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  • Users: Jaap
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  1. Jaap

    Open Book

    Hello Clyve, you know that I respect you and follow your every advice but I have to disagree with you here. The hardscape is very simple and if you see the videos above the flow is plenty as well as the CO2. Now the CO2 is more than enough but I don't know if its harmful a certain levels for...
  2. Jaap

    Open Book

    Respectfully, I would have to disagree with MrHldley. I believe the bubbles in the riccia/fissidens do not indicate pearling. They could be CO2 bubbles trapped, Oxygen bubbles trapped from a water change or even pearling that has accumulated throughout the days. Pearling is not an indication of...
  3. Jaap

    Algae scrappers

    So what are you guys using now days?
  4. Jaap

    Open Book

    Maybe a few pictures? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  5. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    Hello guys After talking with George Farmer where he advised me to increase light intensity to 100%, I am now at 80% where a few days ago I was at 40%. I have planted some pogostemon helferi on the right and some fresh monte carlo from a friend. All of my rotala bonsai is now gone but I have a...
  6. Jaap

    Open Book

    Hello my friend. I feel you. I had/have the same feeling of despair. However. remember that desperate times call for desperate measures! First thing first! I believe you have the same exact tank as George Farmer had in this aquascape...
  7. Jaap

    Hygrophila Pinnatifida in substrate

    Hi, I have Hygrophila Pinnatifida from Tropica on a piece of wood and it grows well. Can I replant it in the substrate or will it not like that? Is it like Anubias or like Crypts? Thanks
  8. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    It looks like I am in trouble...
  9. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    Good morning, As Pedro Rosa and many other UKAPS members pointed out, I am starving my plants. So The first correctional move was to add daily 8 pumps (10 ml) of Tropica Plant Growth Specialised Fertilizer instead of 1 pump. The second correctional action was to decrease the lights as I have...
  10. Jaap

    Tropica plant growth specialised fertiliser

    Indeed....the dosage should be drastically increased! Look at the dosing these guys are doing: http://tropica.com/en/inspiration/layout/Layout99/10351 Nearly 10 times the recommended dosage...
  11. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    My tank is 60x40x40 which gives 96L. However with the substrate, the lower water level, the rocks and the driftwood I am guessing I have around 70 litres. The recommended dosage of Tropica is 10 pumps per 100L a week and I am dosing a pump a day which gives 7 pumps a week. Please also take into...
  12. Jaap

    Can I convert to Rimless?

  13. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    I am fertilizing daily with one squish of Tropica Plant Growth Special Fertiliser. Don't you think this is a light issue though?
  14. Jaap

    Tropica plant growth specialised fertiliser

    I have no clue :) thats why I am hopping they can enlighten us... Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  15. Jaap

    Tropica plant growth specialised fertiliser

    ...and yet your answer contradicts their website :) They don't mention Potassium... http://tropica.com/en/plant-care/liquid-fertilisers/specialised-fertiliser/
  16. Jaap

    Tropica plant growth specialised fertiliser

    Didn't really trust Tropica's website on this so I wanted a direct answer from them... Also ian_m, with all due respect, and don't get me wrong here, I am fine with it, but this is what demotivates people from asking questions....that tiny bit of sarcasm :) Just know that I appreciate it...
  17. Jaap

    Transition from emersed to submerged

    Monte Carlo mainly. I am on week 3 and its melting a bit. See my last post: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/the-root-25-11-2015-pics.38647/page-2 I am contepmlating between too little light or too much light that isn't helping the plant to transition! What do you think?
  18. Jaap

    What deficiency is this?

    What about light intensity?
  19. Jaap

    What deficiency is this?

    So 45% in week 3 should be fine? Also are you sure about the Tropica? I think it contains NPK...
  20. Jaap

    Tropica plant growth specialised fertiliser

    Hi, does it contain NPK and trace elements? Thanks
  21. Jaap

    Transition from emersed to submerged

    Hello, how long do plants need to transition from emersed to submerged? Thanks
  22. Jaap

    Going Dutch Tropica 1-2 Grow Style

    Hello Ian. A quick question regarding the TMC 1500 tile. I have this tile 50cm from the substrate and trying to grow monte carlo. Is 45% for 7 hours to little you reckon? Thanks
  23. Jaap

    What deficiency is this?

