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Which External Question Again......


31 Dec 2023
1st post on the forum... I’ve been into marines & koi the last 15-20yrs, after an international move l’ve decided to keep it modest and go freshwater.
I’m setting up a 200 liter cichlid aquarium, a Twinstar B series will illuminate the fish and the odd plant or two.
I’ve been going round in circles ref the external filter choice, over the last few days I’ve gone from Biomaster 350 Thermo to Eheim Classic 600, to Tetra EX 12000 plus and back to Biomaster 350 Thermo. I want the Biomaster for the prefilter and the heater, but anyone can surely see that the prefilter pipe with 10 small holes drilled into it is surely going to cause flow issues and restrict the pump. I’ve mailed Oase today for reassurance on pump noise and flow issues, have things been resolved? I await their reply, l’m sure it’ll come.
So..... Are the newer 350’s noisy? Are there still flow issues? Have any mods put things right?
From what l’ve been reading of late the Eheim Classic 600 and the Tetra EX 12000 plus are quiet, decent filters, l want the Biomaster for the prefilter and heater, but too much noise is a deal breaker.
I’d appreciate the views of some recent 350 purchasers.
My recently purchased Oase 250 has a pre-filter pipe with a different design but I’ve not used the filter yet as I just got the tank, so I can’t comment on noise or flow issue. Just like you, I’ve been going around in circles for a while but the Oase seemed to be the best all rounder.


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Thanks for that Phargon, that prefilter pipe looks far more suited for purpose👍.
Hi Mike,

Wow - what a question! :D

I would like to answer your question from my experience with Oase.
  • I understand the ultra-new Oase Biomaster's will come with a new design for the pre-filter pipe - with more and much larger holes. I am stuck with the old version, and the new version pre-filter pipe design is so new it's not even on Oase's website as a spare! So you may need to open the box and see if you have a new grey one which replaces the clear, stingy one! (See Phargons image and post above).
  • The flow of the Oase's always causes a lot of disappointment for some. I have the Oase 250 with a head height of about 70-80cm (50% of Max Head) and I don't get much more turnover than 550L per hour. (900L stated on the box with 'perfect' conditions). That might be OK for my tank which is a small 100L one. But not sure about your 200L. Also, with this in mind, I would aim above the 350, closer to the 600. The 350 will give you around 650L at 50% height, and the 600 around 900L at 50% height.
  • I have just measured both my Oases, which run side by side under my aquarium with the cabinet open and the iPhone very close. The screenshot below is apparently equal to a "quiet library!". However, one man's quietness is another man's ear-drum burster! (NOTE: with the cabinet doors shut, it went down by a further 5db).
Hope some of this at least helps!

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Many, many Thanks for putting in the time to do this Brad, appreciated👍.
I will take your tips on board and go for the 600 ( it was in my mind ) and ensure before purchase that the modified prefilter pipe is installed.
Just edited my post above as my filter is the 250 and not the 350 as originally stated. I purchased online just before Christmas and only noticed the pipe was different when comparing with pics and videos from this forum and YouTube.
Ok Phargon. I shall most likely buy the 600, and l won’t buy without confirmation of it having a modified pipe.
Ok Phargon. I shall most likely buy the 600, and l won’t buy without confirmation of it having a modified pipe.
There is an 850 option if you want to go nuts. :)
I had this quandry too, as I'm setting up a new 150 litre tank. Really wanted the Biomaster but not prepared to take the risk of having a noisy example for a premium price point. I looked at the other easily removeable pre-filter, the Aqueal Ultramax. But seen reviews of units that broke very early with horrible customer service.

