Unsure what to buy my daughter in law at Christmas ,my son suggested as she reads a lot of medieval history, so l bought the Hilary Mantel trilogy inc the familiar Wolf Hall. Never read them myself but apparently she's hardly put them down🙂
She might like this book... 🙂 "A Struggle for Rome" it's a relatively historically accurate but romanticized intrigue. You can look 'm all up all characters are actual documented historical persons all playing their part in ushering in the Middle Ages after the Roman empire fell apart. If i remember correctly it all happened around 545 AD.
1260 pages, and is actually a pretty good and captivating read if you like the epic writing style. Tho it's initially a 19th-century German work and I didn't read the English translation. So I have no idea how this works out in English. Also, I have no idea, if it still is reprinted and available. The one I did read decades ago was a 1968 edition from the library.

A Struggle for Rome - Wikipedia
On a side note, 2 characters that play a role in the story are Theodora and Justinian 1 the rulers of Byzantium at that time. It triggered me to read also the book "Theodora by Jack Oleck".
Reportedly she was a cunning poor girl from the street using her body and intrigue to get higher up and managed to seduce Justinian to marry her and since he was a kinda sentimental weakling, she gained a lot of power. The original title says "Theodora from Curtisanes (Mistress) to Empress". Both books overlap the same time period and describe a lot of the same historical characters. A book about Girl power i guess a woman loves to read... I'm a guy and I did it's a well-written story.

Theodora by Jack Oleck - AbeBooks
Theodora by Jack Oleck and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com.
All a bit of fiction with historical accuracy.
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