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UKAPS Committee feedback

The forum is saved, hallelujah... let's move on.
Agree - I was just supporting a member who was trying very hard to save the forum and was after at least an offer of mod etc, as for conflict of issues, both sides was trying to save forum so I don't see an issue.
I made a similar suggestion in the constitution thread. That the committee should reflect on how they plan to manage the data.
I’m sure there is a lot of things they need to work through, hopefully someone with good experience in information governance and data management can help them out.
I have a degree of expertise in this area and I fully agree that this is an important issue.

I think, however, this needs to be dealt with in a separate terms of use agreement for the forum and not placed in the constitution. This would involve clarification of the jurisdiction under which we operate (EU and UK approaches to data are starting to diverge a the US approach is different to both). This would then need to be actively agreed to by forum members when the forum is under new management (informed consent and all that).

To avoid doubt we can assume that forum has operated under UK jurisdiction.

I would strongly suggest forming the society without reference to the forum as this then makes transfer of assets (tangible and intangible) with indemnities for liabilities much clearer (and easier).
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I just wanted to check. This is a forum for like-minded people to talk and collaborate about planted aquariums, right?

I do not want to be shot in the face, but we are getting dangerously close to being more regulated than HSBC, and more like UNISON.

I admit I'm an outsider. I just read this thread and think something has been lost somewhere. And it ain't because someone did not handle the cash properly.
I just wanted to check. This is a forum for like-minded people to talk and collaborate about planted aquariums, right?

I do not want to be shot in the face, but we are getting dangerously close to being more regulated than HSBC, and more like UNISON.

I admit I'm an outsider. I just read this thread and think something has been lost somewhere. And it ain't because someone did not handle the cash properly.
Bradders you are not an , outsider,your are a valued member, as l think all members are valued ,let's be optimistic ,people stepped up in difficult circumstances so let's give them support
Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 23.28.41.png
Inner voice: Stop overthinking this... UKAPS is an aquarium forum! Let's not impose undue responsibilities on the volunteers that are running the show now. We are not dealing with Mark Suckerbag here. Having all sorts of terms of agreement is a bees nest. Think of UKAPS as you would be writing a piece for a hobby magazine for free giving your best advice on how to keep plants and fish... thats it! ... if you don't want to participate, just don't! its that simple. If you think your posts are so valuable that they can't be left behind in case you leave the forum, stop posting and go write a book instead! 🙂

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email address, name and age...some people use real names etc.
Members will likely share full physical address in direct messages when selling equipment.
Potentially even bank account details.
I trust it’s all safe, but it’s worth the committee being well informed and in agreement as they are going to be legally responsible going forward.

Also, I believe following the law in regards to content ownership is sensible because it will protect UKAPS from any crazy members (think situations when people get banned etc…).

Hope this helps explain my reasoning.
It’s not about overvaluing member posts. It’s about looking after the organisation (and the amazing volunteers who are taking on this responsibility).
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In defence, if you ban someone and they haven’t granted you the right to content ownership they’re well within their legal rights to challenge.


I would also like to know how the new found admins plan to protect our data, as I understand this xenforo stores all private conversations in plain text; that means anyone with db access can read our “private” messages.

I just wanted to check. This is a forum for like-minded people to talk and collaborate about planted aquariums, right?

I do not want to be shot in the face, but we are getting dangerously close to being more regulated than HSBC, and more like UNISON.

I admit I'm an outsider. I just read this thread and think something has been lost somewhere. And it ain't because someone did not handle the cash properly.
My take on this is that Tim's original post was a much needed stimulus for change. Staying the same isn't an option.

Moving forward it is clear that if we want a society that will accept money and spend it there are rules and processes we need to follow. Not HSBC but enough to satisy HMRC if they ever asked. Since that point other issues have come up which need to be addressed around data management and control. I have worked with the Information Commissioners Office and taught this area. We need to comply with UK legislation and the society isn't compliant.

I have no doubt that further issues will arise. The committee seem to be taking these issues on board and dealing with them.

This is a massive undertaking. They will take a view on how much additional support they will need and the type of structures. My view is just to get behind them and offer help and support.

My take on the current structure is quite lean and they could grow the committee to get through this stage of development. If it was my call (which it isn't) I would be setting up temporary working groups of two or three members chaired by a committee member to come back with solutions to some of the pressing problems. So not quite UNISON but a structured way of ensuring you have enough resources to resolve the issues without becoming overwhelmed. Use the smaller executive Committee to decide but work with a larger group to find options and solutions.

My overall take on this is that the society will come out of this a lot stronger and be able to develop beyond the forum. I am not sure what it will look like, however, it's going to be interesting...