Quick things to add based on our "almost a month" test 🙂
Our 4 weeks test will come to an end this week. Will post an image on the tank later this week.
- The device raise the pH level a bit. We usually have 6.5 in our tanks, but where Twinstar is running is 6.9-7. This is an upper limit for some bee shrimps but i not recognized any issue. Maybe the increased oxygen level has more weight than the slightly lower pH. Anyway with CO2 and Aqua Soil Africana we read the above pH. Still this is the optimal pH so i am not worried.
- Aquarium glass need to be cleaned weekly approx. But easy to clean. Strange as from decors and plants the algae is dying off, but the glass has a little hair/greendot
- Seiryu takes a bit longer to clean up. This is happening but had much quicker effect on Dragon stones (dragon is still super clear from any dot etc). Also since Seiryu hardening the water i see those Ca+ stuffs on the diffusor plate. I guess the diffusor need to be cleaned in every few weeks to perform the best. We never cleaned since we started. Will do after the test.
Have been following along, and have a few question's before I would sing praises of the device or give it maybe too much credit?.
180 litre , (40 gal UK) 6 month old fully mature tank with CO 2 system issues for roughly two week's.
Was issue corrected before using the device? If so , can one be certain that the correction alone did not contribute lion's share of fix?
250 ml purigen with 40 % weekly water changes and fert routine.
Was purigen exhausted while algae was proliferating ? Was purigen recharged before using device?
Some algae returned due to "powerful light's" according to what has been posted.
Was lighting duration,intensity,adjusted before or during use of device?
30 or 40 Amano shrimp,Nerites, Siamese algae eater's in roughly 40 UK gal could not make dent in algae?
Were these alway's the tank's resident's? or were they added during use of device?
Can one be certain they ,along with possible CO2 system fix before or during use of device,did not help also with algae eradication?
I ask this because it was stated that a lot of work in one week, went on to make tank clear and healthy ,and cannot help but think number's of algae cleanup crew did not also contribute given my observation's of these critter's and number's listed in previous post.
Perhap's the device is product of the Matrix and the hard work mentioned was all that was really needed?
If all thing's contributing to algae proliferation were addressed before or during the use of the device,,I would easily expect within stated one month,to see significant improvement with or without the device.