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What other hobby's do you have?

Because I like very much plant and trees, next after aquarium comes bonsai and penjing.
I am hardly wait the springtime for first triming and defoliation to my 7 pre-bonsai. Then after my first penjing!
And after this, my first paludarium, of course. It is the best combination between aquarium and terrarium.
I hope to be able to use one of my own bonsai in it.
OK I'll come clean - I was just kidding about the other stuff😀 ...this is/was (hopefully will be again soon) my other hobby...

View attachment 31146

😱 Must be awfully dangerous climbing with one hand on your back!!....
Haha...no I explain a little further down that I'm reaching into my chalk bag for for extra finger traction so I don't slip...just like gymnasts chalk up before tackling certain apparatus like the asymmetrical bars 🙂
...:hilarious: surely you're not allowed to say silly willy...😱
Do you perhaps mean silly billy 😀
6307BF5E-B087-4C1F-8314-6DA55606A958.jpeg 8E305BA9-0612-44B1-8528-50157B58CB84.jpeg 3B975D60-7F66-4FF1-95D3-AD1FC955905F.jpeg Two more tenor guitars out of the shed, one is going to a very famous young lady pop star!
I was asked by her record producer to make one so he could gift it to her for Christmas, I just have to decide which one would suit her best but as I have not had any contact with her I will have to guess ...
View attachment 111503 View attachment 111504 View attachment 111505 Two more tenor guitars out of the shed, one is going to a very famous young lady pop star!
I was asked by her record producer to make one so he could gift it to her for Christmas, I just have to decide which one would suit her best but as I have not had any contact with her I will have to guess ...
The top one is absolutely beautiful imo the tortoise shell back and dimpled sound holes make it a stunning piece.
I have a set of calipers like yours with battery compartment taped down as well. Eats batteries like no tomorrow, especially if left in but powered off, and watch out as just slightly before battery does actually run out goes into a strange mode of giving erroneous reading !!!!.
I'm intrigued as to how the dimpled holes are achieved? if it's not a trade secret 😉 It's something I do in metal reasonably often but have never seen it in wood.
I carved them out of a 30mm thick piece of quarter sawn mahogany (old staircase tread) mainly using a mini girder with a sanding disk & then by hand with sand paper.
The most difficult aspect was forming the carbon backed sides. I had to build a substantial two piece mould for that.
I cut the squares of Camellia & laid them out on some duck tape, then laid up two layers of carbon & epoxy over the little wood pieces stuck to the tape.
Then transferred the layers into the female mould & then clamped the male mould down real tight.
The guitar is very light and very ridged but honestly it has taken me six months to build these two!