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What algae is this?

Hi all,
It is probably a filamentous Green Algae, assuming the threads are "soft and slimy" it is likely to be Rhizoclonium. It may have a Diatom like Synedra mixed in as well.

cheers Darrel

Green filamentous algae is said to be caused by low co2 and low nutrients....I think I am definitely out of that danger-zone.....is it possible this is happening due to low biomass?

Maybe its some kind of other algae? Diatoms are there for sure...
Hi all,
Green filamentous algae is said to be caused by low co2 and low nutrients..I think I am definitely out of that danger-zone.
I'm not sure I believe this either.

The problem for me is that the Green Algae (Chlorophya) belong to the <"same clade"> as all the mosses, ferns and higher plants, and have the same basic physiology, photosynthetic pigments etc.

I don't really see how you can have conditions that favour the growth of the plants you want, without them being similarly conducive to the plants (green algae) that you don't want.
is it possible this is happening due to low biomass?
Possibly, we don't really know why but a lot of people have observed that low tech. "jungle" tanks tend to be fairly algae free.

cheers Darrel
I got rid of it with the hose while doing a water change but 3 days later it is back.

Any idea of what might be causing it?
Should I go with overdosing liquid carbon or a few mollies?

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In picture number six it looks like the sunlight is hiting your tank, can it be? When this happens in any of my tanks (just a few days during the year due to the sun position seasonal changes, even very early in the morning) I have always problems.
Diatoms in my tanks have always been related to non vacuumed dirt at the substrate level, most of the times on inaccessible areas under rocks or wood. Amazing when you dismantle the tank and you notice the amount of debris your tank has and the substrate can store in the first centimeter. Mulm and 'dirt' can certainly work in some tanks but not in my C enriched tanks, my guess is that you need low light-speed, good oxygen levels, low soil disturbance and lots of biomass.

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I don't really see how you can have conditions that favour the growth of the plants you want, without them being similarly conducive to the plants (green algae) that you don't want.
Me neither, in fact nor does Tropica...'However note that if algae growth starts, Specialised Fertilser will promote this growth.'
And IME once I stopped dosing fertz in my low-energy tank the GSA disappeared on the Anubias...
Well my plan was to overdose Excel, kill the algae, allow the montecarlo to spread all over the substrate and thwn gradually decrease and finally atop the excel. This way I will end up with high biomass and healthy plants. My distribution and co2 and fertilisation are already good but plants are scarce. No sunlight on the tank...I opened the curtains to take the pics just for a moment.

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