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Water advice

Is it, not this link, @fredi ?

I think that it’s worth asking whether it it’s suitable, unsuitable foam can contain cyanide, it’s obviously important to ensure that you are using a “safe” foam
Reticulated refers to open cell, rather than intact cells
Good call on the dangerous chemicals. Although I think the reticulated open cell would be fine.

I have emailed Mark to see if that foam is OK and will report back. I also asked him if he could cut complex shapes to exactly mirror Oase foams. i.e. can he make a 30PPI version of the current blue 20 PPI version?

It might be a good way to boost the capacity of the Biomaster without having to use 2 30PPI foams, which do not quite work in the trays.
They are docile, though, as a species? That correct?
Yeah he's pretty chilled, just likes his own space usually. However, he has taken to sharing his cave with the new addition Sterbi Cory's, and Bristlenose Pleco of recent 🤣😂
Good call on the dangerous chemicals. Although I think the reticulated open cell would be fine.

I have emailed Mark to see if that foam is OK and will report back. I also asked him if he could cut complex shapes to exactly mirror Oase foams. i.e. can he make a 30PPI version of the current blue 20 PPI version?

It might be a good way to boost the capacity of the Biomaster without having to use 2 30PPI foams, which do not quite work in the trays.
I have only ever purchased rectangles, then cut them to size
Interested to hear the reply to your question 👍👍👍👍