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What other hobby's do you have?

I'm not sure which is sadder...the fact that he's getting so excited about a train, or that I felt compelled to watch him watching for trains😵
Lol, i know the feeling Troi, i have it everytime i watch it.. Don't ask me why i do, i guess that's the whole point for these guys to make these sketches.
Or it's just another hobby. 😳 I'm afraid to admit to.. Look up their "English Sports" video that one is even better.. 🙄
Actualy i do not know if i have hobbys.. I don't call 'm like that.. I rather call it passion and or just an intrest. I have to many to call one a hobby.. But among others i like to restore things which others want to throw away because they are to blind to see the beauty or quality. 🙂 I don't have many pictures of what i did build or restored.. Here is one..

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I had my fun so far only sitting in it is a problem..
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That empty corner behind it is the place where my new diy tank is standing... 🙂

Now that is fun.. 🙂 I did Paragliding for some years, that's power kiting to the max.. Till i crashed, broke some bones and can't do no more.. :hungover: :shh:
After that i also did some power kiting just to get the feeling back, still got the Ozone 2,5m² kite, but it's impossible to hold above 6 knots (4bf). I also still have the smallest Speedwing (Mosquito) storm kite they are realy fun and roar like amd old german airplane when pulling G's and scare people. And still have a Prism stunt kite. Thos haven't use them for years now.. Think i dig 'm up again soon.. :thumbup:

Haha, very Pythonesque, and authentic, right down to the swifts calling in the background. Oh, to be in England in the summertime...
Grub looks:pompus: good!......:spam::spam::spam::spam:........:spam::spam::spam:.....:spam::spam::spam:...:spam::spam:....:couchpotato:😉
Hi All, Great Thread😎 The train spotter. I have not laughed so much in ages It is compelling to watch ???

Thank you for posting that Marcel :thumbup:
That one takes a while to sink in.. :lol: doesn't it??? The first time i also had something like "What the hell am i watching??" And why?? But i jsut can't stop lauching about it.
Just clicked on you video :lol::lol: I was not expecting that ending shocking but funny 😀

Hahaha... 🙂 we made a pilot last summer of 5 short episodes containing this scene. There are a lot of great scenes but I had to pick one with the least amount of dialog for here. But the show was so well received by critics and audience that we're going to make 10 episodes of it.
we're going to make 10 episodes of it

You should definitively add the Ham and Eggs scene.. :lol:

I'll try to explain the British..

I guy did book a trip to England, hotel with breakfast. And he call the travel agency and asks "Pleasy can you tell what on the hotels menu for breakfast.
And the travel agency employee replies Ham and Eggs.

But "Ham and eggs" sounds like saying in Dutch "Helemaal niks" which means "Absolutely Nothing" :lol::lol:

So the guy says WTF i made reservations for a hotel with breakfast and you tell me i get "Helemaal niks!"..
Nonono the agent says you get Ham and Eggs..
And the guy says again "What Helemaal niks!!" I want what i payed for breakfast!!.
Agent again "Yes sir i know you get Ham and eggs!!!... And this goes on and on...

Get it??? Unbelievable.. How do you think of something like that?? Ever since i hear ham and eggs i pee in my paints.. :lol:
I feel a new hobby coming on .... plane spotting!

Went climbing the 3 peaks last year and a jet did a low fly by. It's a great feeling but don't have the patience to stand around unless i was at cad west i guess.

The climbing is a bit of a fad as i just want to zip line down snowden tbh.

Also a mad united fan, even through these dark times. Play 5-aside 3 times a week but want to join a team soon.

Love all this handy work you guys do. Wish i was skilled like that.