Now moved to Featured Journals, where this epic journal belongs 😉
Thank you Tim. I did order a lot of plants but it actually worked out far more economical to do a large order on wholesale prices. I still have to plant into pond baskets a range of species which are already in the garden, but I held back a number to place in the ponds to further help connect the water and land. These are Juncus effesus, Acorus gramineus, Carex elata and Schizostylis coccinea. Plus I still need to plant Persicaria affinis bisorta next to where P. amphibia grows in water.Wow spectacular, you really have planted for instant impact, and already have created the illusion of one large continuous stretch of water and meadow.
Thanks Jeff!!What an awesome project and inspiring thread. Keep up the good work!
That must look lovely. Maybe because my plants were only recently planted, they heated up faster while in pots which might have spurred them on to flower faster than if they were already growing in the soil? Thanks for the feedback, Mort.It's interesting how far ahead your ragid robbin and filipendula are ahead of my local broad. The rr is still flowering but reaching its end and the filipendula is barely knee high at the moment.
It is really amazing what you have done, it's so well executed and looks stunning already.
Cheers Darrel👍It just looks incredible.
I'd fairly ruthlessly dead-head it, it is the most incredible self-seeder.
Thanks Wooki! A bit more physical but otherwise so similar. One of my favourite parts is the corner where the water meets shade planting near the conifers. Marsh ferns growing in the water with terrestrial ferns on the other side. This reminds me so much of an aquascape. I am sure many of you feel the same when you see a large root structure in the woods or somewhere.A supreme amount of effort, it makes setting up an aquarium looks like child’s play! It really is a stunning creation!
Let's hope the plants will start to grow at last to help the thread algae disappear. Most aquatic plants in the ponds are not yet growing. One plant which does grow well and from early in the season is Potamogeton crispus. It has long strands with leaves touching the surface and a favourite place for damselflies to lay their eggs. I must propagate these so I can have more of them across my ponds to hopefully help stave off the thread algae next spring.Yes, that slimy filamentous one definitively is, when the water warms up the bioload in the water column becomes active favoring this ancient grow form before the plants kick in. I see this in my own garden but also in some natural pools in my neighborhood. And then it disappears again as quickly as it came and then the plants start to grow. In fishless environments, it stays a tad longer. If well stocked with omnivorous fish it might not show up at all. At least I never see any in my goldfish tub, they likely eat it.
Last winter was a little disaster and this year all is indeed behind, the Irises and Eriophorum in my garden didn't flower at all and the Potentilla barely survived and only grew a few leaves. And these are usually the very first to grow and flower in the spring.
Yes, indeed, that is Potentilla palustris. Thank you for introducing me to this plant! It is starting to take off with runners climbing over the wood and making their way onto land, which is really great:That wood looks really nice!.. Is that the Potentilla I see there?
I have limescale on the leaves of both Potamogetons also, as you can see from the pics below. I used to have P. lucens in some of my tubs and would just rub the leaves every now and the limescale would come off easily. They survived in my tubs but never really grew into large clumps. Hopefully, now they are planted in bigger baskets with fertiliser tabs added they will do better in the ponds.I've also had some issues with P. crispus and the P. perfoliatus i never was very successful with growing them both. They do not like Ph above 8, it seems to slow them down, and while the light increases they will form limescale on their leaves making it even harder on them. That's something you might want to check on a sunny day in the afternoon. Then the pH will be at its highest, if it goes above 8 then those 2 Potamogetons are not the best choice. The pH in my tubs is standard pH8.5.
Really, P. gayi is hardy?!! Amazing. I used to grow gayi in my planted tank. Would love to give it a go in my pond then. Another interesting recommendation, cheers Zozo! I would worry a bit though about how brittle gayi is as I can imagine loosing strands whenever they get caught up in threaded algae.The floating P. natans is very easy to grow for me and also the South American P. gayi grows unstoppable and like mad in my garden. Already have it for 7 years and till now it even survived -12°C. It originates from Argentina I guess it also grows there in the deep south antarctic regions.
Really, P. gayi is hardy?!! Amazing.
Can I just ask you guys about the potentilla.
Potentilla anserina, unsurprisingly known as "Silverweed".When I walk along the dykes at my local broad there is a plant that I always catch out of the corner of my eye, it looks like the leaf shape of the potentilla but it's leaves look very silvery
Hi all,
Potentilla anserina, unsurprisingly known as "Silverweed".
cheers Darrel
Thanks Marcel. Right now, one of my favourite aspects is the Butomus growing alongside the Phragmites and Lythrum which does evoke memories of Dutch ditches and 'polder' landscape we both grew up around.Paradise! 🥰
When can I move in?
Thanks guys😆. I went all out and I do feel very lucky with the result so far. I had not expected year 1 after planting to look so good. I just hope I do not need to move house in the near future as not many people would want to take on a garden full of ponds. If I do, I promise I will list it on the UKAPS sales thread first.That is a dream water garden come to life, When are you taking bookings for UKAPS gardens to be redone???
No problem Gill. Great recommendations, thank you. I have looked into all of these. I would love to have Pumpkinseed Sunfish but this is not allowed here for understandable reasons. The pond closest to the house has Fundulus julisia. The second pond has Aphanius mentho and the third pond has a large group of Macropodus ocellatus and a few WCMM. All are outside all year round. I wrote in some detail about them earlier in the journal. Now you mentioned the fish, I might as well give a brief update on them.Apologies if already mentioned, but what stocking is in these ponds.
As me personally i would put in some Paradise fish, Medaka, WCMM, Danios, Sunfish etc as there are multiple ponds. You could have different fish in each one.
And Medaka, Paradise WCMM etc will winter fine in in the UK outside.