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Wabi-kusa projects

Surprised you havn't seen these before Luis, they been around for a bit just seems its mostly in Japan :thumbdown: ;

As Garuf says I think its just straight clay based soil and the exterior moss wrapping keeps it together. You could try a clay soil/spagnum moss mixture though.

Sorry T it looks like your thread has become hijacked into an accumulation of all wabi-kusa knowledge :lol:
I have seen the wabi-kusa trays but not the balls, especially all lined up. 🙂 It is a fantastic idea, and something for me to try out. This would allow every small corner of the house to have a plant on.. 🙂

Pitty about the hijack.. 🙂
I think the balls are the 'real deal' whilst the trays are more paludarium type things. Check out my link on page 9 of T's journal, theres some guy who has the proper growing setup with them all lined up.

On the plus side I think the hijacking (apologies) shows hows inspirational your work has been T :thumbup:
Hey guy`s no worries it`s not a hijac as I find this sort of thing so inspiring. I think I´ve got to have another go at the whole ball thing. Especially as I have lots of cuttings now.

For my money I think just using ADA substrate wrapped in moss might result in least sediment leaking out.

I like the idea of using them to set up an underwater scene, would be a great way for beginners to get instant impact. I#ve got a handful of moss from the lake edge, already has several plants growing in it. Keep up the discourse T
TBRO said:
I think I´ve got to have another go at the whole ball thing. Especially as I have lots of cuttings now.
I think I may give it a crack too, breaking down the old tank soon so will have fresh excess moss, can take some cuttings from my emersed jar too. I had an idea the other day of getting hold of some 1-2-GROW plants as these would be instantly used to emersed growing with no transition.

TBRO said:
For my money I think just using ADA substrate wrapped in moss might result in least sediment leaking out.
Agreed, if I went for it I would go for soil then a spagnum moss coating AND THEN aquatic moss (half would be emmersed) or aquatic and terrestrial mosses for the top.

This may sound a dense question but how well have you found they float T? In that 'instant scape' obviously theyre submerged - would they be weighted down?
They don`t float at all really. I tried to make that floating island but it never worked out. Luis has had some good results with foam.....
Here's a couple of little bits I've been playing with.

This one I have used ADA substrate with moss all the way around the outside secured with string. Seems to do a much better job of not letting mud etc leak out of the ball.

This is a lump of moss I took from the side of a lake in Wales. Probably the most traditional WK I've done!

This one was made up of some extra ferns and VF I had. Turned out quite nice.

Here's a close up of some emergent HC growing outside....

These are geninely amazing T, I love 'em! Really liking the ferns too.

I'd gladly pay good money for one of your masterpieces. I was going to have a go as I've got spare moss but I'm lacking in a decent 'feature' and 'accent' plant, I've only got some dodgy stem plant I could possibly use :thumbdown:

Was thinking of trying the 1-2-GROW plants as theyre already emersed...

Also string you say not cotton? Just the standard white stuff?
Hey Neil, thanks for the comment. Actually I did mean sewing cotton, brown seems a pretty invisible colour. I just wish we could get the real ADA plant balls here! T
TBRO said:
Actually I did mean sewing cotton, brown seems a pretty invisible colour.
Ahh OK, if I do it I'll go in for black cotton + moss + and Columbo-Base and see what happens :thumbup:

TBRO said:
I just wish we could get the real ADA plant balls here! T
I agree :thumbdown: On the other hand necessity is meant to be the mother of invention; look at those beauties you've created because you couldn't get hold of ADA!
my wabi kusa project changed already under construction and since then even more evolved to breeding tank/heteropoda shrimp tank/something for my eyes every morning...

about 9 months from planting...




Just picked these up today. Pretty little guys they're Kokedama 😀 ...

Asparagus Fern:

Mini Palm:

They'll most likely end up on the cascade shelves in my tank but for now they look lovely just the way they are sitting in some glassware I picked up yesterday at The Goodwill.
My Asparagus Fern is about 20ft long and 10ft wide now. 🙂

Nice to see it used in this way. At least when i get around to it i'll have plenty of source material 🙂
Both Wabis coming along nicely. UG very easy to grow this way. Easily enough for a small tank now, still no flowers on the UG...