

    There is some debris on the leaves but why dark green instead of lush bright green growth?
  44. Jaap

    Eleocharis Parvula not growing

    How come its not a low light issue? Aquabar 600 at 55cm above substrate and at 90% intensity. EI fertilisation and pressurised co2 with inline diffuser on inlet of filter and a reactor on the outlet just to make sure all co2 is dissolved. also dosing 5ml of excel daily. 40L tank and filter is...
  45. Jaap

    Fissidens Fontanus problems

    Hi, does anyone know why my Fissidens Fontanus is not growing and has this dark green colour? Thanks
  46. Jaap

    Eleocharis Parvula not growing

    Hi, if Eleocharis Parvula is not growing/spreading is this a sign of inadequate light? Thanks
  47. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 64! I increased the light intensity to 90%...now I wait a bit longer than usual!
  48. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 62! Nothing to report. Did an 80% water change today. Thanks
  49. Jaap

    Intensity and positioning of GroBeam 600

    Yes the journal has all the info...i think that i have everything covered appart from light...
  50. Jaap

    Intensity and positioning of GroBeam 600

    Well currently I have the intensity set on 80% with no problems showing. I can't see any melting but the growth rate is very very slow and for some plants near to zero...I will continue to inrease the intensity in 5 day intervals...well its just 2 more stages left and then if still there is no...
  51. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 60!
  52. Jaap

    Intensity and positioning of GroBeam 600

    So basically you have two of these grobeams at aproximately 50cm above substrate level and at 100%.....Please explain the ramping....4 hours full 100% and 4 hours before as well as 4 hours after from 0% to 100% and then 100% to 0%? So a total of 12 hours?
  53. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 60! I have increased the light intensity to 80% yesterday. I wonder when will be the right time to stop increasing intensity? Do I have to see negative effects to stop? At the moment there is growth for my mosses and my tripartia but not much for montecarlo and parvula. Also started to...
  54. Jaap

    Magnesium Sulphate

    I started adding Mr via Epsom salts so let's see if my plants get any greener...especially the phoenix moss which is dark green...
  55. Jaap

    Effects of too little light

    I would like to inform everyone that is interested in this thread that the problem was indeed too little light. The effects are not completely similar but are very very close. If someone has low co2 then you see melting and plenty of it but as soon as you up the co2 all is fine. If someone has...
  56. Jaap

    Magnesium Sulphate

    Hi I am not sure if my tap water contains enough or any magnesium. I bought some Epsom salts and was wondering if too much of this will cause problems to fish or plants. I am asking this because if my tap water contains magnesium and I add more I might doing more wrong than right. Also maybe...
  57. Jaap

    question on increasing ferts

    if i dose epsom salts and water already contains Mg will this cause any problems to fish or plants?
  58. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 55! My lights are now at 70% intensity with good results. This is from 1/9/2014 This is 20 days later and gradually increasing light intensity Thanks!
  59. Jaap

    question on increasing ferts

    If the water hardeness is 9kh does that mean there is enough Mg in the water?
  60. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    My water always looks a bit dirty...its not crystal clear...I don't know how to explain it, maybe there is some dirt particles in water and maybe its a bit cloudy but it doesn't look very clear.....probably its due to the poor plant health?
  61. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 53! Yesterday I got a Limnophila Sessiliflora and added it on the back left hand corner of the tank. I will provide pictures today. I have also noticed that the past days as the weather is daily becoming cooler, the pH of my tank at 7:00 am is daily becoming lower. For example on monday I...
  62. Jaap

    How to safely add fish?

    And all the plants die as usual :)
  63. Jaap

    How to safely add fish?

    So add a dc and see the colour and maybe add a fish and observe its behaviour? I still think it's a bad thing to do though....
  64. Jaap

    How to safely add fish?

    Hi Now that my plants are growing well i would like to add fish and shrimp at some point. I am concerned that there might be too much co2 which will be lethal to livestock but how will i know from before? Thanks
  65. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    How will i know that i am not pumping too much co2?
  66. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    When will it be wise to put fish or shrimp in the tank? I would like to see a few shrimp in there to help with cleaning the surface of the leaves from debris.
  67. Jaap

    question on increasing ferts

    In my experience and in my opinion they look fine. When did you plant them?
  68. Jaap

    question on increasing ferts

    Can u provide pics?
  69. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    At what distance from the substrate do you have it? Also is your tank high maintenance?
  70. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    The kh is 9 Yes the improvement is agonisingly slow. It looks like i had very very low light. Now its being increased gradually until good healthy plant growth is achieved.
  71. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 48! The lights are now on at 60% intensity. My phoenix moss is dark green which as i read is an indication of high chlorophyll to utilise the low light levels so at higher light levels the moss is greener. Lets see how it will grow. I have added a few more stayrogyne repens on the left...
  72. Jaap