    The melting continues slowly but steadily...probably with some growth as well. I have decreased the light intensity from 55% to 45% but I am unsure if this is correct or not because the plants might be melting due to insufficient light or due to high light....have no clue though at the moment...
  24. Jaap

    Open Book

    Any updates?
  25. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    UPDATE So there is more melting...not much but it is more than before. I have also observed some algae of the plants closer to the light so I decreased light intensity from 55% to 45%. All and all I am unsure of my light intensity. I am positive everything else is just fine except my light...
  26. Jaap

    What deficiency is this?

    All the information tou need in my journal: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/index.php?threads/38647/ I dont think its nutrient deficiency....light has been decreased recently... Any suggestions in the light of new facts? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  27. Jaap

    What deficiency is this?

    What defiency does my mc have?
  28. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    I have an advice for the people that will use ADA Amazonia in the future. Create your hardscape, add your Amazonia and DO NOT plant. Allow the tank to work for 2 weeks. This will help you in two ways. You don't have to make daily water changes just weekly ones since there will be no need with no...
  29. Jaap

    Weak & Stunted Plant Growth

    Ok sorry, you said Flourish Excel in this post and I thought I should let you know...
  30. Jaap

    Dan's 45p - A Blank Canvas.....

    I had this filamentous algae before. Never managed to beat it but I saw a difference when I decreased light intensity. Tom Bar suggested that it was due to low biomass which was true in my case but I think in your case its more about low CO2 and high Lights. Since you have fauna in there I would...
  31. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    Is that Eleocharis Parvula or Eleocharis sp?
  32. Jaap

    Weak & Stunted Plant Growth

    Vallis definitely don't like Flourish Excel!
  33. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    Update! I have spotted some Green Dust Algae on the glass and maybe, not sure yet but I think very little algae on certain mc leaves although its so little that I am unsure of it. I have good growth so I decided to decrease the light intensity from 65% to 55%. I am continuing on the daily water...
  34. Jaap

    Soaking a root

    What kind of wood is this in the picture?
  35. Jaap

    Non CO2 plants

    Can you please provide a list of your plants that can be added to an aquarium without CO2 or Liquid Carbon? Thanks
  36. Jaap

    No CO2/Carbo plant list

    Hello, I would like to know which plants can be grown without a carbon source (CO2 or Liquid Carbon). I know of these: 1. Anubias 2. Crypts 3. Ferns Whats else in your experience can be added to that list? Thanks
  37. Jaap

    New Beginning, in London-126L

    Marlus_20 to be honest when I saw your first post I thought "too much light with no CO2, looks like he is going to run into trouble" but scrolling down you proved me wrong! You handled everything like a pro and the plants look HEALTHY! Good job!
  38. Jaap

    Open Book

    Just set it to 30% and then go up 1% each day until you reach 45%-50%. That should be sufficient for good healthy plants. However, you should increase the light immediately as the plants don't photosynthesize at the moment. Also ensure that there is no ambient light in the room before or after...
  39. Jaap

    Open Book

    Your problem is the light. I had the same exact problem because of too little light. A 40cm from the substrate, I had the TMC 1500 at 50% for 8 hours. Now for a bigger tank, similar to yours, the TMC 1500 is at 50cm from substrate, 7 hours and 65%. You have too little light! At 7% it should...
  40. Jaap

    Crypts, Anubias and substrate

    Hello if creating a low tech with crypts, anubias, ferns and some easy stem plants, what substrate should I use? Plain gravel or JBL Aquabasis topped with plain gravel? What I am trying to understand is that if certain plants that have roots into the substrate would benefit from the aquabasis...
  41. Jaap

