1- In device list we always have to click on "apply" each time we enter the app. No reason why the user would need to do that each time.
2- Welcome screen. Why is there 4 modes (B2.0 Primary, B2.0 Advanced Freshwater, B1.0 Early, B2.0 Advanced marine)? This is so confusing. There is a text with 'Note' which I more-less understand. I will only give my comments for both B2.0 Primary and B2.0 Advanced Freshwater:
-B2.0 Primary:
> Why do we have spectrum picture but not in B2.0 Advanced?
Why do have sunrise/sunset but not in B2.0 Advanced?
E-Ocean selections (Coral and Ocean Fish) not working. When we click on them we cannot see any change in color spectrum. Bug.
timer setting 'switch' (on/off) seems to migrate from one mode (B2.0 Primary to B2.0 B2.0 Advanced). This should not happen since these two modes are supposed to be independent. Bug.
-B2.0 Advanced Freshwater:
> RGB settings/spectrum reset to 0 for no reason in the app randomly. This is a MAJOR bug and needs urgent fixing.
What is the purpose of the 'W' sliders? Is that wattage? White? In any case it doesn't do anything when sliding it from 0% to 100%. Very confusing. Bug.
Time programming switch (on/off) sometimes works sometimes doesn't. Bug.
Time programming (start/end). When clicking to adjust time both start and end present the same time although user has set different times. Bug.
Why are we not allowed to bring all colors (RGB) to 100%? This is very awkward and confusing to user. I understand the light is limited to 130 watts but the way the app translates that in the UI is confusing.
Sliders (RGB-UV) sometimes just don't stick to the % the user sets them to. Bug.
Why would the user need to adjust Cooling? My opinion is that this should not be allowed and the software should handle this in the background dynamically since cooling is dependent on heat and LED use so allowing users to tweak this is allowing the LED to get damaged/age prematurely due to overheating. Very BAD idea.
3. I didn't bother trying B1.0 Early and B2.0 Advanced marine since I don't have reef tanks. But I assume B2.0 Advanced marine is not meant to be used with the A430 Pro but for other lights. If that's the case then why is this mode even shown to users when using lights that are not supported? This should not happen.
4. When setting up the light why is the user asked to chose between 24v or 36v. This should not require user input and should be detected automatically by the app depending on the light that is being registered in the app.