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Week aqua users

Hi, I read your post, how many watts do you have for your 60f. I have a week of aqua z250pro, the max wattage of this lamp is 70 watts, I currently have it set to 50%. and I am still struggling with dust on the windows, like there is always too much power. Can you give a tip, how it setup ok. I will attach a picture of my 60f thanks👍
I don't use the week aqua on the 60f, that'd be a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack an egg at all but the lowest settings.

I have stopped using the week aqua altogether, landlord said no more aquariums and used no pets in the contract to force the issue.

I had 4 hour ramp up, 3 hours full power 3 hours ramp down in the end from memory and that was at 45cm from water surface over 100l.