Hi all,
If people <"don't try different things"> we are never going to know where the boundaries lie, it is back to <"Karl Popper"> .
cheers Darrel
I definitely will. I'm really interested in what happens and the time scale for thoser changes to take place. I'm guessing that eventually you will have really good plant growth, but possibly not for all plants and probably not for a fair time yet.Follow the journal!
If people <"don't try different things"> we are never going to know where the boundaries lie, it is back to <"Karl Popper"> .
....Thus, in Popper’s words, science requires testability: “If observation shows that the predicted effect is definitely absent, then the theory is simply refuted.” This means a good theory must have an element of risk to it. It must be able to be proven wrong under stated conditions.........
I would guess that it will in that the <turned up to eleven"> plants will be <"high light plants">, but you can also have high light plants that are adapted to very low nutrient conditions, so it isn't the whole story.It has to be linked to their ability to use light.
Quite possibly. A floating plant, with <"high potential growth rate">, would have been / would be interesting. @ had some <"large Amazon Frogbit plants"> where they rooted into a <"nutrient rich substrate">.If I had low light, I’d bet the whole thing would be an ammonia soup and filled with death. But the light gives the plants who have higher metabolism the ability to use the ammonia at such high levels to grow.
cheers Darrel
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