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UKAPS Committee feedback

I get why Tim is upset about this, he gave a lot of time to help make ukaps what it is; I have similar sentiment while I was not a content creator as such, I don’t love the poor accounts - I was giving away items and those donations amounted to a non significant sum which hasn’t really been accounted for.

That said I’m over it, it’s great to be able to post on here again and chat fish tanks. I won’t donate anymore and I think that’s fair 👍

go check out my non-journals, and tell me which threads I should read as good stuff is getting buried 😅
Thanks for the comments on this folks. The Committee positions have been filled by the ukaps members that offered to take on a committee role, no more no less. The reality is there was not a abundance of volunteers.
It is of no surprise the members that volunteered are well known to the forum and have a history of positively contributing to it. In the coming weeks the Society constitution should be ratified, which has information on how roles are filled in the future when they become vacant.

Keep scaping.
Thanks, this is good, but the motivation behind changes was the lack of transparency, so I think it is fair to expect from the newly formed committee a complete transparency - that's all. I did not express the interest, have no quarrel with anyone, and do not dispute anyone's appointment, but the fact that you organised yourself behind a closed door, given the circumstances, I find poorly thought through. As shown in this very thread, some people expressed the interest and never heard back. So I would like to push on this, show the community where you considered every member that expressed the interest... I'm not accusing you of handing out appointments to mates, I recognize the members, but it sure looks that way right now to any community member that applied and never heard back from you.

Thanks, this is good, but the motivation behind changes was the lack of transparency, so I think it is fair to expect from the newly formed committee a complete transparency - that's all.
I think the motivation was not having UKAPS fall apart rather than anything approaching complete transparency.