    120 x 45 x 45 open top journal

    Looks nice
  42. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    Here you go φίλε μου!
  43. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    I have noticed that the first couple of days I was not adding CO2. No foul no harm though and now plenty of CO2 is in the tank. The light is at 65% and 50cm over the substrate. Everything seems to be ok at the moment. Doing daily 50% water changes and dosing 1ml each day of Plant Growth...
  44. Jaap

    First days of aquascape with ADA Amazonia

    Anyone? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  45. Jaap

    Soaking a root

    Unfortunately the damage has been done. I did not think of this beforehand and while I was filling up the tank the root floated. So I added a piece of rock to keep it down and I will have to wait before removing the rock. I can't do much since the tank was planted and it was being filled up for...
  46. Jaap

    First days of aquascape with ADA Amazonia

    So this is the second day of the aquascape. Substrate is Amazonia. How do I go about in water changes and fertilization? I have macros and micros of EI and Tropica Plant Growth Specialised Fertilizer (I think it has both micros and macros). Thanks
  47. Jaap

    Soaking a root

    How about this kind of wood?
  48. Jaap

    Soaking a root

    How long should a piece of wood/root soak for in order for it not to float?
  49. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    I have finally planted the tank. However, even after of so many years of unsuccessful aquascapes, I expected more of myself and should have avoided a big mistake. When everything was ready, planted and the tank slowly filled up with water, the whole root floated upwards and destroyed most of my...
  50. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    This is the hardscape. It needs a few final touches but I am getting there.
  51. Jaap

    ADA Amazonia and Powersand

    Hello I am setting up my hardscape and was wondering if its ok to open the amazonia and plant the aquarium a week later or will the substrate dry up or get ruined in any way? Thanks
  52. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    I never had the intention to add sand because I feel mote plant mass will help things go smoother for a beginner like me. I will add monte carlo everywhere outside the rocks around the root...but I will add more rocks for sure...
  53. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    I am not pleased with my hardscape...I think it needs something more....maybe when I add the soil and I can add more rocks it will look better...any suggestions? I am trying to have a higher part around the trank of the root and lower soil level in front on the left where the monte carlo will...
  54. Jaap

    The Root - 02/02/2016 (pics)

    Hello everyone, after failing with my previous attempt of creating a healthy aquascape, here I go again with something new. These are the specs: 1. Tank - 60cmx40cmx40cm 2. Juwel 120 cabinet 3. Pressurised CO2 with inline diffuser connected to the filter inlet 4. Filter - Fluval 305 1000 l/h...
  55. Jaap

    Low Tech Tank Questions

    For a low tech 160L tank, will a 1200 L/h filter be ok or do I need to go one step further to 2000 L/h?
  56. Jaap

    Low-Energy Dirt Tank

    Water changes?
  57. Jaap

    Low-Energy Dirt Tank

    Are all the plants that I see planted in the substrate or are they tied to the wood as well? Also is the dirt covered by innert substrate or is there only dirt in the tank? Thanks
  58. Jaap

    Low Tech Tank Questions

    Do you have a journal for a low tech tank I can follow? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  59. Jaap

    Low Tech Tank Questions

    Do I need to do water changes or just a water top up? Because I think that a low tech tank with 50% weekly water changes causes BBA rather than if I just topped up with water the evaporated one. What do you think?
  60. Jaap

    Low-Energy Dirt Tank

    Hi Troi, can you please give more info? CO2? Substrate? Lights? Filter? Fertilization? Thanks
  61. Jaap

    Lighting options for Low Tech 20" Deep Juwel tank

    Hi Troi, do you have a journal or any other information regarding this tank? Thanks
  62. Jaap

    Low Tech Tank Questions

    Hi, so a friend of mine decided he would like a planted aquarium. He said he would take care of it and that he want's an amazing looking tank. I have decided to go low tech for 2 reasons...1 if I knew how to make an amazing looking tank I would have done it myself :) and 2 I have no faith in...
  63. Jaap

    Monte Carlo

    The thing Jordi is that you are right. Unfortunately what you are saying does not apply for this tank. It did apply for my tank however! This tank has absolutely no reason to not grow better! I cannot find a reason, why! Maybe the lights?
  64. Jaap

    Monte Carlo

    The thing Jordi is that you are right. Unfortunately what you are saying does not apply for this tank. It did apply for my tank however! This tank has absolutely no reason to not grow better! I cannot find a reason, why! Maybe the lights? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  65. Jaap

    Monte Carlo

    The problem here is that there is no growth, not algae, not nutrient defficiencies, not melting....lack of growth! What could cause lack of growth? Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
  66. Jaap

    What kind of frog?

