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Twinstar..what is it?

Any issue with using a version that is larger tank spec recommendation on a smaller tank? (i'm thinking of getting one and moving it around between a 60 and a 150L)

Is there much difference in the size of the unit in the tank?
Can't say I know anything about the product at all, but may be able to help with a cleaning suggestion for the build up on the mesh.

I have a longterm background in reef keeping and to rid equipment of calcium build up I used citric acid. It comes as a powder/small crystals and you can buy it in pharmacies, online (lots of sellers on well know auction site), or in some places that sell baking supplies. It's used in jam production so is food safe. I used to put a couple of tsp of the citric acid powder in a bowl and add warm water, let the equipment soak in that for a few hours and give it a light brushing with an old toothbrush or similar. I've always had great results using citric acid.

Apologies if this was already mentioned in this epic thread, I've just been skim reading through it. I don't think I've been talked into buying one of these devices though 😉
I would echo a similar question to John on this. I currently have 2 twinstar nanos for my 200L tank,although the guidelines for the product suggest that I would only need one. Can anyone see any problems in me doubling up in this way? I figured that having 2 would potentially be twice as effective,but now Im wondering if there may be some negative effects as well?
I would echo a similar question to John on this. I currently have 2 twinstar nanos for my 200L tank,although the guidelines for the product suggest that I would only need one. Can anyone see any problems in me doubling up in this way? I figured that having 2 would potentially be twice as effective,but now Im wondering if there may be some negative effects as well?

I can't really see why there would be an issue with overdosing, ie overspec. I imagine thou underspec would negate the effect through the tank. But hey, fuzzy science. 🙂 The cheap Hong kong knock off seems to give better scope of using it on small to medium tanks with 3 modes rather then 2. I may go for that. 🙂
Resurrecting this thread with a couple questions:

Are Chihiros Doctors disks compatible with twinstar?
If not, where can I buy replacement disks?

Thank you
Im using a Chihiros disc with my Twinstar. It works but there is a bit of a time delay i.e. if the twinstar runs for 10 seconds then the Chihiros disc turns on only after 3-4 seconds. Other than that its the same. No idea if others have the same issue as I cant find anything online other than mentions of the two being compatible and working. Try it out and see
Hello guys,

Please do not use chihiros discs on the Twinstar, you can damage the product. Chihiros is a copy, so they may look like the same, but they are not for sure.

The uniqueness in Twinstar is the algorithm (automatic program) inside the IC (inteligent controller), that's why there are so many different models. And It does not works with a timer.

Moreover, in the 2nd version they have even better performance, so the program is even better.

Also, they may try to copy the design, but the quality of the reactor is not the same as well.

Please contact Twinstar Iberica or buy it at amazon uk.
Thanks that sounds like sensible advice, it's suppose to be a consumable anyway...😉
I've been using a Twinstar on my latest project, "Windblown Eternity", and it seems to be working - not even the slightest sign of algae, or melt...I know tempting providence, famous last words...and all that😛
Either way I don't care, I just love watching all those micro bubbles working their way around my scape; it's worth the money just for sheer entertainment value, and as a flow indicator😀
In fact it is very useful, save me a lot of time on the maintenance and it simple ...works! However it cannot do miracles when we have bigger problems 😉
Anyway, the thing that I really enjoy, despite the lower maintenance and algae inhibition, is the crystal clear look in the aquarium. I cannot see the water when I look through the aquarium 🙂
Ricardo Romão, thank you very much for the advice, but coming from Twinstars representative for Iberia I'll take your opinion with a grain of salt.

I have a chihiros disk plugged to my twinstar IC and so far so good. I already had spent 160£ on my Original twinstar nano and couldn't find replacement disks anywhere, so my options would be to buy a fake disk that may break for 25£ or a brand new Twinstar nano 2 for 150£ (with very limited availability in the UK).

Since you are representing the brand, please let them know that not offering parts for a 3 year old expensive product, discontinuing it and replacing it with a new (incompatible) product is not a nice business model, twinstar is not apple.
Pedro, before being a Twinstar representative I'm an aquarium hobbyist since I was 5 years old. Despite that I don't deal with products that do not work, that's not how I do things. My word is more important than everything.

Regarding your question, the new replacement disks are compatible with the old Twinstar Nano. We took it into account. In the Twinstar's Website you can see the Twinstar dealer for the UK, however you can buy it directly from Twinstar Iberica or at Amazon UK very soon. For other doubts, even if you think they sound "amateur", please feel free to ask here or to contact us 🙂
This is not supposed to but this aquarium does not see any water change in 5 weeks. Weekly fertilization (sometimes we miss 1 week). Photos by phone, without photoshop

2 Twinstar Nano on it, our showroom.

P.S: Our job is to test the product extensively, so please don't see this as a standard procedure.


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At the end of the day, the big mystery technology that Twinstars manufacturers won't reveal any details about, in their product info or website is actually electrolysis. It's been known to the human race since the late 18th century.

And since the laws of physics of the universe haven't changed since the Twinstar was developed,that's exactly why the chihiros disc does work with the Twinstar.

Because the chihiros disc and the Twinstar discs are both nothing more than two pieces of mesh, that act as electrodes.

I am the owner of 2 Twinstar nanos, which I haven't tested on a tank yet, and am now selling because I opted to get my aquarium balance correct,in conjunction with keeping a clean up crew of ottos and amanos, as a means of controlling algae. So I'm not going to say it doesn't work,and indeed there are many people who have tested and say it does. But the point I'm making is, it isn't some radically advanced alien technology, and you could replace the heads with something home made, if you knew what you were doing. 🙂
Exactly aquascape1987! Its not magic, its science, and I'll take it as cheap as I can.

Do I think Twinstar has the better product? Yes I do, it looks much better designed and built!
Do I feel that there will be some magic in a brand name piece of mesh? Not really.

Ricardo Romão, I'm not saying that your product doesn't work, or that it doesn't work better than the competition, I believe that. But if the competition makes a product that also works for a fraction of the price (even if it doesn't work as well) maybe some people will like that product better.
I also understand that you would not comment on the other product, for good or for bad, but this an unbranded forum where people share their opinions on everything, so we want to deal with facts, not marketing talk or biased opinions. There is room in the world for coca cola and pepsi, just don't make up facts about competition.
Yes Darrel, that would be an explanation. If that is the case, I urge twinstar to say it, make it a selling point.

Right now, twinstar only tells us that they're unique and the product just works, no one says what makes it unique and why does it work better, and that gives me an itch.
Yes Darrel, that would be an explanation. If that is the case, I urge twinstar to say it, make it a selling point.

Right now, twinstar only tells us that they're unique and the product just works, no one says what makes it unique and why does it work better, and that gives me an itch.

I truly understand that you would like to know more details, I really do. However if the Chinese tried to copy it, without saying more details, imagine if they would say. They are only protecting their product and their intellectual property.

People are very professional in Korea and the company that produces Twinstar have a big know-how. Please take a look to their major achievements in the website: http://www.enbion.co.kr/sub01/sub017.html
We also have a lecture in you tube, where you can learn more ( I hope so 🙂) :

I'm also attaching a test regarding fish models.

I do not worry about discussions and different opinions. Or I would not be here, so feel free to ask any doubt 😉


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Hi all,
Right now, twinstar only tells us that they're unique and the product just works, no one says what makes it unique and why does it work better, and that gives me an itch.
Without going all the way through the thread, we think it is a micro or nano-bubble generator, like this patent <"http://www.google.co.uk/patents/US20060054205">.

It isn't a product that I would use, or can really see any use for. It would be fair to say I'm pretty sceptical about most "magic bullets".

cheers Darrel