I've previously thought highly of JBL externals, but they seem much less popular now. So went for a Fluval 407 filter. It has a pre-filter but its internal, and lots of parts availability. Hopefully a quiet filter that just does its job, and almost half the price of the Oase Biomaster 600 that I'd have needed. Going to use an old external inline heater.
Hi all,
From what l’ve been reading of late the Eheim Classic 600 and the Tetra EX 12000 plus are quiet, decent filters, l want the Biomaster for the prefilter and heater
I still like the <"Eheim Classic range">, you can get parts for them and they don't have too many gaskets or any electronics etc. I'm also a fan of a pre-filter, you can get the <"Eheim one">, but I mainly use <"the sponge blocks"> they sell for Koi filters etc.

cheers Darrel
The only disadvantage to the Eheim classics that I can see is the lack of pre filter and bottom to top flow, I have been using them for a long time, ultra reliable, quiet, and economic in use
I still like the <"Eheim Classic range">, you can get parts for them and they don't have too many gaskets or any electronics etc. I'm also a fan of a pre-filter, you can get the <"Eheim one">, but I mainly use <"the sponge blocks"> they sell for Koi filters etc.
I have not used an EHEIM, but I have heard so many great reports about them that they must be good!
The only disadvantage to the Eheim classics that I can see is the lack of pre filter and bottom to top flow, I have been using them for a long time, ultra reliable, quiet, and economic in use
Agreed, and that can be solved. I think reliability has to be a big factor with filters - especially when you think about what a leak can do! (There are also some people who just use 100% biological filtration and don't even bother with a pre-filter/mechanical filter!)
I place a 40mm thick 10ppi foam in bottom of filter, for cleaning I empty the lot into a bucket, place clean foam in bottom of filter, then replace media (cut to size foam 30ppi), I use 2 filters per tank and clean alternately
I place a 40mm thick 10ppi foam in bottom of filter, for cleaning I empty the lot into a bucket, place clean foam in bottom of filter, then replace media (cut to size foam 30ppi), I use 2 filters per tank and clean alternately
How often do you clean? More importantly, when you do clean is there a lot of mess in there?
Hi all,
I think reliability has to be a big factor with filters - especially when you think about what a leak can do!
I think quite a few other people <"think this"> as well.
There are also some people who just use 100% biological filtration and don't even bother with a pre-filter/mechanical filter!
As well as <"floating plants"> I'm obsessed with <"dissolved oxygen">, which means always having a pre-filter and <"not using your filter as a syphon">.
That is the issue right there, I just wish they weren't called <"filters">. Personally I don't want my <"filter to act as a syphon">, I actively want to keep all the <"organic debris and detritus"> out of the filter.
I want all of the <"mechanical filtration"> to have occurred before the water enters the filter. All I want in the filter are <"dissolved gases">, oxygen, CO2 and ammonia. After that the only criterion that matters is that oxygen supply <"always exceeds the oxygen demand">.

cheers Darrel
Once a month, so each filter goes 2 months between cleaning, I clean one of the 30ppi foams at the same time (more than one if they are saturated), and then place it on the top, I don’t always use filter floss (I am currently, but am not sure it makes that much difference)
If I notice a large reduction in flow, I clean that filter, however my belief is that, it’s best to replace foam if filter flow consistently reduces quickly , as foam will compact after time, blocking flow
I have been purchasing foam from “the foam shop” for a few years, I think the quality is pretty good, seems to last a while
Hi all,
Do you think pre-filtering is less of an impact with a sump than a canister?
I definitely do. Canister filters are different from all other types of filter, in that they are sealed bodies, where a <"finite amount of oxygen"> enters the filter body and it can't be replenished inside the filter.

cheers Darrel
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Once a month, so each filter goes 2 months between cleaning, I clean one of the 30ppi foams at the same time (more than one if they are saturated), and then place it on the top, I don’t always use filter floss (I am currently, but am not sure it makes that much difference)
If I notice a large reduction in flow, I clean that filter, however my belief is that, it’s best to replace foam if filter flow consistently reduces quickly , as foam will compact after time, blocking flow
I have been purchasing foam from “the foam shop” for a few years, I think the quality is pretty good, seems to last a while
That is very interesting to hear.

I have an Oase which has the pre-filter built into the unit, and I have to clean that once a week as the foam is 45PPI. However, the foams and plastic media in the main filter component do not get "dirty/clogged" at all. Thus far, my initial filter, which was installed in June, has never been cleaned - just the pre-filter sponges. I suspect a lot of this has to do with the (relatively) small amount of fish I have in my small aquarium not creating huge loads. (I always aim to over-filter).