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Wabi-kusa projects


living the latest stuff on carnivorous plants, i'm thinking about getting a venus fly try on the go in the house soon so im interested to find out how they are working.

Best Regards,
:lol: Yeah, I read about one guy who leaves dead fish amongst his VFT to attract flies. I'm sure the cats would love that, wife probably not so keen. With all the sun we've had things grow every day, I have some Utricularia bisquigmata wich has started flowering, hope the UG will do the same.
No misting at all Neil. I just top up with tap water that has been allowed to stand to let the chlorine evaporate, my water is very soft with virtually no dissolved carbonates. The Riccia is a really good substrate and all the other plants are just growing in amongst it. T
TBRO said:
:lol: Yeah, I read about one guy who leaves dead fish amongst his VFT to attract flies. I'm sure the cats would love that, wife probably not so keen. With all the sun we've had things grow every day, I have some Utricularia bisquigmata wich has started flowering, hope the UG will do the same.

Not a bad idea for a UG patch.. I got a tank where I could do this, and got platies to cull, they would serve a good purpose.
im going to head down to tk max and buy a little vase to start up one of these, great thread

if you have platys to cull i have a very hungry jack dempsey :lol: haha
Great thread Neil, I must have another go at trying the "classic" WK now I have some more experience. I always find it difficult to stop the soil leaking out, probably need to use more clay rich soil......
Couple of little up dates. I really like the amazon swords, would be cool if they flowered.
My carnivorous garden is going well the VF is claiming victims and the Urtricularia species is flowering. Needless to say I want to have another go at the original WK but will try a different technique this time....
tanksjune2010010.jpg Your the victim!
Here's the globe doing it's best to keep the 100 % humidity going! Also got a bit of a glosso carpet forming around one of my pitcher plants.



These are really nice TBRO. I like the look of that Amazon sword. I have tried growing that one emersed but it never did very well. Yours is presently much smaller than the potential size.
Thanks, I must admit I thought it would get much bigger, I'm dosing ferts? I guess the sun in the UK is not quite the same as in Brazil, although in summer we get a good 18 hours or so. I've no idea what species it is, as I got it from bargin bin in a big pet shop. Might try again with a really big species.......
Well it's the perfect size and shape for that little container.

I have found Echinodorus cordifolius to be the easiest sword to grow as an emersed plant. The cultivar E. cordifolius 'Tropica Marble Queen' does well too.
Went for a walk on Sunday around one of the moorland lakes near my parent's house. Was supprised to find plants including Hydrocotle species, spearwort, a carpeting plant - like hair grass. Many of the niches our tropical plants occupy seem to have been filled in this cold upland lake. Good inspiring stuff, sorry about the dodgy iphotos I can't figure out how to re-orientate them....
plant018.jpg Instant WK !