I have read nearly all the thread just so I could build my own opinion. Here are my conclusions:
1. No real and "scientific" tests have been carried out so far by an independent party even by experienced scapers. By real test I mean as in with several tanks at the same time with the same protocols in place (same water changes, same ferts, same lighting, same scape, etc etc etc) and with one or even 2 reference groups to compare to. Of course this is something that only people with a lot of hardware would be able to do since it would be costly and time consuming. The closest tests to a "proper test" that I have seen here is the ones carried out by
@viktorlantos but still those are far from being fully reliable tests and his conclusions are partially subjective. In fact this is something that should be carried out by the manufacturer itself but clearly they do not seem interested in doing such comprehensive tests and sharing them with the world. I did find a
video where they actually made a side by side comparison of two tanks, one with the reactor the other one without it but in all honesty if you look closely that test is far from ideal and leaves place to lots of criticism.
2. Lack of transparency and bipartisanism:
- The person representing TS posting here is fighting tooth and nail to defend the product that he is selling but he keeps saying that Twinstar is not willing to explain the ins and out of how this device works. Understandably so as they do not want to other companies to copy but clearly it does not help in addressing the concerns of people. In fact product a proper test with a reference group would have given all the proof that people are looking for but to this day none have been done by TS.
- George Farmer the founder of this very forum, known and respected Youtuber is also sponsored by TS among other even bigger brands. Nothing wrong with that obviously but his personal opinion on the product would have been interesting specially when he said he would report on it but never did. Below quote was his last one on the subject on this thread:
I have one running myself now. I'll report back soon.
Perhaps he didn't want to give his opinion considering it would have been interpreted as biased due to his sponsorship with Twinstar but then again if he accepted to be sponsored by TS it should because he believes in what they build. So George, it's still not to late to provide your opinion
3. In a nutshell this device "seems" to be more catered to the experienced/professional scaper or the ones that know what they are doing and more specifically during the initial setup of a tank. This seems to leave out 90% of the scapers yet TS does not target the professional specifically so clearly it's a matter of making as much money as possible whether it's fitted to your needs or not.
My conclusion is that I don't need it. Proper husbandry will take care of the algea perhaps even better than an O2 / H generator that turns on/off at specific intervals and will consume electricity (granted not that much). Of course I am still open minded and willing to read and listen what other still have to say, but if after 41 pages this is still not a clear cut case then it most certainly means this product is far from being that useful generally speaking. More of a gimmick.
If anyone feels offended then I am sorry it was not my intention.