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No photosynthesis

timur konaklı

3 Oct 2014
Bursa, Turkey
No photosynthesis in the aquarium

50 liters of aquarium

water values

ph : 7
kh : 4 ppm
no3 : 20 ppm
po4 : 0,75 ppm
co2 : 12 ppm

- per liter 0,90 w ( one sylvania aquastar - one sylvania grolux - one sylvania daylight ) T8 fluorescent


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Looks like you have melting there.

What are the plants?

How long have you had these planta in the tank?
Marsilea crenata can take a while to get started growing. The Pog. helferii and the Myr. tuberculatum should start growing quite soon after planting. Tuberculatum being the absolut faste, but might take some time, to get serious orange colour.
Light schedule please, give it time, that's going to be a nice carpet🙂 you need to keep the light down for now.
Hope you don't mind me sticking a pic on your thread. This has taken 6 mths to get going due to poor flow I had algae. If you look closely you can see I've cheated by the leaf shape, the lighter stuff went in this week I've been growing it emersed 91384ae3da2e0efdfa7a78a4b838ac24.jpg in the garden algae free.