    Really? Well I gues then I have to release them back to nature... Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  67. Jaap

    What kind of frog?

    Hi I have a new one now :) What are these and do they need water or land? I am guessing land! Thanks
  68. Jaap

    What is this frog?

    Well I can't seem to find the frog in the tank this morning :) could he be under a rock or in the soil?
  69. Jaap

    What is this frog?

    Do they need water to swim in? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  70. Jaap

    What is this frog?

    Hello My nephew found this frog in the garden. I had a vivarium thing going and he decided to put him in there. What frog is this and is it safe to keep him in there? Thanks
  71. Jaap

    Moss & Yogurt mix grows white fuzz mold

    Well that escalated quickly :) I used quite a bit of yogurt. Will the fungus go away on its own?
  72. Jaap

    Moss & Yogurt mix grows white fuzz mold

    Hello, I have made a moss and yogurt mixture in a blender to spread over my driftwood in my new vivarium. I am totally new to this so I have no clue of what I am doing (...as if I knew what I was doing with my aquarium). I see white fuzz mold growing on the driftwood and it is now massive...
  73. Jaap

    Vivarium substrate

    My glass lid sits on clips and the lid has a gap between the walls of the tank....I don't think it can keep alot of humidity in there. Will this be a problem especialy if I use aquatic plants? Thanks
  74. Jaap

    Vivarium substrate

    That looks like potting soil :) I didn't know that Amazonia looked like that... Can I use potting soil? Is the vivarium fully sealed on top?
  75. Jaap

    Vivarium substrate

    Hi, I would like to turn my aquarium tank into a vivarium, a small piece of jungle looking nature. I have some JBL Manado left. Should I mix it with plant soil, use plant soil by itself, use a thin layer of Manado above the soil? Thanks
  76. Jaap

    My Grandsons fish - frog tanks - Wabi-Kusa

    Does it have high humidity? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  77. Jaap

    My Grandsons fish - frog tanks - Wabi-Kusa

    Nice setups! Is the frog tank completely sealed on top?
  78. Jaap

    Amano RIP?

  79. Jaap

    Drop Checker reading and CO2

    Hi, I have a drop checker question for you. Case 1: I add 20ppm CO2 in 20 degrees Celsius water where 15ppm stay in and 5ppm are dissipated. Case 2: I add 20ppm but in 30 degrees Celsius water and I assume more is dissipated so 10ppm stays in water and 10 ppm is dissipated. In case 1 does the...
  80. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    15/07/2015 Still fighting with algae and melting MC. I have cut the MC even shorter and continue to do twice a week WC. Still a long way to go but after decreasing light intensity things are a bit better. Alot of pearling too. Next water change there will be alot of debris to remove. Also a...
  81. Jaap

    Is EI enough?

    Thanks for the answer. Could you please explain how your schedule is for Macro and Micro dosing and in what ppm targets? Also do you use nutrient enriched substrate or not? Thanks
  82. Jaap

    Is EI enough?

    A few questions: 1. Can there be lush healthy growth with inert substrate and no nutrient enriched under-soil, just with EI? 2. If it is better to add Macros at the beginning of the week once a week, what ppm should be added for each nutrient? 3. If adding all Macros at the beginning of the...
  83. Jaap

    Is EI enough?

    CO2 is diffused via inlet of filter for me and Christos does it through a reactor. we definitely have a 1ph drop and also our drop checkers are lime yellow to yellow. EI I use the just another calculator on the web. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  84. Jaap

    Is EI enough?

