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Which External Question Again......

I definitely do. Canister filters are different form all other types of filter, in that they are sealed bodies, where a <"finite amount of oxygen"> enters the filter body and it can't be replenished inside the filter.
Thanks, Darrel. That makes perfect sense to me. So important to distinguish the filter "type" and how that can impact your decisions.
Hi all,
I have an Oase which has the pre-filter built into the unit, and I have to clean that once a week as the foam is 45PPI. However, the foams and plastic media in the main filter component do not get "dirty/clogged" at all.
That is one of the reasons I like a pre-filter, it means that you don't have to open the filter body very often. I'm not a very conscientious aquarist, so I'm always worried that <"out of sight is out of mind">.

cheers Darrel
That is one of the reasons I like a pre-filter, it means that you don't have to open the filter body very often. I'm not a very conscientious aquarist, so I'm always worried that <"out of sight is out of mind">.
Yep, in a canister, that is working fine for me. At this stage of the filter age (around 7 months), I am really not expecting to have to do much cleaning in the filter body at all. I checked recently, and it's like the sponges are fresh as a daisy. The water is very clear, and I just clean the pre-filter every week and change the water. The less I have to touch that filter body the better I feel. 🙂
Yep, in a canister, that is working fine for me. At this stage of the filter age (around 7 months), I am really not expecting to have to do much cleaning in the filter body at all. I checked recently, and it's like the sponges are fresh as a daisy. The water is very clear, and I just clean the pre-filter every week and change the water. The less I have to touch that filter body the better I feel. 🙂
Fish load in new tank isn’t high, but fish load in other tanks is high
I like two filters per tank as filter always gets knocked back by cleaning, the 10ppi foam doesn’t get blocked, but it’s usually fairly dirty
Fish load in new tank isn’t high, but fish load in other tanks is high
I like two filters per tank as filter always gets knocked back by cleaning, the 10ppi foam doesn’t get blocked, but it’s usually fairly dirty
I over-filter for the amount of fish I have, so I don't need to clean the bio media in my canister- well, to be honest, after 7 months, my main canister chamber is clean with just a biofilm!

I think my question is more of "Why are you cleaning so much"?
Depends on the media you are using
30ppi foam 50mm thick, stops just about everything
I have used “pot scrubbers” still have a tray full in a 1200xl, but they don’t stop everything, they certainly don’t require the cleaning that the foam does
I have found that the flow drops off (on Eheim classic) after a couple months, not on the 1200xl’s, I still change the 1200xl’s pre filter every 2 months though
For me I want to maintain flow through the filter, with minimal dead spots
Thanks for all your responses guys👍. My decision is made after dropping by Wharf Aquatics today. They have a Biomaster 600 on one of their display tanks, it’s silent, couldn’t hear it. l’m also informed all new ones have the prefilter pipe modification.
Thanks for all your responses guys👍. My decision is made after dropping by Wharf Aquatics today. They have a Biomaster 600 on one of their display tanks, it’s silent, couldn’t hear it. l’m also informed all new ones have the prefilter pipe modification.
Case closed!