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My pH profile


30 Sep 2011

Ph profile:
11:00 pH 7.5
12:00 pH 6.5
13:00 pH 6.3
14:00 pH 6.0 Lights on

My kH is 9

Does that look good?

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Ok...after the changes that i made i now have a ph swing of 1.5 from ph 8.5 to ph 7.0 in one hour and with a kh of 9....good enough?
Ok...after the changes that i made i now have a ph swing of 1.5 from ph 8.5 to ph 7.0 in one hour and with a kh of 9....good enough?
If it remains at 7 throughout the photoperiod then yes its a good place to start
You will probably need a drop checker to make it safe for fish though
If it remains at 7 throughout the photoperiod then yes its a good place to start
You will probably need a drop checker to make it safe for fish though
Hi, I agree with Tim that this a good pH drop and that only your plants will tell you if it is enough, but as Big Clown mentions one of the most important things is to keep the level stable during the photoperiod. Check for example this thread http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/co2-ph-level-in-planted-tank.26559/ or this website by Ardjuna which is an incredible source of knowledge http://www.prirodni-akvarium.cz/en/index.php?id=en_co2ph, where the method for achieving co2 stable levels are discussed