    Hi, Christos and I were discussing the matter this morning. Is EI enough for good growth? I mean we both have clay based substrate that is not packed with any nutrients, we dose our EI, we have a good light source, we have good circulation and good CO2 but the growth is low. Maybe the macros...
  85. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Update: I have decreased light intensity from 70% slowly slowly down to 55% since there was too much green dust algae on the glass every few days. I have started doing water changes every 2 days and also use dechlorinator for my water changes and top-ups. CO2 and nutrients are the same. The...
  86. Jaap

    CO2 drop checker solution

    So a yellow 30 ppm drop checker solution means that I am above 30 ppm of co2 correct? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  87. Jaap

    CO2 drop checker solution

    Hello has anyone tried this before? https://www.aquasabi.com/co2/co2-drop-checker/aqua-rebell-co2-check-250-ml It says there is a solution for detecting 20 ppm and one for 30 ppm. Do these solutions actually work? Thanks
  88. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Filamentous algae is nearly gone. The Excel overdose is working but also some Monte Carlo melting. I have lowered the dosage of Excel and also lowered the light intensity from 70% to 60%. I have purchase this drop checker indicator that is for 30 ppm...
  89. Jaap

    Water changes, top-ups and dechlorinator

    Well my friend :) Its either 3L of evaporation due to the fan on the tank or 32 degrees Celsius of tank water :) I think I made the right choice here unless I get a chiller...
  90. Jaap

    Brown/Grey residue on substrate

    Don't have any fish and didn't have any fish back then. Also the very little bio-mass that I had in combination with the vacuuming that I did, couldn't have produced mulm the very next couple of days. I think I'll stick with my theory :) It looks like mulm, but its dead algae. Your's is mulm...
  91. Jaap

    Brown/Grey residue on substrate

    Talk about raising a thread from the dead....this one is from 2012 but I finally cracked it! The residue is filamentous algae that has been killed off by overdosing of Excel. However, due to low biomass, this filamentous algae keeps growing back daily. Because the Excel overdosing is done daily...
  92. Jaap

    Water changes, top-ups and dechlorinator

    Hi many of you use dechlorinator when doing a water change and I have started using it myself since my tank is suffering from Diatoms all year long and its possible due to this. However, when I add water to top-up the evaporation, I don't use dechlorinator. I am adding 1L in the morning, 1L...
  93. Jaap

    What algae is this?

    Well my plan was to overdose Excel, kill the algae, allow the montecarlo to spread all over the substrate and thwn gradually decrease and finally atop the excel. This way I will end up with high biomass and healthy plants. My distribution and co2 and fertilisation are already good but plants are...
  94. Jaap

    What algae is this?

    Should I go with overdosing liquid carbon or a few mollies? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  95. Jaap

    What happened to all the nutrient calculators?

    What happened to this one? This was one of the best! http://calc.petalphile.com/
  96. Jaap

    Natural Aquarium attempt - 16/06/2015 (pics)

    Update: For a long time I had diatoms. Even after a year of running the tank. So I asked Tom Barr what might be the problem. I told him I don't use dechlorinator and he told me that I should start using. Furthermore, I had filamentous algae and Tom pointed out that it is due to lack of biomass...
  97. Jaap

    Constant presence of diatoms

    Sorry about that. All the information you need is here in my journal. http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/natural-aquarium-attempt-05-05-2015-day-279-pics.33795/ Is too much light a cause for diatoms?
  98. Jaap

    Constant presence of diatoms

    Hi, I have been running this tank for a year now. It has its ups and downs but one thing constant is the presence of diatoms. I do more water changes they are there, I do weekly water changes they are there, I do 50% water changes they are the, I do 80% water changes still there, added purigen...
  99. Jaap

    What algae is this?

    I got rid of it with the hose while doing a water change but 3 days later it is back. Any idea of what might be causing it?
  100. Jaap

    What algae is this?

    Green filamentous algae is said to be caused by low co2 and low nutrients....I think I am definitely out of that danger-zone.....is it possible this is happening due to low biomass? Maybe its some kind of other algae? Diatoms are there for sure...