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Water advice

If it was me (and this is my personal view) I would do two things at the moment.
  1. Leave the filter alone (as is) until the water gets even clearer. Maybe take some pictures down the length of the tank every couple of days just as a reference point. Of course, if the flow simply goes too low then clean - but really, really lightly.
  2. After the water is very clear, replace the alfragrog and ceramic media very slowly. One section at a time maximum every 2-3 weeks. Replace with 20/30 PPI sponge. The sponge, by volume, simply houses more beneficial bacteria than either the alfragrog or ceramics. Therefore, doing this will maximise your filters capability.
I would not focus on replacing the external filter you have, just maximise its capacity using effective media like sponge.

I only use 20/30PPI sponge and a little plastic K1 like media and my water clarity is pretty good. (See below). No carbon, no filter floss, no purigen and minimal filter cleaning. But it took 4 months to get to this stage as it takes a long time for the filter to fully mature - ammonia and nitrite removal is only the first step really.

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What PPI sponges are you using on the prefilter in the Oase? I currently use the 30ppi prefilter followed by nothing but (3) 20ppi sponges in a biomaster thermo 250 but have wondered if the 45ppi would do a slightly better job. not sure that the 40's wouldn't clog quicker though?
What PPI sponges are you using on the prefilter in the Oase? I currently use the 30ppi prefilter followed by nothing but (3) 20ppi sponges in a biomaster thermo 250 but have wondered if the 45ppi would do a slightly better job. not sure that the 40's wouldn't clog quicker though?
I have done anecdotal experiments using 10/30/45 and 60 PPI pre-filter foams. Honestly, as my filters are pretty mature, they don't seem to have made much of a difference! And I think that is important - if you have mature bio-filtration and your bio-load is within the filter capacity, then it does not matter too much.

I am currently experimenting with the 60PPI foam, which has been on there for nearly a week, and the flow still looks OK. However, I am using the new pre-filter pipe, which has a lot more holes, and each hole is larger. So the clogging time has been improved by this latest (and most welcome) upgrade. (The new style can be seen here). Are there less 'bits' in my aquarium? Well, anecdotally, possibly, but I was not unhappy with the water clarity with the 45PPIs either. I did not seem to have a really dirty tank when I used the 10PPI - but again, my biofiltration is quite mature and has never been cleaned. (10 months).

On the more logical side, it would make sense to have 45PPI as your pre-filter so it catches finer particles. Anything else will pass through to the bio-filtration sponges or HEL-X13 (if using it).
If it was me (and this is my personal view) I would do two things at the moment.
  1. Leave the filter alone (as is) until the water gets even clearer. Maybe take some pictures down the length of the tank every couple of days just as a reference point. Of course, if the flow simply goes too low then clean - but really, really lightly.
  2. After the water is very clear, replace the alfragrog and ceramic media very slowly. One section at a time maximum every 2-3 weeks. Replace with 20/30 PPI sponge. The sponge, by volume, simply houses more beneficial bacteria than either the alfragrog or ceramics. Therefore, doing this will maximise your filters capability.
I would not focus on replacing the external filter you have, just maximise its capacity using effective media like sponge.

I only use 20/30PPI sponge and a little plastic K1 like media and my water clarity is pretty good. (See below). No carbon, no filter floss, no purigen and minimal filter cleaning. But it took 4 months to get to this stage as it takes a long time for the filter to fully mature - ammonia and nitrite removal is only the first step really.

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That's amazingly clear! And with sponge only?
That's amazingly clear! And with sponge only?
Yep, sponge (predominantly 20PPI) and just1 litre of plastic K1 media. But it’s pretty mature, it’s not cleaned and I have calculated my bio-load is not going to stress the filter capacity.
Yep, sponge (predominantly 20PPI) and just1 litre of plastic K1 media. But it’s pretty mature, it’s not cleaned and I have calculated my bio-load is not going to stress the filter capacity.
Right, so I bought these a while ago as a cheaper alternative to buying branded filter sponges. The packaging does not give a PPI value, which in your opinion would be most suitable if I was to start to swap out the alfragrog tray by tray over a period of time?
I would still leave the ceramic rings in the very base as these also work as a very basic mechanical filter as well as hosting BB.




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I hate to say it, but I would not use that brand. I have heard of them before, and the reviews from people who understand aquarium filtration have not been great! The comments seemed to suggest they fall apart a lot and quickly.

I have not yet had to buy and cut my own foam, so perhaps someone on here can suggest a good supplier with good foam.

I think you are using the aqua one Ocellaris 1400 UV, but what is the size of the tank in litres again?
I hate to say it, but I would not use that brand. I have heard of them before, and the reviews from people who understand aquarium filtration have not been great! The comments seemed to suggest they fall apart a lot and quickly.

I have not yet had to buy and cut my own foam, so perhaps someone on here can suggest a good supplier with good foam.

I think you are using the aqua one Ocellaris 1400 UV, but what is the size of the tank in litres again?
Thank you. And how is the water clarity looking now?

Also, I have not used them, but I have read some reviews of Fluval FX6 users and others, and they seem to be happy with the foam. And it's not too expensive to buy and cut yourself. I cannot offer a personal recommendation, but the foam specifications do look better than the ones you posted. Might it be worth a look and toe-dip by buying some 20PPI and 30PPI?

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Thank you. And how is the water clarity looking now?

Also, I have not used them, but I have read some reviews of Fluval FX6 users and others, and they seem to be happy with the foam. And it's not too expensive to buy and cut yourself. I cannot offer a personal recommendation, but the foam specifications do look better than the ones you posted. Might it be worth a look and toe-dip by buying some 20PPI and 30PPI?

Looking much better, however, length ways still a little cloudy. Some of that is tannins leaching from the wood (due a water change this weekend).
I have been reading bits and pieces around best foams, and Poret seems to feature quite high up the recommended list. I'll have a further look and take a plunge into the world of foam only filtration. I know water clarity is not everything, however, my previous set up was crystal clear, and that was with my Panaque munching through wood in a much smaller tank.




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I think I can see some improvement there length ways! So it's all happening!

How is the flow?
I think I can see some improvement there length ways! So it's all happening!

How is the flow?
I like to think I can see some improvement length ways too. However, some days I think it's more wishful thinking😂🤣!
Low is still strong, so I'm going to practice further patience and see where I get to with clarity following weekly water changes and general cleaning/maintenance without touching the cannister???
Thought I'd drop a clear picture of my reason why I couldn't go straight with a heavily planted tank from the off 🤣😂20240330_211038.jpg
Hey @strangemark, you seem to have a massive fish-shaped rock in your tank!!
Great to see him out! They look positively pre-historic, don't they?!
They are docile, though, as a species? That correct?
I hate to say it, but I would not use that brand. I have heard of them before, and the reviews from people who understand aquarium filtration have not been great! The comments seemed to suggest they fall apart a lot and quickly.

I have not yet had to buy and cut my own foam, so perhaps someone on here can suggest a good supplier with good foam.

I think you are using the aqua one Ocellaris 1400 UV, but what is the size of the tank in litres again?
This is where I bought mine