    The secret to lush green Fissidens fontanus

    So basically it's high light the "secret"?
  73. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 47! A few new leaves sprouting on the tripartia but the rest of the plants remain the same. This is not bad as everything now looks in good health but not growing. Today I have increased the light intensity to 60% and I will wait to see if I get better plant health or plant growth. Thanks
  74. Jaap

    Plecase help me identify the problem

    There is no need to have the co2 on after the lights are off...In fact if you have livestock this would be bad...since its of no use to either plants or anything else in the tank I would say it's a must to close co2 either on lights off or half an hour to an hour earlier.
  75. Jaap

    Can our aquascapes be created in a pond?

    Hello, Can someone create an aquascape in a pond with or without the use of CO2? For example can someone create an Eleocharis Parvula carpet in a pond? thanks
  76. Jaap

    Plecase help me identify the problem

    Leave the lights on for 5 hours straight...no need to have a break in between. Start the CO2 2-3 hours before lights on and shut it off on lights off....no need to have it for 10 hours.
  77. Jaap

    Number of days to observe effects of a change

    Hello, how many days should one allow to see if a change made has negative/positive effects? For example I have increased my light intensity from 40% to 50%....how many days should I wait before deciding to increase or decrease the light intensity or if I am happy just leave it.... Thanks
  78. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Day 43! I have increased the light intensity from 30% to 40% for 5 days and now I have set it to 50%. At the moment there is no melting and I think I see new leaves on the tripartia and the staurogyne repens...only time will show but I am alert for any negative signs!
  79. Jaap

    Removing diatoms from hairgrass

    didnt it uproot the plants?
  80. Jaap

    60P - The Shimmering of Light

    I would like to see the Updates! Nice Project!
  81. Jaap

    My pH profile

    Ok...after the changes that i made i now have a ph swing of 1.5 from ph 8.5 to ph 7.0 in one hour and with a kh of 9....good enough?
  82. Jaap

    Intensity and positioning of GroBeam 600

    I found out that the Grobeam 600 gives 61 PARs at 40cm in air! I am guessing this is full power....now will this be less through water? Info I found is here in page 26 http://www.tropicalmarinecentre.co.uk/flipping/AquaRay/files/assets/downloads/AquaRay.pdf
  83. Jaap

    Effects of too little light

    What will you see on the floating plants that will indicate low light?
  84. Jaap

    Effects of too little light

    Why after a water change?
  85. Jaap

    Lighting, Novice

    Is your tank low maintenance?
  86. Jaap

    Lighting, Novice

    I have one grobeam 600 set at 30% 55cm above substrate over a 40L tank.do you think thats too little light?
  87. Jaap

    Lighting, Novice

    How would you setup a Grobeam 600? e.g distance from substrate and intensity?
  88. Jaap

    Effects of too little light

    Ok I know that this has never happened before for someone to have lower light than the required because most of us just go crazy when it comes to lights.....but maybe my plants are melting because of poor light conditions...I mean my pH drops from an 8 to 6.5 and I have a kH of 9....I know my...
  89. Jaap

    Video of Tom Barr's open house meet and trim ideas

    Doesnt the wet dry filter drive lots of co2 out of the tank?
  90. Jaap

    pH pens and low KH

    I am between the HM PH-200 and the Milwaukee PH55 http://www.osmotics.co.uk/products/HM-Digital-PH%252d200%3A-Waterproof-pH-Meter.html...
  91. Jaap

    Seneye Water Monitoring System

    Would you use it to measure ph reliably? Would you use it to measure pars?
  92. Jaap

    pH pens and low KH

    I m sorry i messed up the threads...both questions were for the seneye?
  93. Jaap

    pH pens and low KH

    Would you use it to measure ph reliably? Would you use it to measure pars?
  94. Jaap

    Inline diffuser & Reactor is this bad?

    Flow isnt a problem...
  95. Jaap

    Efficiency of External Reactor

    I think the second propeller of the reactor isn't spinning...does that play a huge difference?
  96. Jaap

    Dissolving CO2 with a reactor

    I think the second propeller of the reactor isn't spinning...does that play a huge difference?